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Old Orchard, to the largest congregation which I ever remember to have seen at Bristol. What hath God wrought in this city! And yet perhaps the hundredth part of his work does not now appear.

Tues. 4.-I set out for Ireland. We rode that day (but it was hard labour) to Builth, where I preached in the evening on the prodigal son. Wed. 5.-Taking horse early in the morning, we rode over the rough mountains of Radnorshire and Montgomeryshire into Merionethshire. In the evening I was surprised with one of the finest prospects, in its kind, that ever I saw in my life. We rode in a green vale, shaded with rows of trees, which made an arbour for several miles. The river laboured along on our left hand, through broken rocks of every size, shape, and colour. On the other side of the river, the mountain rose to an immense height, almost perpendicular: and yet the tall straight oaks stood, rank above rank, from the bottom to the very top; only here and there, where the mountain was not so steep, were interposed pastures or fields of corn. At a distance, as far as the eye could reach, as it were by way of contrast,

A mountain huge uprear'd

Its broad, bare back,

witn vast, rugged rocks hanging over its brow, that seemed to nod portending ruin.

Thur. 6.-Between three and four in the afternoon we, with some difficulty, reached Carnarvon. This has the face of a fortified town, having walls, (such as they are,) and a castle as considerable as that of Cardiff. Here we parted with our guide and interpreter, Mr. Philips. Mr. Tucker and I set out for Holyhead. We intended to cross over into Anglesey, at Baldonferry, four miles from Carnarvon: but not being able to inquire our way, (as we spoke no Welsh, and the country people no English,) we could not find where the ferry was, till we saw the boat coming over. We went into the boat about sunset, and lodged that night at a little inn by the water side.

Fri. 7.--We made a little stop at Llangevenye, seven miles from the ferry. We should have hired a guide to have steered over the sands, but it was quite out of my mind till we came to them; so we went straight across, and came to Holyhead without any stop or hinderance at all. Sat. 8.-Finding one of the packet boats ready, we went on board about eight o'clock in the morning. It was a dead calm when we rowed out of the harbour: but about two in the afternoon the wind sprung up, and continued till near four on Sunday morning, when we were within sight of the Irish shore. I could not but observe, 1. That while we were sailing with a fresh gale, there was no wind at all a mile off; but a ship which lay abreast of us was quite becalmed, till we left her out of sight. 2. That a French privateer, which for several days had taken every ship which sailed on that coast, was taken and brought into Dublin Bay, the very morning we arrived there.

Before ten we came to St. George's Quay. Soon after we landed, hearing the bells ringing for church, I went thither directly. Mr. Lunell came to the Quay just after I was gone, and left word at the house where our things were, he would call again at one. He did so; and

took us to his house. About three I wrote a line to the curate of St. Mary's, who sent me word, he should be glad of my assistance: so I

preached there, (another gentleman reading prayers,) to as gay and senseless a congregation as ever I saw. After sermon Mr. R. thanked me very affectionately, and desired I would favour him with my company in the morning.

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Mon. 10.-I met the society at five, and at six preached, on, "Repent, and believe the Gospel." The room, large as it was, would not contain the people, who all seemed to taste the good word. Between eight and nine I went to Mr. R. the curate of St. Mary's. He professed abundance of good will, commended my sermon in strong terms, and begged he might see me again the next morning. But, at the same time, he expressed the most rooted prejudice against lay preachers, or preaching out of a church; and said, the archbishop of Dublin was resolved to suffer no such irregularities in his diocess. I went to our brethren, that we might pour out our souls before God. I then went straight to wait on the archbishop myself; but he was gone out of town. In the afternoon a gentleman desired to speak with me. He was troubled that it was not with him as in times past, when, at the age of fourteen, the power of God came mightily upon him, constraining him to rise out of bed to pour out his prayers and tears from a heart overflowed with love and joy in the Holy Ghost. For some months he scarce knew whether he was in the body,-continually walking and talking with God. He has now an abiding peace; but cannot rest till the love of God again fills his heart. Between six and seven I went to Marlborough-street. The house wherein we then preached was originally designed for a Lutheran church, and will contain about four hundred people. But four or five times the number may stand in the yard. Many of the rich were there, and many ministers of every denomination. I preached on, "The Scripture hath concluded all under sin ;" and spoke closely and strongly but none at all seemed to be offended. If my brother or I could have been here for a few months, I question if there might not have been a larger society here, than even in London itself. Tues. 11.-I waited on the archbishop at Newbridge, ten miles from Dublin. I had the favour of conversing with him two or three hours; in which I answered abundance of objections.. In the evening I returned to Mr. Lunell's. John Trembath preached at Mariborough-street, to a large congregation both of laity and clergy, who behaved with much decency. Wed. 12.-I purposely delayed examining the classes, till I had gone through the rules of the society, part of which I explained to them at large, with the reasons of them, every morning.

