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expence to be less." I do not corruption in Kent, owing partly know how low Mr. Hume would to the swarms of West Indians, Commissioners, and


others of nearly the same description that have selected it for the place of their residence; but, owing still more to the immense. sums of public money that have, during 'the last thirty years, been expended in it. And, when one thinks of these, the conduct of the people of Dover, Canterbury, and.

wish to go; but, for myself 1 say, that, if I ever eyer have the power to do it, I will reduce the expenditure, and that in quick time too, down to, what it was in the reign of Queen Anne; that is to say, to less than is now paid to tax-gatherers for their labour in collecting the taxes; and, monstrous as Van may think the idea, I do not regard it as impos-other places, in the case of the sible that I may have such power; ever-lamented Queen, does them which I would certainly not employ to do an act of injustice to any human being, and would, at the same time, maintain the throne in more real splendour than that in which it is now maintained. But, I would have nothing to do

everlasting honour. The fruit in Kent is more select than in Herefordshire, where it is raised for cyder, while, in Kent, it is raised for sale in its fruit state, a great deal being sent to the Wen and a k great deal sent to the North of

with any VANS, except as door-England and to Scotland. The keepers or porters.

orchards are beautiful indeed. Kept in the neatest order, and indeed, all belonging to them excels any thing of the kind to be seen in Normandy; and, as to apples, I never saw any so good in France as those of Kent. This county, so blessed by Providence, has been cursed by the system in a peculiar degree. It has been the receiver of immense sums, raised on the other counties. This has puffed its rents to an unna

Saturday, 8 December.-Came home very much pleased with my visit to Mr. WALLER, in whose house I saw no drinking of wine, spirits, or even beer; where all, even to the little children, were up by candle-light in the morning, and where the most perfect sobriety was accompanied with constant cheerfulness. Kent is in a deplorable way. The farmers are skilful and intelligent, generally tural height; and now that the speaking. But, there is infinite drain of other counties is stopped,

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it feels like a pampered pony, turned out in winter to live upon a common. It is in an extremely "unsatisfactory state," and has certainly a greater mass of suffering to endure than any other part of the kingdom, the Wens only excepted. Sir, EDWARD KNATCHBULL, who is a child of the system, does appear to see no more of the cause of these sufferings than if he were a baby. How should he? Not very bright by nature; never listening but to one side of the question; being a man who wants high rents to be paid him not gifted with much light, and that little having to strive against prejudice, false shane, and self interest, what wonder is there that he should not see things in their true light?



country. There appears gene-
rally to be a bottom of clay; not
soft chalk, which they persist in
calling clay in Norfolk. I wish
I had one of these Norfolk men
in a coppice in Hampshire or
Sussex, and I would shew him what
clay is. Clay is what pots and
pans and jugs and tiles are made
of; and not soft, whitish stuff that
crumbles to pieces in the sun, in-
stead of baking as hard as a stone,
and which, in dry weather, is to
be broken to pieces by nothing
short of a sledge-hammer. The
narrow ridges on which the wheat
is sown; the water furrows; the
water standing in the dips of the
pastures; the rusty iron-like co-
our of the water coming out of
some of the banks; the deep
ditches; the rusty look of the
pastures; all show, that here is a
bottom of clay. Yet there is
gravel too; for the oaks do not
grow well. It was not till I got
nearly to SUDBURY that I saw
much change for the better. Here
the bottom of chalk, the soft dirty
looking chalk that the Norfolk
people call clay, begins to be the

Bergh-Apton, Monday, 10 Dec. -From the Wen to Norwich, from which I am now distant seven miles. There is nothing in Essex, Suffolk, or this county, that can be called a hill. Essex, when you get beyond the immediate in-bottom, and this, with very little fluence of the gorgings and dis-exception (as far as I have been) gorgings of the Wen; that is to say, beyond the demand for crude vegetables and repayment in manure, is by no means a fertile

is the bottom of all the lands of these two fine counties of Suffolk and Norfolk.-SUDBURY has some fine meadows near it on the sides

acre, exclusive of the greens taken off two months ago, which weighed 5 tons to the acre. Then, there is the inter tillage, so beneficial to the land, and the small quantity of manure required in the broadrows, compared to what is re

of the river Stour. The land all along to Bury Saint Edmund's is very fine; but no trees worth looking at. Bury, formerly the seat of an Abbot, the last of whom was, I think, hanged, or some how put to death, by that matchless tyrant, Henry VIII., is a very quired when the seed is drilled pretty place; extremely clean or extremely clean or sown upon the level. Mr. and neat; no ragged or dirty NICHOLLS, a neighbour of Mr. people to be seen, and women CLARKE, has a part of a field (young ones I mean) very pretty transplanted on seven turn ridges, and very neatly dressed.-On put in when in the other part of this side of Bury, a considerable the field, drilled, the plants were distance lower, I saw a field of a fortnight old. He has a much Rape, transplanted very thick, larger crop in the transplanted for, I suppose, sheep feed in the than in the drilled part. But, if spring. The farming all along it had been a fly-year, he might to Norwich is very good. The have had none in the drilled part, while, in all probability, the crop in the transplanted part would have been better than it now is, seeing that a wet summer, though

land clean, and every thing done in a masterly manner.

