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regiment, where his jackal exploits were unknown."

"Ha, ha!" laughed the Colonel. "I reremember him well: he went home a few years ago."

The shades of evening were beginning to fall, and the darkness began rapidly to close in upon the little valley, when we prepared to return home. A few of us, amongst whom were the Chaplain and Ensign Fanshawe, preferred walking down the valley, and there mounting; so the horses were led away by the servants, and we followed leisurely, enjoying as long as we could the beauty of the scene.

"Grace," said the Ensign, "supposing a tiger bounced out of that bush and caught hold of you ?" Grace did not answer, but cast an anxious glance at the bush in question.

"Is there a tiger there? Can you see one?" she whispered.

"No, I don't," said he. "I would not give much for our lives if there were." We walked along, talking about a variety of subjects, until gradually the Chaplain had most of the conversation. Turning to Grace, he said:

"Talking about tigers and wild animals. makes me think of a beautiful Bible story." "What is it? Do tell us," said Grace.

"The story of the youthful David tending his flocks by night on the Judean plains. When the lion and the bear came out against them, he slew them bravely, and saved his sheep by exposing himself to danger in their stead, and for their sakes. But there is one lion mentioned in Scripture, a kingly, mighty one-He whose power and prowess are ever for good, and not for harm; He whose likeness should be stamped on the heart of every Christian-I mean the Lion of the tribe of Judah." As we thus talked in the solemn quiet of that beautiful spot the night closed over us. A hush fell over us all; and while the twinkling stars peeped down from the blue vault of heaven, there was not one present but thought at that moment, not of danger or earthly foe, not of the terror by night, but of Him who should be our shield and buckler, "the Lion of the tribe of Judah."

It was the last time two of us ever saw the Valley of the Hot Wells; one remembers it well, and the other-does she think of it too? Perhaps she may, in some dim, far-off vision of her life on earth; but in perfect day, secure from harm, she stands for ever in the joyful presence of "the Lion of the tribe of Judah."

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"When gathering clouds around I view,
And days are dark, and friends are few,
On Him I lean, who not in vain
Experienced every human pain.
He sees my wants, allays my fears,
And counts and treasures up my tears."

N the

year 1857 there swept over India a vast, a fearful, and an unexpected storm -I mean the great and terrible mutiny. Looking on the events of that period of sorrow and terror as upon some fearful nightmare, some horrible dream of the past, we are hardly able to realise it in its intensity. The pent-up floods of revenge had burst the barrier, and poured upon the devoted heads of the English. Before the struggle had commenced in the district where the Ogilvies lived, I left them to return to Calcutta. I could not prevail upon

the Colonel to allow his wife and Grace to accompany me. He, indeed, might have been willing, but she would not leave him, she was a true wife, and she said:

"If trouble comes, shall I go away, and leave him to bear it alone? No; I had rather stay with him and die than go."

"But Grace, why need she stay ?"

They turned to her for her own answer; she looked at them for a moment, and then replied:

"I don't want to go, auntie; I will stay too."

And the Colonel said, "Very well."

So I went back all alone.

At that time none of us fully knew the extent of the danger that was impending. It is true that we had heard faint whispers of what might happen; but in such a small station, being merely a military outpost, there surely was nothing to tempt the mutineers. Colonel Ogilvie never suspected his own men. He knew each by name, and thought he could trust them implicitly. But he soon was undeceived, and began to suspect that something was wrong, and that they were disaffected also. This was not exhibited by any open acts of insubordination; but there was a gravity about

the men-an absence of the usual noisy mirth, whilst not unfrequently small knots might be caught in out-of-the-way corners whispering mysteriously. Slowly, but all too surely, the suspicion grew and grew. Each officer felt that he was treading on a volcano that might burst at any moment. But the suspense was not of long continuance; and at length the fact was revealed in all its awfulness that the whole regiment was in league with the mutineers. Unable to fly, compelled to remain, the daily life of the English officers and families became one of imminent peril. They knew not at what moment the sepoys might rise and kill them. Resistance was out of the question; for what could one man do against a hundred? But there was no act of violence reported, though the discipline was lax, and the officers perceived that they commanded only in name.

At last the day arrived when the sepoys, incited, no doubt, by the tales of horrible massacre perpetrated by their countrymen in the adjacent towns, broke out into open rebellion. In a body they rushed out at a given signal, and began with the first house which came in their way inhabited by a European, and commenced their work of butchery.

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