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From Chambers' Journal.


when, at midnight, and under the light of a waning | believe that her biography will be a monument to moon, the monster was born, is his sudden appa- his memory, as lasting as the Euganean hills; and rition upon a glacier among the high Alps. This her lament over his loss as sweet as the everlasting scene strikes us the more, as it seems the fulfil- dirge, sung in their "late remorse of love," by the ment of a fear which all have felt, who have found waters of the Italian sea. themselves alone among such desolate regions. Who has not at times trembled lest those ghastlier and drearier places of nature, which abound in our own Highlands, should bear a different progeny from the ptarmigan, the sheep, the raven, or the SOME years ago we gave our readers a sketch eagle-lest the mountain should suddenly crown of the race of hereditary robbers and murderers in itself with a Titanic spectre, and the mist, dispart-strange as it is pleasing, of describing a series of India called Thugs; and we have now the task, as ing, reveal demoniac forms, and the lonely moor measures by which, in the part of the country where discover its ugly dwarf, as if dropped down from the experiment has been tried, these preternatural the overhanging thunder cloud—and the forest of monsters have been already converted into quiet and pines show unearthly shapes sailing among their useful citizens. We are enabled to do this by the shades-and the cataract overboil with its own wild kindness of a stranger who dates in July last from creations? Thus fitly, amid scenery like that of Jubbulpoor, in the Saugor and Nerbudda territory. He describes himself as 66 some dream of nightmare, on a glacier as on a but one interested in his fellow-beings;" and he a poor uneducated man, throne, stands up before the eye of his own maker, addresses himself to this journal in gratitude for its the miscreation, and he cries out, efforts in the cause of human amelioration, and from "Whence and what art thou, execrable shape?"

his desire to take advantage of a circulation which is not confined to one country, or one hemisphere, He begins his communication by referring to our account of the Dundee School of Industry in March should be glad to have a sketch of a similar establast, a perusal of which led him to suppose that we lishment in India, whose objects are not pilferers and beggars, but outlaws of nature as well as of man, who inherited from their ancestors, as their sole fortune and profession in the world, the trade of assassination!

In darkness and distance, at last, the being dis-in giving publicity to some important suggestions. appears, and the imagination dares hardly pursue him as he passes amid those congenial shapes of colossal size, terror, and mystery, which we fancy to haunt those outskirts of existence, with, behind them at midnight, "all Europe and Asia fast asleep, and before them the silent immensity and Palace of the Eternal, to which our sun is but a porch-lamp."

Altogether, the work is wonderful as the work of a girl of eighteen. She has never since fully equalled or approached its power, nor do we ever expect that she shall. One distinct addition to our original creations must be conceded her—and it is no little praise; for there are few writers of fiction who have done so much out of Germany. What are they, in this respect, to our painters to Fuseli, with his quaint brain, so prodigal of unearthly shapes to John Martin, who has created over his head a whole dark, frowning, but magnificent world-or to David Scott, our own most cherished friend, in whose studio, while standing surrounded by pictured poems of such startling originality, such austere selection of theme, and such solemn dignity of treatment, (forgetting not himself, the grave, mild, quiet, shadowy enthusiast, with his slow, deep, sepulchral tones,) you are almost tempted to exclaim, "How dreadful is this place!"

Jubbulpoor, we may premise, is a town of about in India, for ignorance and superstition. Its neigh20,000 inhabitants, and somewhat remarkable, even borhood was specially infested with Thugs and poisoners, and its citizens, to a man, were and most of them are still-devout believers in the grossest species of sorcery. We mention this to show that the singular school of industry we are to describe set out with no peculiar advantages of locality. suppression of Thuggee, arose from the vast extent The grand difficulty that was at first found in the of the territory it pervaded, and the want of local courts for the special cognizance of that gigantic crime. Such tribunals were at length formed in the capital cities of various native princes, with our residents for their judges; while at Jubbulpoor, Colonel Sleeman established himself, in 1836, as chief of this meritorious officer, murder was now no superintendent of the whole. Thanks to the energy longer permitted to traverse the country unchecked. Upwards of a thousand Thug families were apprehended, and sent in to Jubbulpoor for trial; and as everything is on a great scale in India, it was no Of one promised and anticipated task we must, uncommon thing to see in a single morning fifteen, ere we close, respectfully remind Mrs. Shelley; it twenty, even twenty-five, of these wretches swinging upon the gallows. The consequence of this is of the life of her husband. That, even after virtually humane severity was, that the whole race Captain Medwyn's recent work, has evidently yet was seized with a panic; the gangs separated and to be written. No hand but hers can write it well. fled; their individual members, of course, found Critics may anatomize his qualities-she only can their occupation gone; and in a space of time wonpaint his likeness. In proclaiming his praise, ex-derfully short, a system that had been for hundreds aggeration in her will be pardoned; and in unveil- of years rooted in habit and religion was broken up and destroyed. ing his faults, tenderness may be expected from her; she alone, we believe, after all, fully understands him; she alone fully knows the particulars of his outer and inner history; and we hope and