TUESDAY, 11 DEC.-MR. SAMUEL CLARKE, my host, has about 30 acres of Swedes in rows. | favourable to the hitting of the Some at 4 feet distances, some at Swedes, is by no means favour30 inches; and, about 4 acres of able to their attaining a great size the 4 feet Swedes were trans-of bulb. This is the case this year planted. I have seen thousands with all turnips. A great deal of of acres of Swedes in these coun-leaf and neck, but, not bulbs in ties, and here are the largest crops proportion. The advantages of that I have seen. The widest transplanting are, first, you make rows are decidedly the largest sure of a crop in spite of fly; crops here. And, the trans- and, second, you have six weeks planted, though under disadvanta- or two months longer to prepare geous circumstances, amongst the your ground. And the advanbest of the best. The wide rows tages of wide rows are, first, that amount to at least 20 tons to the you want only about half the

quantity of manure; and, second, lawful queen. Fox's "Book of that you plough the ground two Martyrs," that ought to be called or three times during the summer. "the Book of Liars," says that Grove, near Holt, Thursday, Cranmer, the recanter and re-re13th Decr.-Came to the Grove canter, held out his offending hand (Mr. Withers's), near Holt, along in the flames, and cried out "that with Mr. Clarke. Through Nor-hand, that hand!" If he had wich to Aylsham and then to Holt. cried out Catherine! Catherine! On our road we passed the house I should have thought better of of the late Lord Suffield, who him; but, it is clear, that the married Castlereagh's wife's sis- whole story is a lie, invented by ter, who is a daughter of the late the protestants, and particularly Earl of Buckinghamshire, who by the sectarians, to white-wash had for so many years that thump-the character of this perfidious ing sinecure of eleven thousand a hypocrite and double apostate, year in Ireland, and who was the who, if bigotry had something to son of a man that, under the name do in bringing him to the stake, of Mr. Hobart, cut such a figure certainly deserved his fate, if any in supporting Lord North and af- offences committed by man can terwards Pitt, and was made a deserve so horrible a punishment. peer under the auspices of the -The present LORD SUFFIELD latter of these two heaven-born is that Mr. EDWARD HARBORD, Ministers. This house, which is whose father-in-law left him 5007. a very ancient one, was, they say, to buy a seat in parliament, and the birth-place of Ann de Bo- who refused to carry an adress to leyne, the mother of Queen Eliza- the late beloved and lamented beth. Not much matter; for she Queen, because Major Cartwright married the king while his real and myself were chosen to accomwife was alive. I could have ex-pany him! Never mind, my lord; cused her, if there had been no marrying in the case; but, hypocrisy, always bad, becomes detestable when it resorts to religious ceremony as its mask. She, no more than Cranmer, seems, to her last moments, to have remembered her sins against her

you will grow less fastidious! They say, however, that he is really good to his tenants, and has told them, that he will take any thing that they can give. There is some sense in this! He is a great BibleMan; and, it is strange that he cannot see, that things are out of

order, when his interference in see the estate of Mr. Hardy at this way can be at all necessary, LEVERINGSETT, a hamlet about while there is a Church that re- two miles from Holt. This is the ceives a tenth part of the produce first time that I have seen a valley of the earth.-There are some oak in this part of England. From woods here, but very poor. Not Holt you look, to the distance of like those, not near like the worst seven or eight miles, over a very of those, in Hampshire and Here-fine valley, leaving a great deal fordshire. All this eastern coast of inferior hill and dell within its seems very unpropitious to trees boundaries. At the bottom of of all sorts. We passed through this general valley, Mr. Hardy the estate of a Mr. Marsin, whose has a very beautiful estate of house is near the road, a very about four hundred acres. His poor spot, and the first really house is at one end of it near the poor ground I have seen in Nor-high road, where he has a maltfolk. A nasty spewy black gravel house and a brewery, the neat on the top of a sour clay. It is and ingenious manner of managworse than the heaths between ing which I would detail if my Godalming and Liphook; for, total unacquaintance with machiwhile it is too poor to grow any nery did not disqualify me for the thing but heath, it is too cold to task. His estate forms a valley give you the chirping of the of itself, somewhat longer than grasshopper in summer." How-broad. The tops, and the sides ever, Mr. Marsin has been top of the tops of the hills round it, wise to enclose this wretched land, which is just like that which Lord Caernarvon has enclosed in the parishes of Highclere and Berghclere, and which, for tillage, really is not worth a single farthing carriage. The fields, the fences, an acre.-Holt is a little, old- the yards, the stacks, the buildfashioned, substantially-built mar-ings, the cattle, all showed the ket-town. The land just about greatest judgement and industry. it, or, at least, towards the east, is There was really nothing that the poor, and has been lately en-most critical observer, could say closed. was out of order. However, the Went to forest trees do not grow ́well here,

Friday, 14th Dec. ·

and also several little hillocks in the valley itself, are judiciously planted with trees of various sorts, leaving good wide roads, so that it is easy to ride round them in a

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