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Governor, powers and duties (cont'd)
removals, I 38(9d, 38(9f, 38(9g;

R 144

resources of state, publishing
pamphlet on, I 1675h

reward for arrest of highway-

men, I 208a

state departments, I 856e
state institutions, I 2143a
state printing, I 67d, 67f
state prison, I 341C

veto power, G 45; I 45; R 144
salary, I 38(8a, 43; R 144
secretary and clerks, I 44
staff, I 2398b, 2398c, 2398e
succession, G 42
Grade crossings, I 1319
Grading streets, I 2708
Grain, I 1478

elevators, I 845t, 1205b
inspection, G 1517; I 1515
warehouses, G 1515; 1 1515

Grain and warehouse commission,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

fire escapes, I 1103d

food and drugs inspection,
I 956t
hydrophobia, I 1040a
ice pollution, I 990a
osteopathists, I 947b
pesthouses, I 1023а
physicians, I 944h

school buildings, I 2235b
safety regulations, G 1314a
tuberculosis, I 1042C, 10421
vaccination, I 1027a

water supply, I 1079a, 10791
workshop regulations, I 2040a
Health insurance, G 1762; I 1762,
1746b, 1754b, 1754d, 1760a, 2616a
Heat, municipal utilities, I 2630(5,

Heirs, see Estates

[blocks in formation]

Highway commissions, R 147

Highwaymen, I 208a
Highways, see Roads

Historic places, G 2369; I 2369
Historical societies, G 2366; I 2366
History, G 2363; I 2363; R 136-39,

Hoch, E. W., see Kansas

Holidays, I 1596, 38(9c; R 262
Home rule, G 2433; R 191–93
Homesteads, I 451-490a
lien on, I 419h

Homicide, I 304

Honey, adulterated, I 986
Hops, I 1432

Horse racing, I 887e, 929b; R 114
Horses, I 1144p. 1148b, 1155a, 1155c
docking, I 896b, 896k
Horseshoeing, I 1562; R 261
Horticultural societies, I 1838
Horticulture, G 1844; I 1844; R 76-

state board of, R 147
Hospitals, G 2166; I 2165; R 95
for contagious diseases, I 1023
for insane, I 2198, 2183e
local, I 2200

Hot springs, G 1199; I 1199
Hotel keepers

defrauding, I 318; R 112
liability, I 455
licensing, I 1532b

building regulations, I 1108, 1103a,


contagious diseases, I 1020g
liquor licenses, I 9075

Hours of labor, G 2085; I 2085; R
314-16, 328

House of representatives, see Legis-
lature; Representatives

Huberich, Charles Henry, Civil Pro-
cedure, R 370-76

Huebner, S., Insurance, R 283-95
Hunn, John, see Delaware
Hunting, see Game; Misdemeanors,

hunting; Penalties, hunting
Hurricane insurance companies, I


Husband and wife, G 474; I 474,
720a, 720g

Hydrophobia, I 1040
Hygiene in schools, G 2310a

Ice, purity, I 990

Idaho (governor's message), public
buildings, G 781c; charities, G
2198e, 2215b; convict labor, G
354d; crimes and offenses, G268a,
282a; depositories, G 868b; com-
municable diseases of animals,
G 1144b; education, G 2241C,
2332a; state examiner, G 55b; ex-
positions, G 1662b; forestry, G
1894b; horticulture, G 1844a; en-
couragement of immigration, G
1675a; irrigation, G 1183b, 1183c;
juvenile offenders, G 371(3a; pub-
lic lands, G 774b; militia, G 2391a;
mines and mining, G 2020a; state
prisons, G 341e; railways, G 1282b;
reform schools, G 346a; soldiers
homes, G 2416a; state supplies, G