But all the convicts could not be hanged, and many were found useful as approvers in obtaining the conviction of the rest, as they were captured from time to time. Of these there had collected

at Jubbulpoor, in the year 1837, 450 men with their within a week. The latter, however, were rewives and families, who resided during the day injected; for Mr. Williams had become uneasy at a walled village in the neighborhood built on pur- the idea of leaving so many desperate men together pose for their reception, while at night the men in a village guarded by only four sentries. It was were locked up in the jails of the town. Each necessary to proceed by degrees, and let the cifamily, according to size, received from four to devant Thugs feel their way to the comparative eight shillings a month for its support; but as the freedom of the village. mouths increased in number, this grew more and more inadequate, and the children were sent out by their parents to work, beg, pilfer, or forage for themselves in any way they thought proper. Colonel Sleeman saw that this system could not go on. As the children grew up, their wants would be greater, and their will stronger, and the convict village would turn out to be a nursery of crime. Under these circumstances, he suggested to his able and energetic assistant, Lieutenant Brown, the necessity of their attempting to introduce habits of industry among the convicts and their families. Lieutenant Brown set to work with his custom-ture of cotton cloth. And cotton cloth they did ary alacrity, and erected a few sheds near his own house, where he induced about two hundred of the approvers themselves to repair, for the purpose of working at some common manufacture. These men, however, had never in their lives tried their hands at anything but murder, and such work as they were now set to did not come kindly to them. Their reward was to be the profit on the articles manufactured; but the manufacture was so bad, and the profit, in consequence, so small, that the laborers became first discontented, then disgusted, and then enraged, at their having condescended to anything at once so mean and unprofitable as regular industry. One day, in order to make an end of the business, they set fire to the whole plant, and burned it to the ground. Here they had reckoned, however, without their host, Lieutenant Brown; for the circumstance only made him the more determined and peremptory. He turned out the whole village morning and evening for six-the work must go on. It was suggested by the hours, to make bricks sufficient for a shed eighty feet by forty; and having completed the building, he borrowed £50 from the government to roof it in. The lieutenant himself, however, had to attend to his magisterial and other duties from ten till five o'clock; and the native guards were useless in superintendence, as they stood in the most abject awe of their desperate prisoners, and allowed them to work or play just as they pleased. He applied, therefore, for an overseer, and obtained, in 1840, the services of a Mr. Williams, a daring and indefatigable officer, who kept four hundred deperadoes at work from seven A. M. till five P. M., thrashing with his own hands the idle and refractory. Under this discipline, the convicts were able in two years to spin hemp, weave common carpeting, make coarse towels, door-mats, &c., all of which were sold at Jubbulpoor and the surrounding stations.

The first twenty boys were taught the manufacture of Brussels carpeting by an expert weaver from Mirzapore, and in three months were able to go on without their master. Another score of boys were then admitted; and in six months there were in all fifty boys, under ten years of age, busily employed in carpet-weaving. But although such a luxury as Brussels carpets might employ fifty boys even in India, it could not afford occupation for hundreds; the overseer, therefore, constructed another shed similar to the one built by Lieutenant Brown, and set more approvers and boys to the manufac

manufacture to a considerable extent; but, unluck-
ily, when they came to sell it, they found the long
cloths of another hemisphere offered in the bazaar
at two shillings for six yards, while for the same
money they could not afford more than seven of
their own, as coarse as dowlas. This now, of
course, remained unsalable. "Read this, men of
Manchester!" says our correspondent.
"In the
valley of the Nerbudda, where cotton is cheaper
than in any part of India, and where labor is the
cheapest in the world-being six shillings a month.
for weavers who will work with an Indian loom
twelve hours a day-in that valley you can sell
cheaper cloth than is produced at our very doors,
although, to say nothing of the sea voyage of so
many thousand miles, you have to bring your man-
ufacture 800 miles inland, and pay duty on it four
times after it has left Calcutta!"