Thur. 13.-We walked in the afternoon to see two persons that were sick near Phoenix Park. That part of it which joins to the city is sprinkled up and down with trees, not unlike Hyde Park. But about a mile from the town is a thick grove of old, tall oaks; and in the centre of this, a round, open green, (from which are vistas all four ways,) with a handsome stone pillar in the midst, having a phoenix on the top. I continued preaching, morning and evening, to many more than the house would contain, and had more and more reason to hope they would not all be unfruitful hearers.

Fri. 14.-I procured a genuine account of the great Irish massacre in 1641. Surely never was there such a transaction before, from the beginning of the world! More than two hundred thousand men, women,

and children, butchered within a few months, in cool blood, and with such circumstances of cruelty as make one's blood run cold! It is well if God has not a controversy with the nation, on this very account, to this day. Sat. 15.-I stayed at home, and spoke to all that came. But I found scarce any Irish among them. At least ninety-nine in a hundred of the native Irish remain in the religion of their forefathers. The Protestants, whether in Dublin or elsewhere, are almost all transplanted lately from England. Nor is it any wonder that those who are born Papists generally live and die such, when the Protestants can find no better ways to convert them than penal laws and acts of parliament. Sun. 16. We went to St. James's church in the morning, (there being no service at St. Patrick's,) and in the afternoon to Christ church. When I came out of the choir, I could not but observe well nigh the whole congregation drawn up in rows in the body of the church, from the one end to the other. I walked through the midst of them; and they stared their fill: but scarce one spoke either good or bad. In the evening I had a large number of them in Marlborough-street, both within doors and without.

Mon. 17.-I began examining the society, which I finished the next day. It contained about two hundred and fourscore members, many of whom appeared to be strong in faith. The people in general are of a more teachable spirit than in most parts of England. But, on that very account, they must be watched over with the more care, being equally susceptible of good and ill impressions. Tues. 18.-I was informed that Mr. Latrobe, the Moravian preacher, had read in his pulpit part of the "Short View of the Difference between the Moravians" and us, with the addition of many bitter words. Herein he did us, anawares, a signal favour; giving an authentic proof that we have nothing to do with them.

Fri. 21.—I was desired to see the town and the college. The town has scarce any public building, except the Parliament house, which is at all remarkable. The churches are poor and mean, both within and without. St. Stephen's Green might be made a beautiful place, being abundantly larger than Lincoln's Inn Square; but the houses round about it (besides that some are low and bad) are quite irregular, and unlike each other; and little care is taken of the Green itself, which is as rough and uneven as a common. (It was so then.) The college contains two little quadran les; and one about as large as that of New College, in Oxford. There is likewise a bowling green, a small garden, and a little park; and a new built, handsome library. I expected we should have sailed on Saturday, 22; but no packet boat was come in. In order to make the best of our time, I preached this day at noon, as well as in the evening. It was not for nothing that our passage was delayed. Who knows what a day may bring forth?

Sun. 23.-The room was so crowded in the morning, that I thought it best to begin before the usual time in the evening. Yet were a multitude of people got together, in the house, yard, and street, far more than my voice could reach. I cried aloud to as many of them as coulà hear, "All things are ready: come ye to the marriage." I had then delivered my message: so before ten we took boat, and about eleven reached the ship. The wind was right ahead. Then succeeded a dead

calm; so that we did not get out of the bay till Monday evening; nor within sight of Wales till Wednesday, 26. By this means we had an opportunity of talking largely both with our fellow passengers and the sailors, many of whom received our words with gladness. About two in the afternoon we landed at Holyhead. Between three and four we took horse, and came in the evening to Thomas Thomas's, near Rydy-Spardon. He had before desired Jonathan Reeves to call there in his return; but we were at a great loss, none in the house understanding English, and none of us understanding Welsh; till Mr. Morgan, a neighbouring schoolmaster, came, who took us to his own house; and in the morning, Thursday, 27, rode with us to the passage. We reached Carnarvon before ten, Tannabull in the evening, and Llanidloes, Friday, 28.