Identification of criminals, I 369;
R 125

bureau of, R 149

Idiots, see Feeble-minded

Illegitimate children, I 270, 424d,
424f, 4248, 4241

Illinois (governors' messages), ac-
counts, G 853a, 856c; adulteration
of foods, G 956e, 956f; agriculture,
G 1826b; battle flags, G 2371a;
budget, G 849a; canals, G 1384b;
charities, G 2140a, 2191b, 2215c;
civil procedure, G 695a; convict
labor, G 354a, 359a, 359b, 360a;
convicts, G 373a; corporations, G
516a; criminal procedure, G 204a;
communicable diseases, G 1042d;
communicable diseases of animals,
G 1144a; education, G 2344a; elec-
tions, G 147a, 160e, 160f; exposi-
tions, G 1662a, 1662b, 1662c; local
finance, G 2597a; fish and game,
G 1900e, 1900f, 1900g; geology, G
2384b; local government, G 2430a;
public health, G 934a; history, G
2363a; insurance, G 1732b; juve-
nile offenders, G 371a; labor, G
2040a, 2052a, 2052b, 2082a, 2136а

2136e; medicine, G 944b; memor-
ials, G 2376a; militia, G 2391a,
2391c; pharmacy, G 949c; roads, G
2700a, 2700c, 2702d, 2702e; state
officers, G 38(1b, 38(1c; street rail-
ways, G 1337a; waterways, G

Imitations, I 1464

foods, G 956; I 956

Immigration, G 1675; I 1675; R 263-

emigrant agents, I 2114
Impounding, I 1880; R 81-82
Income tax, G 800g, 809b, 830; I 830;
R 185

Incompetents, guardianship, I 446
Indecency, I 278

Indeterminate courts, G 609
Indeterminate sentences, G 370; I
370; R 125-26
Indexes to laws, G 8

Indiana (governors' messages), ac-
counts, G 854a; adulteration of
foods, G 956g; automobiles, G
2723b; banks, G 1679c, 1679d;
bribery, G 96a; budget, G 849a;
public buildings, G 7814, 783a;
charities, G 2186a, 2198f, 2198g,
2213b, 2213c; convict labor, G
356b; courts, G 609b; public debts,
G 865a; communicable diseases, G
1042e; education, G 2220b, 2235a,
2254C, 2310a; elections, G 149b,
168a; expositions, G 1662c; family,
G 476a, 480a; fires, G 1093a; for-
estry, G 1894c; governor, G 40a,
42a; public health, G 936a; insur-
ance, G 1732c; labor, G 2040a; leg-
islative officers and employees, G
100b; legislative procedure, G
108b; liquors, G 904b, 907b; lobby-
ing, G 99b; state manual, G 72a;
memorials, G 2376a; militia, G
2391d, 2402a; mob violence, G
927a, 927c; municipal code, R 202-
3; petroleum products, G 1493a;
prisons, G 335a; railways, G 1237a,
1267c, 1267d; reform schools, G
345c; reformatories, G 347a; state
institutions, G 63a, 63d; statutes,
G 3c, 11a; taxation, G 800a

Indians, I 123, 911b, 2270p
schools, I 2178
Indictments, I 214, 203b
Industrial combinations, see Com-

Industrial education, I 2350; R 305-6
Industrial insurance, G 1762; I 1762
Industries, encouragement of, G
1630; I 1630; R 262–64
Inebriates, I921, 733k, 1320(5a,

Infants, see Minors

Infectious diseases, G 1020; I 1020,
936b, 936e

of animals, G 1144; I 1144; R 84-

Inferior courts, G 645; I 645
Inheritance, see Descent

Inheritance taxes, G 836; I 836; R

Initiative, G 115; I 115, 2465a; R
Injunction, I 749

Injuries, see Damages

Inland navigation insurance compa-
nies, I 1764f

Innkeepers, see Hotels
Inquests, I 651

Insane, G 2193; I 2193; R 101-6

appeals in civil cases, I 733k
criminal, G 361; I 361; R 123-24
family property, I 495
guardianship, I 446, 445m
hospitals for, I 2198, 2183e
local, I 2200
'marriage, I 477a