What was to be done? The cloth must be used

overseer to turn the stuff into tents; and although these had hitherto been supposed to require expert workmen, no one now saw a difficulty in teaching the Thugs anything. Expert workmen were brought from Futtyghur; and in twelve months, 100 people were employed in making tents, stamping the chintzes for lining, turning the poles, making carpets, ropes, and a score of other articles indispensable for a Bengal tent. From the year 1840 to 1847, this establishment has increased tenfold; it has now upwards of twenty large workshops, built in good style by the Thugs themselves; and among the hands are 150 boys, most of whom earn more than ordinary workmen in the town. The original 450 murderers by birth and profession who have thus been brought into habits of industry, are represented as exhibiting every appearance of contentment and comfort; their children are growing up respectable members of the new form of society of which they are a part; their wives keep their houses and village clean, and add to the family funds by spinning thread at their leisure hours, which is purchased at the factory. The wages paid to them average £80 a month; and the goods sold exceed £300 a month. In fine, the paltry outlay of the government has been already returned, and the establishment supports itself.

It was now considered advisable to make an attempt with the children; and the approvers were informed that all who chose might bring their sons to the factory, who would be taught a trade, and receive a monthly stipend. Not one appeared. It was the idea of the parents that the real object of the government was to make their children Christians; and although they, the prisoners, must work under compulsion, they were determined to place We have but one more trait to add to this cheertheir offspring, who were free, under no such sus- ing picture. The question is no longer how to picious subjection. Mr. Williams at length offered, induce the attendance of the children at the factory; as a premium to such parents as should comply, but, on the contrary, the advantages derivable from the privilege of sleeping in the village, instead of permission to do so are so manifest, that the superbeing locked up in the jail at night; and the conse-intendent is able to make a condition with their quence was, that twenty boys appeared at the fac- parents. The condition is, that the children attend tory the next morning, and one hundred more a school provided for them, and learn to read and

write before being admitted to work! Notwith- them all be off, or he would have their heads from standing all this growing prosperity, our readers will be surprised to hear that Mr. Williams has as yet no assistant but a single native clerk to keep the accounts of the establishment. This would be incredible to those who are not aware of the wild extravagance of the company in matters of show and bloodshed, and the miserable per centage on their princely revenue which they devote to the purposes of education and national progress. There are various persons in this country, however, who have an opportunity, as our correspondent suggests, of assisting the solitary overseer, and in a way perhaps conducive to the gratification of their own tastes. Models, for instance, of such simple machines as would assist him in his labors would be all-important to him; such as a brick-and-tile-making machine, a common windmill, or a warpingmill.

their shoulders. He had a bow and quiver full of arrows over his shoulders, a brace of loaded pistols in his waistbelt, and a sword by his side, and was altogether a very formidable-looking cavalier. In the evening, another party, that lodged in the same surae, became very intimate with the butler and groom. They were going the same road; and as the Mogul overtook them in the morning, they made their bows respectfully, and began to enter into conversation with their two friends the groom and the butler, who were coming up behind. The Mogul's nostrils began again to swell, and he bade the strangers be off. The groom and butler interceded; for their master was a grave, sedate man, and they wanted companions. All would not do; and the strangers fell in the rear. The next day, when they had got to the middle of an extensive and uninhabited plain, the Mogul in advance, and his two servants a few hundred yards behind, he came up to a party of six poor Mussulmans sitting weeping by the side of a dead companion. They were soldiers from Lahore, on their way to Lucknow, worn down by fatigue, in their anxiety to see their wives and children once more, after a long and painful service. Their companion, the hope and prop of his family, had sunk under the fatigue, and they had made a grave for him; but they were poor unlettered men, and unable to repeat the funeral service from the holy Koran: would his high

