Изображения страниц

Governor, appointments (continued)
state convicts, supervisors of,

state oyster commissioners, 2012b
state veterinarian, 1144m
statutes, compiler of, 11i
township officers, 2542b
turnpikes, commission to investi-
gate, 272ia

zoologist, assistant economic,

council, 38(8j

mansion, 782, 780a, 780h, 780i
powers and duties
appointments, 38b

boundaries, 17d, 17f, 178
Flag day, 2429a

grain and warehouse commis-

sioner, 1515a

juvenile offenders, 371j

lands, public, 777a

pardons, 373a

prisoners, 119a

removals, 38(9d, 38(9f, 38(9g
resources of state, publishing

pamphlet on, 1675h

rewards for arrest of highway-
man, 208a

state departments, 856e
state institutions, 2143a
state printing, 67d, 67f
state prison, 341c
veto power, 45
salary, 38(8a, 43
secretary and clerks, 44
staff, 2398b, 2398c, 2398e
Grade crossings, 1319
Grading streets, 2708
Grain, 1478

elevators, 845t, 1205b
inspection, 1515
warehouses, 1515
Grand jury, 213

Grassplots, 2742

Grave markers, 2372
Grave robbing, 1060

Guaranty companies, 1795, 843h

Guardianship, 445, 518d
Gymnasiums, 2698

Habeas corpus, 211

Hail insurance, 1787, 1770f
Hamlets, see Municipalities
Harbors, 1803

Hawkers, 1560, 1532e

inspection, 1480

weights and measures, 1431
Health, public, 930

adulteration of foods, 956
communicable diseases, 1020
dead bodies, disposition, 1048
of employees, 2049
mines, 2064
railways, 2078
local boards, 934

medicine, state control, 940
nuisances, 1665

sanitation of buildings, 1099

schools, 2235
sewerage, 2661
state boards, 932
powers and duties
antitoxin, 1028b
child labor, 2118j

1020C, 1020e

diseases, 10202,

embalming, 1051a, 1051d, 1051j
fire escapes, 1103d

food and drugs inspection, 956t
hydrophobia, 1040a

ice pollution, 990a
osteopathists, 947b
pesthouses, 1023a
physicians, 944h

school buildings, 2235b
tuberculosis, 1042c, 1042i
vaccination, 1027a

water supply, 1079a, 1079i

workshop regulations, 2040a1

Health insurance, 1762, 1746b, 1754b,
1754d, 1760a, 2616a

Heat, municipal utilities, 2630(5,

Heirs, see Estates

High schools, 2327

Higher education, 2330

Highwaymen, 208a

Highways, see Roads

Historic places, 2369

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[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

actions against, 1748, 1755

capital stock, 1739, 1759a

foreign, 1746, 1732k, 1736c, 1747d
accident, 1762g, 1762h

fire, 1766, 17321, 1736е, 2616b
insolvency, 1743

Intemperance, see Drunkenness
Interest, 463

Intermediate courts, 609

Interpreter, court, 667

Intimidation, labor disputes, 2134

Intoxicating liquors, 900

adulteration, 998

unlawful sales, 149f, 214b

Intoxication, 921, 733k, 1320a, 2166b
Investment companies, 1715

banks, 1691

building and loan associations,

insurance companies, 1747
local finance, 2587

savings banks, 1713

school funds, 2241
trust companies, 1703
Irrigation, 1183, 842a
Itinerant vendors, 1586

change of, 710

See also Courts

civil procedure, 735
criminal procedure, 224
executions on, 736

local finance, 2586
Judicial sales, 736
Junk dealers, 1568

cessions to United States, 18

governmental, 17

Jury, 726

bribery, 250e, 250h
commissioners, 729

criminal procedure, 230

fees, 38(8q

grand, 213

mileage, 728, 223a, 230a

administration of, 590
crimes against, 238
Justices of the peace, 653
appeals from, 733y3, 733z, 733z2
attachment, 741a, 741c
birds, protection, 1953b
costs in actions, 737g
fees, 226a

judgments, 735r
juries, 726c, 728b
legal notices, 697a

liquor traffic, jurisdiction, 912d
pleadings, 708i

prosecutions, 2123
removals, 389f

summons, 705t, 705w
surety on bonds, 209e

venue of actions, 703i, 710d, 710e
Juvenile courts, 371(3, 371b
Juvenile offenders, 371

probation, 371 (3

reform schools, 343

Kidnapping, 294a

Kindergartens, 2321, 2266a

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[blocks in formation]
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