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"And so adieu, good madam; never more

"Will I my master's tears to you deplore," &c.

I offer no apology for the length of the foregoing extract, the book from which it is taken, being so uncommon, that only one copy, except that in my own possession, has hitherto occurred. Even Dr. Farmer, the late Rev. T. Warton, Mr. Reed, and Mr. Malone, were unacquainted with this Collection of Gooeg's Poetry. STEEVENS.

Thus far Mr. Steevens. By the kindness of my friend, Mr. Heber, the present possessor of the very rare book which has been quoted, I am enabled to add the remainder of Barnaby Googe's poem, from which it will appear that if there be any resemblance at all between the story of his Egloge and the fable of TwelfthNight, it is very remote indeed :

"She then with mased countnaunce


"and teares y gushing fell,

Astonyed answerde thus, loe nowe
"alas I se to well.

"Howe longe I haue deceyued ben,


by the Valerius heare,

"I never yet beleued before,

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nor tyll this tyme dyd feare,

"That thou dydste for thy mayster sue

"but onely for my sake.

"And for my syght, I euer thought

"thou dydste thy trauayle take

"But nowe I se the contrarye,

"thou nothynge carste for me,

"Synce fyrst thou knewste, the fyerye flames
"that I haue felte by the,

"O Lorde how yll, thou doste requyte

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"that I for the haue done,

I curse the time, that frendshyp fyrst,
"to showe, I haue begon

"O Lorde I the beseche let me,
"in tyme reuenged be:

"And let hym knowe that he hath synd
"in this misusynge me.

"I can not thynke, but Fortune once,
"shall the rewarde for all,


And vengeaunce due for thy deserts
"in tyme shall on the fall.

"And tell thy maister Faustus nowe,
"yf he wolde haue me lyve :
"that neuer more he sewe to me,
"this aunswere last I gyve :

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Mr. Malone was of opinion that the plot of this play was rather taken from The Historie of Apolonius and Silla, which is the second tale in a collection, by Barnabe Riche, entitled Rich his Farewell to Militarie Profession, which first appeared in 1583. In compliance with his intention, it is here inserted. I ought, in justice, to add, that I am not sure that this was Mr. Malone's own discovery, for I find it pointed out in a very modest and respectful letter addressed to him, in the year 1806, by Mr. Octavius Gilchrist of Stamford.

"During the time that the famous citty of Constantinople, remained in the handes of the Christians, amongst many other noble men, that kept their abiding in that florishing citty, there was one whose name was Apolonius, a worthy duke, who being but a very



yong man, and euen then newe come to his possessions which were very great, leuied a mighty bande of men, at his owne proper charges, with whom hee serued against the Turke, during the space of one whole yeere, in which time although it were very short, this young duke so behaued himselfe, as well by prowesse and valiance shewed with his owne hands, as otherwise, by his wisdome and liberality, vsed towards his souldiors, that all the world was filled with the fame of this noble duke. When he had thus spent one yeeres seruice, he caused his trompet to sound a retrait, and gathering his company together, and imbarking themselues he set saile, holding his course towards Constantinople: but beeing vpon the sea, by the extremity of a tempest which sodainely fell, his fleete was seuered some one way, and some an other, but hee him selfe recouered the Isle of Cypres, where he was worthily receiued by Pontus duke and gouernour of the same isle, with whom hee lodged, while his shippes were new repairing.

"This Pontus that was lord and gouernour of this famous isle, was an auncient duke, and had two children, a sonne and a daughter, his son was named Siluio, of whom hereafter we shal haue further occasion to speake, but at this instant he was in the parts of Africa, seruing in the warres.

"The daughter her name was Silla, whose beauty was so pereles, that she had the soueraignty amongst all other dames, as well for her beauty as for the noblenesse of her birth. This Silla hauing heard of the worthinesse of Apolonius, this yong duke, who besides his beauty and good graces, had a certaine natural allurement, that being now in his company in her fathers court, she was so strangely attached with the loue of Apolonius, that there was nothing might content her but his presence and sweet sight, and although she saw no maner of hope, to attaine to that she most desired knowing Apolonius to be but a guest, and ready to take the benefit of the next wind, and to depart into a straunge countrye, whereby shee was bereaued of all possibility euer to see him againe, and therefore striued with her selfe to leaue her fondnesse, but al in vaine it would not bee, but like the fowle which is once limed, the more shee striueth, the faster she tyeth her selfe. So Silla was now constrained perforce her will to yield to loue, wherefore from time to time, shee vsed so great familiarity with him, as her honour might well permitte, and fed him with such amorous baites, as the modestye of a maide, could reasonably afforde, which when shee perceiued, did take but small effect, feeling her selfe out raged with the extremity of her passion, by the onely countenance that she bestowed vpon Apolonius, it might haue bene well perceiued, that the very eyes pleaded vnto him for pitie and reBut Apolonius comming but lately from out the field, from the chasing of his enemies, and his fury not yet throughly desolued, nor purged from his stomacke, gaue no regard to those


amorous entisements, which by reason of his youth, he had not bin acquainted withall. But his minde ran more to heare his pilots, bring newes of a merry wind, to serue his turne to Constantinople, which in the ende came very prosperously: and giuing Duke Pontus hearty thankes for his great entertainement, taking his leaue of himselfe, and the lady Silla his daughter, departed with his company, and with a happy gale ariued at his desired porte; Gentlewoman according to my promise, I will here for breuities sake, omit to make repetition of the long and dolorous discourse recorded by Silla, for this sodaine departure of Apolonius, knowing you to be as tenderly hearted as Silla her selfe, whereby you may the better coniecture the furie of her feuer.