In the account already referred to of the Dundee School of Industry, we gave some details of the previous habits of the objects of the institution; but a picture of the same kind in the present case, besides being infinitely more painful, would have no compensating utility, referring, as it would do, to a state of society so widely different from our own. Still, with reference to the above history of their reform, we must say enough to dispossess our readers of the idea, if any of them have formed it, that the Thugs were mere ignorant and brutal wretches, who murdered from an innate ferocity of character.ness but perform this last office for them, he would On the contrary, their worst crimes were tinged no doubt find his reward in this world and the next. with a sort of wild feeling of religion. In the es- The Mogul dismounted; the body had been placed tablishment at Jubbulpoor they are never unwilling in its proper position, with its head towards Mecca. to relate their adventures, asserting that they were A carpet was spread; the Mogul took off his bow themselves but blind instruments of a higher power, and quiver, then his pistols and sword, and placed sent into the world for the purpose of punishing them on the ground near the body; called for wasuch objects of divine wrath as were delivered into ter, and washed his feet, hands, and face, that he their hands. Our correspondent states that the ap- might not pronounce the holy words in an unclean provers in question were supposed to have mur-state. He then knelt down, and began to repeat dered, collectively, 25,000 persons by strangulation; the funeral service in a clear, loud voice. Two of but he must mean, we presume, that this was the the poor soldiers knelt by him, one on each side, in number of the victims of the gangs to which these silence. The other four went off a few paces, to individuals belonged. The patience, perseverance, beg that the butler and groom would not come so and ingenuity they are now exercising in the arts near as to interrupt the good Samaritan at his deof civilized life, receive a remarkable illustration votions. All being ready, one of the four, in a low from the following anecdote related by Colonel under-tone gave the shirnee (signal ;) the handkerSleeman himself:chiefs were thrown over their necks, and in a few minutes all three-the Mogul and his servantswere dead, and lying in the grave in the usual man

him. All the parties they had met on the road belonged to a gang of Jumaldehee Thugs, of the kingdom of Oude. In despair of being able to win the Mogul's confidence in the usual way, and determined to have the money and jewels which they knew he carried with him, they had adopted this plan of disarming him; dug the grave by the side of the road, in the open plain, and made a handsome young Mussulman of the party the dead soldier. The Mogul being a very stout man, died almost without a struggle, as is usually the case with such, and his two servants made no resistance."

"A stout Mogul officer, of noble bearing and singularly handsome countenance, on his way from the Punjaub to Oude, crossed the Ganges at Gur-ner-the head of one at the feet of the one below muktesur Ghat, near Meeruth, to pass through Moradabad and Bareilly. He was mounted on a fine Turkee horse, and attended by his khidmutgar (butler) and groom. Soon after crossing the river, he fell in with a small party of well-dressed and modest-looking men, going the same road. They accosted him in a respectful manner, and attempted to enter into conversation with him. He had heard of Thugs, and told them to be off.. They smiled at his idle suspicions, and tried to remove them; but all in vain the Mogul was determined: they saw his nostrils swelling with indignation, took their leave, and followed slowly. The next morning he overtook the same number of men, but of a different appearance, all Mussulmans. They accosted him in the same respectful manner; talked of the danger of the road, and the necessity of their keeping together, and taking advantage of the protection of any mounted gentleman that happened to be going the same way. The Mogul officer said not a word in reply, resolved to have no companions on the road. They persisted his nostrils began again to swell, and putting his hand to his sword, he bade

In conclusion, we must permit ourselves to express the pleasure we feel in having had an opportunity of recording in these pages the names of the individuals who have been the proximate agents in bringing about so happy a moral revolution. We have strong hope that the good work will spread, and that the government of India will at length be awakened more fully to a sense of its duty, and even to a sense of the glory it may acquire-if glory be its object-by following up the bloodless triumphs of peace and humanity.

[blocks in formation]

his death in 1786, Frederick may be said to have
enjoyed uninterrupted peace.
For although a
declaration of war was called forth by the Bavarian
succession in 1778, it was merely, as he might
de boucliers; it led scarcely even to a skirmish, far
have termed it in his adopted language, une levée
less to a battle or a siege. But these twenty-three
years of public peace were to the king himself
very far from years of repose. A slight sketch of
his daily life at Potsdam or Sans Souci will best
portray his unremitting activity.

