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The Coast of China,


1831, 1832, & 1833.



THE system of excluding foreigners from all intercourse with China, has often been extolled as the greatest proof of wisdom in her rulers; but, upon a nearer investigation, it will be found that nothing is more at variance with sound policy than this unnatural law of restriction.

All mankind are created and upheld by the same God, descended from the same parents, subject to the same changes, are living under the same canopy of heaven, upon the same planet, and therefore have a natural right to claim fellowship. The refusal of it is a transgression of

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An emperor of China, in 1300, before the Tartar Conquest, sent an embassy to Japan for the sake of cultivating an amicable intercourse. In his letter he said, "The sages considered the whole world as one family; but if all the members have not a friendly intercourse, how can it be said, that the principle of one family is maintained?"


the divine law of benevolence, which is equally binding upon all the nations of the earth. Savages might better be excused for secluding themselves from other nations, since the loss must be chiefly their own; but a people, like the Chinese, acquainted with letters, endowed with intelligence, and boasting of a civilization superior to that of any other nation, cannot do the same without injury to others, as well as themselves.

The most deplorable consequence of this unsocial system is, that the worship of the only living and true God has been thereby excluded from this vast empire. Whilst all nature proclaims an Almighty Creator and Preserver, the sons of China worship the work of their own hands. Peace is proclaimed between God and men, through the mediation of Jesus Christ, the Saviour, not of any favoured nation, but of the world;' but China has not welcomed these 'glad tidings.' Although she once despatched ambassadors to India to inquire into the doctrines of Budhism, she has never been equally anxious to possess the divine revelation, or to examine it when brought to her doors. It may perhaps be said in excuse for the Chinese, that the true Gospel was formerly purposely withheld from them, whilst they were offered, in its stead, only

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