The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, Том 1C. and A. Conrad & Company, 1809 |
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Стр. 58
... died of that malignant distemper ; and one only of the whole number resided , not in Stratford , but in the neighbouring town of Welcombe . the 237 inhabitants of Stratford , whose names appear in the re- gister , twenty - one are to be ...
... died of that malignant distemper ; and one only of the whole number resided , not in Stratford , but in the neighbouring town of Welcombe . the 237 inhabitants of Stratford , whose names appear in the re- gister , twenty - one are to be ...
Стр. 94
... died , the register does not in- form us ; but he certainly died before his son . Malone . This lady , who was our poet's youngest daughter , appears to have married without her father's knowledge , for he mentions her in his will as ...
... died , the register does not in- form us ; but he certainly died before his son . Malone . This lady , who was our poet's youngest daughter , appears to have married without her father's knowledge , for he mentions her in his will as ...
Стр. 106
... died at Stratford in July 1657 , aged 68 ; and his elder brother William died at the same place , Jan. 30 , 1666-7 , aged 80. Mr. Thomas Combe by his will made June 20 , 1656 , directed his executors to convert all his personal property ...
... died at Stratford in July 1657 , aged 68 ; and his elder brother William died at the same place , Jan. 30 , 1666-7 , aged 80. Mr. Thomas Combe by his will made June 20 , 1656 , directed his executors to convert all his personal property ...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Том 1 William Shakespeare Полный просмотр - 1773 |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
acquainted ancient appears baptized Ben Jonson buried Cæsar censure character comedy conjecture corrupted criticism daughter death died dramatick edition editor Edward Nash Elizabeth English engraving errors favour genius gentleman give Hamlet hath honour imitation John Barnard Jonson Julius Cæsar King Henry King Lear labour language Latin learning likewise living Love's Labour's Lost Malone married Nash nature never notes obscure observed opinion original passages perhaps pieces players plays poem poet poet's Pope portrait praise present printed publick published quarto reader Richard Romeo and Juliet says scene second folio seems Shak Shakspeare Shakspeare's shew Sir John speare stage Steevens Stratford Stratford-upon-Avon suppose theatre thee Theobald thing Thomas Thomas Nash Thomas Quiney thou thought tion Titus Andronicus tragedy translation Troilus and Cressida truth unto verse William Shakspeare words writer written