In a convocation held at Oxford on the 1st of July, 1847, "it was proposed and agreed that the university seal should be affixed to a letter of The value of early hours had been felt by Fredthanks to his majesty the King of Prussia for his erick in his campaigns, especially when opposed to majesty's gracious present of the three first vol-indolent and luxurious courtiers like the Prince de umes of a magnificent edition of the Works of Soubise. "Je pense bien," says Voltaire, 30th King Frederick the Great." We have no doubt March, 1759-(he is addressing Frederick and that the good taste of the royal donor will limit his gift to the earlier volumes, which comprise such writings as the Mémoires de Brandebourg and L'Histoire de Mon Temps. Were his majesty to send the complete collection, with what feelings could the reverend heads of houses be expected to read-or with what expressions to acknowledge -the Commentaire Théologique sur Barbe Bleue, or the Ode, in the style of Petronius, on the French fugitives after Rosbach!*

This new edition comes forth with a splendor well beseeming, if not the value of the works, yet certainly the rank of the author. No expense has been spared on the paper or the types; and the editor, Dr. Preuss, is eminently qualified for the task from his most full and valuable, and on the whole impartial and discriminating, Life of King Frederick which appeared in 1832.

We shall not be tempted, however, by this opportunity to enter into any minute discussion of the writings of the Prussian monarch. On his general demerits as an author, the department of letter-writing alone excepted, his imperfect mastery of the French in which he chose to write, and his peculiar tediousness both in his prose and verse, or rather in his two kinds of prose, the rhymed and unrhymed-we imagine that all critics of all countries (unless possibly his own) are entirely agreed. Nor do we propose to descant either upon the freaks of his youth or the glories of his wars. Both are sufficiently well known the former through his own sister, the Margravine de Bareith, and his favorite, Voltaire ;-the latter from the pages of more than one historian. But it seems to us that his system of administration in peace has by no means received the same degree of attention as his military exploits. Nor are the habits of his declining age so familiar to us as those of his early manhood. It is therefore to these the life of Frederick public and private since the peace of Hubertsburg-that we now desire to apply ourselves. For this investigation the biography of Dr. Preuss, with his five volumes of appended documents, will supply our best, though by no means our only, materials.

From the peace of Hubertsburg in 1763 until * Congé de l'Armée des Cercles et des Tonnelliers, Euvres Posthumes, vol. xv., p. 217.

alluding to Soubise)" que celui qui met ses bottes à quatre heures du matin a un grand avantage au jeu contre celui qui monte en carrosse à midi." These early habits of Frederick were continued in his years of peace. In summer he usually rose at three, seldom ever after four; in winter he was scarcely an hour later. During the prime of his manhood five or six hours of sleep sufficed him ; but in his old age the term was extended to seven or eight. His ablutions, when performed at all, were slight and few. While still in the hands of his hair-dresser he opened his first packet of letters from Berlin; this packet contained only such letters as, either by their seals or by post-office notices, were known to come from Prussian nobles. All other letters of subjects not of noble birth were opened by some one of the four cabinet-secretaries. How would his Prussian majesty, thus nice in matters of epistolary etiquette, have stared at Sir Robert Walpole, of whom it is recorded that, whenever a batch of letters reached him from the country, that from his gamekeeper was always the first which he perused!

The king next proceeded to dress himself, and put on his hat, which he wore almost constantly within doors, and took off only during interviews with persons of high birth and at dinner time. His strict economy was manifest in his dress, for his uniforms were usually patched and thread-bare, while his boots from age and want of blacking appeared of a tawny red. Two of the cabinetsecretaries now laid before him extracts of the letters which they had opened, together with various petitions and memorials. The adjutant of the royal guard brought a report of all strangers who had either arrived at or departed from Potsdam the day before. A similar report as to Berlin had already reached the king, inclosed in the first packet of letters. Next came the adjutant-general, with whom Frederick was wont day by day to discuss and decide all the affairs of the army.

Having despatched these affairs, Frederick passed into his writing-room, where he began by drinking off several glasses of cold water flavored with fennel-leaves, and employed himself with replies to his letters and notes on his memorials. At intervals he used to sip several cups of coffee, which, in the last twenty years of his life, were

always mingled with mustard. Not unfrequently, | has become later and later. Well may a French also, he indulged in a little fruit which stood novelist of our own time exclaim, "Tous les jours ready on the side-table; of stone-fruit, above all, on dîne plus tard; incessamment on ne dînera plus he was passionately fond. Parsimonious as he du tout!" seemed on most occasions, he would buy the earliest forced cherries in the months of December and January for his private eating at the rate of two dollars each.

