book / 001179950 PENNY HYMN BOOK. 33 5 Love of God, so pure and changeless; 1 744 Magnify it all in me, Even me. 6 Pass me not-Thy lost one bringing, 57 L ORD, look Even me. on all assembled here, Who in Thy presence stand, C.M. To offer up united prayer For this our sinful land. 2 Great God of hosts, deliverance bring, 3 But should the dread decree be past, 4 Whatever be our destined case, Give us Thy gospel and Thy grace, And then Thy will be done. Bickersteth's Coll. 58 L ORD of mercy and of might!: Of mankind the Life and Light! Maker, Teacher infinite! Jesus, hear and save! 2 Who, when sin's tremendous doom Didst not scorn the Virgin's womb, 3 Strong Creator! Saviour mild ! Captive, beaten, bound, reviled, ! 4 Throned above celestial things, 5 Soon to come to earth again, 59 M Jesus, hear and save! Bp. Heber. AY the grace of Christ our Saviour, 7's. With the Holy Spirit's favour, Rest upon us from above. Thus may we abide in union With each other and the Lord, 60 M Newton. Y God! and is Thy table spread? L. M. Thither be all Thy children led, And let them all its sweetness know. 3 Oh, let Thy table honoured be, 4 Revive our drooping spirits, Lord, A Saviour's blood alone can give. Doddridge. 61 M PENNY HYMN BOOK. Y God, my Father, while I stray 8,8.8.4. Oh, teach me from my heart to say, 2 If Thou shouldst call me to resign 3 Should pining sickness waste away "Thy will be done!" 4 If but my fainting heart be blest 5 Renew my will from day to day, 6 Then, when on earth I breathe no more 62"M S. M. 2 3 "Thy will be done!" Y times are in Thy hand:" My God! I wish them there; My life, my friends, my soul, I leave Entirely to Thy care. "My times are in Thy hand," Why should I doubt or fear? 35 Elliott. 001179950 744 4 "My times are in Thy hand," 63 N Edmeston. EARER, my God, to Thee-nearer to Thee! E'en though it be a cross that raiseth me; P.M. Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee Nearer to Thee. 2 Though like a wanderer, the sun gone down, Darkness comes over me, my rest a stone; Yet in my dreams I'll be, Nearer, my God, to Thee Nearer to Thee. 3 Then let the way appear steps up to heaven ; All that Thou sendest me, in mercy given; Angels to beckon me, Nearer, my God, to Thee Nearer to Thee. 4 And when on joyful wing, cleaving the sky; Nearer to Thee. 64 NEWevery morning is the love, Our wakening and uprising prove; 2 New mercies, each returning day, 3 The trivial round, the common task, PENNY HYMN BOOK. 4 Only, O Lord, in Thy dear love, 65 Ο FOR a heart to praise my God, A heart from sin set free, So freely shed for me! 2 A heart resigned, submissive, meek, 4 A heart in every thought renewed, 5 Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart; 66 Ο H! for a sweet seraphic voice To sing my Saviour's praise, с. м. To show His goodness and His love, And all His bounteous grace. 37 Keble. C. Wesley. 2 I'd sound His praise to heavenly heights, 3 My lips should swell with notes so sweet, The tribes of heaven should stop their song, nn book / 001179950 744 |