Sat. 29.-About noon we came to Builth. At three I preached in the main street, and at Garth in the evening; where I met my brother going to Ireland. Sun. 30.-He preached at Builth about nine. Thence we went to Maesmennys church. But it would not near contain the congregation; so that I was constrained to preach in the church yard. Thence I rode to Lanzunfried. Here also the church not being able to hold the people, I came out to a large tombstone, under a shady tree, and proclaimed "the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ." One of the audience pressed me much to preach at Clero; telling me Mr. J. had often said I should be welcome to his pulpit. Monday, 31.-I rode thither, and called on Mr. J.; but (as I supposed it would) his heart failed. I preached on a large smooth meadow, Christ our "wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption ;" and a multitude of people were gathered from all parts, though on so short a warning.

We set out early, September 1; and, after a short stop near Crick Howell, aimed at the nearest way over the mountains, to Cardiff. But it was near four in the afternoon before we could reach a little village at the foot of the hills, called Risca. The people at the inn here were civil above measure; particularly a young, genteel man, who was son to the woman of the house, and lived at a small distance from it. He rode with us two miles, to show us the nearest way; and desired, if we came again, we would lodge at his house. The reason of all this kindness was, that, a year or two ago, he had heard me preach at Bristol. I reached Cardiff between seven and eight, and immediately went to the Room. My strength just lasted till I had done preaching. I was then quite ready to lie down and rest.

Wed. 2.-I spent some time with T. Prosser, who had filled the society with vain janglings. I found the fault lay in his head, rather than his heart. He is an honest, well-meaning man; but no more qualified, either by nature or grace, to expound Scripture, than to read lectures in logic or algebra. Yet even men of sense have taken this dull, mystical man, to be far deeper than he is: and it is very natural so to do. If we look into a dark pit, it seems deep; but the darkness only makes it seem so. Bring the light, and we shall see it is very shallow. In the evening I preached at Fonmon; but, the congregation being larger than the chapel would contain, I was obliged to preach in the court. I was myself much comforted, in comforting the weary and heavy laden.

Fri 4.-There was a very large congregation at Cardiff Castle yard, in the evening. I afterward met the society, spoke plain to them, and left them once more in peace. Sat. 5.-In my road to Bristol, I read over Q. Curtius, a fine writer, both as to thought and language. But what a hero does he describe! whose murder of his old friend and companion, Clitus, (though not done of a sudden, as is commonly supposed; but deliberately, after some hours' consideration,) was a virtuous act, in comparison of his butchering poor Philotas, and his good old father, Parmenio. Yet even this was a little thing, compared to the thousands and ten thousands he slaughtered, both in battle, and in, and after, taking cities, for no other crime than defending their wives and children. I doubt whether Judas claims so hot a place in hell as Alexander the Great.

Thur. 10.-I preached at Bath about noon, and in the evening at Bearfield. Friday, 11.-We rode to Reading. Mr. Richards, a tradesman in the town, came to our inn, and entreated me to preach at a room which he had built for that purpose. I did so, at six in the morning, and then rode on. It rained all the way till we came to London.


Sat. 19.-Mrs. Baddily desired me to go up to her son, who had been out of order for some days. For one or two years he was a pattern to all the family; till he began to converse more with good sort of He then grew cooler and cooler in the ways of God, and, in a few months, quitted the society; resolving, he said, to keep to his Church, and live a sober life, and that was enough. That was too much in a little time. He grew tired of his Church too, and dropped that and sobriety together. He was now, his mother informed me, dead as a stone to all the things of God. I spake a few words and went to prayer. And God broke his heart. He continued weeping and praying all the day, and all the night; and at six in the morning, fell asleep.

Tues. 22.-I rode to Shoreham, where I preached every morning, in the house, and every evening in the church. But the season for fruit is not yet. Sun. 27.-I preached in Moorfields, morning and evening, and continued so to do till November. I know no church in London, (that in West-street excepted,) where there is so serious a congregation. Mon. 28.-I talked with one who, a little time before, was so overwhelmed with affliction, that she went out one night to put an end to it all, by throwing herself into the New River. As she went by the Foundery, (it being a watch-night,) she heard some people singing. She stopped, and went in: she listened a while, and God spoke to her heart. She had no more desire to put an end to her life; but to die to sin, and live to God.

Tues. 29.-I retired to Mrs. Sparrow's, at Lewisham, where also I preached every evening. Saturday, October 3.-I returned to London. In the evening I buried a young man, who had but lately known God; but from that time he had lived much in a little space. His soul was clonded at the beginning of his illness; but the clouds soon vanished away, and he continued in the calm joy of faith, till his spirit returned to God. Fri. 9.-We had a watch-night at the chapel. Being weak in body, I was afraid I could not go through it. But the longer I spoke, the more strength I had: insomuch that at twelve o'clock all my weariness and weakness were gone, and I was as one

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