It was the object of Frederick in this, as in other matters, to bring forward hidden merit. In a remote district an avenue of cherry-trees led, and still leads, from the village of Helmsdorf to the village of Heiligenthal. It excited little notice until Frederick, on one of his journeys, having tasted the fruit, was struck with its peculiar richness of flavor; and gave orders that some basketfuls of it should be sent every summer to Potsdam.

While still in his writing-room Frederick allowed himself daily half an hour's relaxation with his flute. But even this short relaxation was by no means lost time so far as business was concerned. He once said to d'Alembert that during his musical exercises he was accustomed to turn over in his mind his affairs of state, and that several of his happiest thoughts for their administration had occurred to him at those times.

Between eight and ten o'clock the king received the cabinet secretaries separately, and gave them his instructions. These men, though inferior both in rank and salary, were the chief instruments of his sovereign will: for it is not the least among the singularities of his government, that only by exception, and on special occasions, did Frederick ever see his own ministers. It was in writing that they sent him their reports-it was in writing that he sent them his commands.

- Since the close of the Seven Years' War Frederick had renounced suppers, and dinner became with him, as with Prince Talleyrand, his single daily meal. The king was a gourmand of the first water; and had he survived till 1802, would no doubt have received the honorary presidency of the Jury Dégustateur; or the dedication of Grimod de la Reyniere's "Almanach," preferably even to the second consul Cambacérès. The bill of fare was daily laid before his majesty, comprising not merely a list of the dishes, but the name of the cook by whom each dish was to be dressed; and these bills of fare were always well considered, and often corrected and amended by the royal hand. Sometimes, when they gave promise of some novel experiment or favorite dainty-as polentas and eel-pies—the king, in his eagerness, would order the dinner to be brought in ten or twelve minutes earlier than the appointed hour. After dinner he used to mark with a cross the names of those dishes which had afforded him particular pleasure. Of wine he drank sparingly; his favorite vintage being from the banks of the Dordogne, and in general diluted with water.

The king's meals, however, were highly social as well as gastronomic. He frequently invited guests in numbers varying from seven to ten, and entertained them with a varied and never-failing flow of conversation. There was no limitation as to rank in those whom he invited, nor any arrogance of royalty in his behavior towards them; but they suffered unmercifully from his wit, or as his butts, for he especially delighted in such jests as were most likely to give pain. Thus, then, came his guests, half pleased and half afraid :

"In quorum facie miscræ magnæque sedebat Pallor amicitiæ.”

After the cabinet-secretaries had been despatched, the occupations of Frederick until dinner were not so uniformly fixed as the preceding. Sometimes he attended the review of his guards at eleven; sometimes took a ride, sometimes a walk, sometimes read aloud to himself, and sometimes Politics, religion, and history, with anecdotes of granted audiences. In these at least with re- court and war, jocular and serious, were his favorspect to his own subjects who were not of noble ite topics, and were always treated with entire birth, nor admitted to his familiar intercourse—no | freedom and unreserve. When the guests amused eastern sultan ever maintained more haughty | him, or when the conversation took a more than We have now lying before us two reports usually interesting turn, the sitting was sometimes of interviews, as printed in the appendix to one of protracted from noon till past four o'clock; in Dr. Preuss' volumes; the one from a president general, however, it ended much sooner. of the Chambre des Domaines at Cleves, the other from his colleague, a second president at Aurich; and it appears incidentally that although both of them parted from the king with full assurances of his approbation and favor, they were not admitted to kiss his hand, but only his coat!


On rising from table Frederick allowed himself another half hour with his flute; after which the cabinet-secretaries brought in the letters which he had directed or dictated, and which now came before him again transcribed and ready for his signature. It was not unusual for the king when But whatever might be the previous occupa- signing to enforce the object of the letter by adding tions, as the clock struck noon Frederick sat down to it a few clear sharp words. Many of these to dinner. In his youth twelve had been the din- postscripts are still preserved. Thus, when he ner-hour for all classes at Berlin; nay, his ances-replied to an application for money, there are tor the great elector had always dined at eleven. sometimes found appended in the royal handwriting But before the close of Frederick's reign the peo- such phrases as, "I cannot give a single groschen," ple of fashion gradually extended the hour till or "I am now as poor as Job." Thus, when the two; and ever since at Berlin, as elsewhere, it celebrated singer Madame Mara sent him a long

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