property rights, R 24

Insect pests, G 1844; I 1844; R 76-79
Insecticides, I 1492; R 72-73

Insolvency, I 449
banks, I 1687

insurance companies, I 1743
See also Receivers

Institutes, teachers, G 2263
Insurance, 1 1732; R 283-95

accident, I 1754, 1762; 1741C

agents, I 1736

annuity, I 1760a

casualty, I 1764. 1760b, 1762e,

17958, 1795h

combinations, I 1740

[blocks in formation]

of public buildings, G 791; I 791, | Jamestown Exposition, G 1662; I

[blocks in formation]

Justices of the peace (continued)

costs in actions, I 737g

fees, I 226a

judgments, I 735r

juries, I 726c, 728b

legal notices, I 697a

liquor traffic, jurisdiction, I 912d
pleadings, I 708i

prosecutions, I 2128

removals, I 389f

summons, I 705t, 705w

surety on bonds, I 209e

venue of actions, I 703i, 710d,

Juvenile courts, I 371(3, 371b
Juvenile offenders, G 343, 371; I 371;
R 96-97
probation, I 371(3

reform schools, I 343

Kansas (governor's message), ac-
counts, G 856d; adulteration of
foods, G 956h; agriculture, G
1826a; barbers, G 1540c; charities,
G 2143a; convict labor, G 354e,
359c, 360b; crimes and offenses,
G 252a; depositories, G 868c; com-
municable diseases of animals, G
1144c; drains, G 1192a; education,
G 2229C, 2240b, 2266a, 2266b,
2270a, 2332a, 2332c; elections, G
160g; expositions, G 1662c; fires,
G 1093b; fish and game, G 1900h;
governor, G 40b; grain inspection,
G 1517b; insurance, G 1732a,
1740a; irrigation, G 1183a; juve-
nile offenders, G 371(3b; labor, G
2040a; libraries, G 2357b; liquors,
G 902a; medicine, G 944c; militia,
G 2391a; mines and mining, G
2035a; state printing, G 67b; pub-
lic works, G 2638a; railways, G
1267e; reform schools, G 346a,
346f; roads, G 2702a; soldiers
homes, G 2416a; state institutions,
G 63e; state officers, G 38(1d; tax-
ation, G 800c; telegraph and tele-
phone companies, G 1411a; U. S.
representatives, G 83a; veto power
of governor, G 45a; woman suf-
frage. G 146a

Kentucky (governor's message), pub-

lic buildings, G 781e

Kidnapping, I 294a

Kindergartens, I 2321, 2266a

Labels, I 1500

food adulterations, I 958
Labor, G 2040; I 2040; R 309-20
children's, I 2118; R 321-29

hours, I 2085c; R 328

mines, I 2121

convict, G 341b, 354; I 354; R 121-


disputes, G 2134; I 2134; R 319-20
employers liability, G 2125; I 2125
employment, G 2113; I 2113
hours of, G 2085; I 2085; R 314-16
mechanics liens, I 419
roads, I 2713

convict, G 358, 2702d, 2702k;
I 358

unions, membership in, I 2137
wages, I 2100
women's, I 2117

hours, I 2086, 2085c
Laborers, see Employees

La Follette, Robert M., see Wisconsin
Land court, I 733г

Land drainage, R 243-56

Land registration, G 396a; I 398; R


Landlord and tenant, I 422; R 8-9
Landlords, liens, I 421n
Lands, G 379; I 379

commissioners, I 774c, 774e, 774n,
776d, 776h, 776k, 829h
conveyance, I 392
drainage, G 1183; I 1183
public, G 774; I 774; R 171–72
school, G 2240; I 2240

state institutions, I 2333
See also Property
Lanham, S. W. T., see Texas
Larceny, I 328, 308a, 322c
domestic animals, I 1883d
stealing railway ticket, I 1229b
See also Stealing
Launches, I 823e
Law, GI; II

examining board of, I 38(8g; R
148, 307

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