"But Silla the further that she saw her selfe bereaued of al hope, euer any more to see her beloued Apolonius, so much the more contagious were her passions, and made the greater speed to execute that she had premeditated in her minde, which was this: Amongest many seruants that did attend vpon her, there was one whose name was Pedro, who had a long time waited vpon her in her chamber, whereby shee was well assured of his fidelity and trust to that Pedro, therefore shee bewraied first the feruencie of her loue borne to Apolonius, coniuring him in the name of the Gods [Goddess] of Loue her selfe, and binding him by the duety that a seruant ought to haue, that tendereth his mistresse safety and good liking, and desiring him with teares trickling downe her cheekes, that hee would giue his consent to aide and assiste her, in that she had determined, which was for that she was fully resolued to goe to Constantinople, where she might againe take the view of her beloued Apolonius, that hee according to the trust she had reposed in him, would not refuse to giue his consent, secretly to conuey her from out her fathers court according as she would giue him direction, and also to make himselfe partaker of her iourney, and to waite vpon her, till she had seen the ende of her determination.

"Pedro perceiuing with what vehemencie his lady and mistresse had made request vnto him, albeit hee sawe many perilles and doubts, depending in her pretence, notwithstanding, gaue his consent to bee at her disposition, promising her to further her with his best aduice, and to bee ready to obey whatsoeuer shee would please to commaund him. The match beeyng thus agreed vpon, and all things prepared in a readinesse for their departure: it happened there was a galley of Constantinople, ready to depart, which Pedro vnderstanding came to the captaine, desiring him to haue passage for himselfe, and for a poore maide that was his sister, which were bounde to Constantinople vpon certaine vrgent affaires, to which request, the captaine graunted, willing him to prepare aboarde with all speed, because the winde serued him presently to depart.

"Pedro now commyng to his misters [mistress], and tellyng her how he had handeled the matter with the captaine, she likyng verie well of the deuise, disguisyng her selfe into verie simple atyre, stoole away from out her fathers court, and came with Pedro, whom now she called brother aboarde the gallye, where al things being in readinesse and the wind seruing verie wel, they launched forth with their oores, and set saile, when they were at the sea, the captaine of the galley taking the vew of Silla, perceiuing her singular beautie, he was better pleased in beholdyng of her face, then in takyng the height either of the sunne or starre, and thinking her by the homlinesse of her apparell, to be but some simple maiden, calling her into his cabin, he beganne to break with her after the sea fashion, desiring her to vse his owne cabin for her better ease: and during the time that she remained at the sea, she should not want a bed, and then whispering softly in her eare, he saied, that for want of a bedfellow, he himselfe would supply that rome. Silla not being acquainted with any such talke, blushed for shame, but made him no answer at all, my captaine feeling such bickering within himselfe, the like whereof he had neuer indured vpon the sea: was like to be taken prisoner aboard his owne ship, and forced to yeeld himselfe captiue without any cannon shot, wherefore to salue all sores, and thinking it the readiest way to speed, he began to breake with Silla in the way of marriage, telling her how happy a voyage she had made, to fal into the lyking of such a one as himselfe was, who was able to keepe and maintaine her like a gentlewoman, and for her sake would likewise take her brother into his fellowship, whom hee would by some meanes prefer in such sort, that both of them should haue good cause to thinke themselues thrise happy, shee to light of such a husband, and he to light of such a brother. But Silla nothing pleased with these preferments, desired him to cease his talke, for that she did thinke her selfe indeede to be too vnworthy such a one as hee was, neither was she minded yet to marry, and therefore desired him to fixe his fancie vpon some that were better worthy then her selfe was, and that could better like of his courtesie then she could do, the captaine seeing himselfe thus refused, being in a great chafe, he said as followeth

"Then seeing you make so little accompt of my courtesie, proffered to one that is so far vnworthy of it, from henceforth I will vse the office of my authority, you shall know that I am the captaine of this shippe, and haue power to commaund and dispose of things at my pleasure; and seeing you haue so scornfully reiected me to be your loyall husband, I will now take you by force, and vse you at my will, and so long as it shall please me, will keepe you for mine owne store, there shall be no man able to defend you, nor yet to perswade me from that I haue determined. Silla with these words being stroke into a great feare,

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