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we reported, XVII. 776, has reached his native land in safety and been received with enthusiasm by the Spaniards. From Irun, on the 25th of December, he addressed a letter to the Constitutionnel Paris newspaper, in which he expresses warm gratitude to the Journals for their favourable mention of his case, and to the Parisians who had shewn him so much kindness. He alleges that he was not wholly unworthy of this kindness, since in the years 1792 and 1793, when he was Governor and Vicar Ge-neral of his diocese of Calaharra, he had fed 150 French priests for six months, without asking them what were their political opinions. To the priests, he says, he attributes his expulsion from Paris. He has information that the Jesuits made the Pope's Nuncio believe that his work entitled "Portraits Politiques des Papes," was the same work as the "Crimes des Papes," and that in consequence the Nuncio demanded that he should be expelled or punished. The French ministry preferred the former alternative, and proceeded to the expulsion without any inquiry into the charge, which is wholly false.

Immediately after writing thus far, we see an account in the papers of LLORENTI's death. He died lately at Madrid, a few days after his arrival there, in consequence, it is supposed, of his compulsory journey over al most impassable roads in the depth of an inclement winter. Here is an

other victim of the barbarous policy

of the Bourbons!

The Court of Rome is not idle in Spain. The Roman Congregation denominated the Index, i. e. the Index Expurgatorius for pointing out books that are not to be read, passed a decree, printed copies of which were circulated in Spain, prohibiting various works of Spanish authors, written in defence of the rights of the nation. This arrogance the Spanish Government reprobates in a circular of the Minister of the Interior, which ordains that all political chiefs shall endeavour to obtain the copies of the said decree and prevent their illicit circulation.

The Court of Rome has refused to receive M. VILLANUEVA, formerly an

ecclesiastic, in the character of ambassador from Spain, on account of liberal opinions advanced by him in certain publications. In consequence, the Spanish Government has ordered the Pope's Nuncio to quit the kingdom.

The Chapter of Canons of St. Isidore of Madrid, headed by Luis GREGORIO, Bishop of Lozerna, has sent an address to the Cortes, breathing ardent patriotism.


Another proof has just been exhibited of the growth of superstition in this miserably-governed country. The Pope has resolved that four of the holidays which had been abolished in the Austrian States shall be restored, viz., the 2nd day in Easter week, St. Joseph's, St. John the Baptist, and St. Ann's days.

A learned Jewish merchant of Warsaw, of the name of NATHAN ROSENFELD, has written a history of his native country, POLAND, from the best authorities, in the Hebrew language.

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the title of "Sungbaud, Cowmuddy," or the "Moon of Intelligence.”


A gratifying spectacle has been exhibited in this country. General SAN MARTIN, who has held the supreme command and conducted the Native forces to victory, and thereby established the independence of Peru and Chili, has laid down his military character. He kept his station until the assembly of the National Congress, in which the sovereignty resides, and then, contrary to the wishes of the representative body, resigned all his power; nobly alleging that the interests of freedom demanded of him this sacrifice. He withdraws into private life, followed by the benedictions of tho whole country. The place of his

retirement is near Mendoza in Chili. He declares in his letter of resignation, that if at any time the freedom of the Peruvians should be threatened, he will dispute the glory of accompany ing them in its defence, but solely as a private citizen. From the Holy Alliance of Europe, we turn to such a

character with refreshment and delight.

Unitarianism in America.

[We copy the following document from The Baltimore Patriot of Jan. 3. The same paper contains an advertisement of a new number of "The Unitarian Miscellany," with an extract from the Editor's address, which we here insert.

"Christianity is a simple religion, intelligible in its doctrines, and plain in its requisitions. It speaks most reasonably to the understanding, and appeals most forcibly to the heart, Designed as it is for all, it is suited to the capacity and apprehension of all. If men have thought it intricate, it is because they have not been content with its simplicity; and if they have turned from its light, it is because they have loved the darkness better. And thus it happens that by far the greater part of the labour which is required from us is, not to explain Christianity, for it is sufficiently explicit, nor to recommend it, for it powerfully recommends itself, but to shew how much that has been supposed to be Chris

tianity does not at all belong to it, and how miserably it has been misconstrued by its professed interpreters. The minds of men have been so long accustomed to connect mystery, and terror, and scheming, and planning, and darkness, with the very name of religion, that the great object to be attempted is to dissolve this connexion; and when that is done, every thing is done. Let us clear away the heaps of rubbish which are every where piled up in the way, and then the way itself will be straight and level enough. If we can only pull down the superstructures of wood, hay and stubble, which have been built on the edifice of Christ and his apostles, our work is at an end; for the edifice appears in all its beauty then, complete and wellproportioned."]

Second Annual Report of the Baltimore Unitarian Book Society.

The Second Anniversary of the Baltimore Unitarian Society for the distribution of Books, was held the 25th of December, at the First Independent Church. A discourse suited to the occasion was delivered, and after the religious services of the day, the Secretary communicated the following Report:

In making a statement to the Society of their last year's proceedings, the Managers are gratified with being able to express a high satisfaction at the success of their labours. According to such means and opportunities as were in their power, they have endeavoured to promote the objects of the Society. Books and tracts have been circulated in "various directions, and in those places especially, where the greatest benefit may reasonably be expected. By publication, exchange and purchase, they have enlarged the number and variety of works intended for distribution, and have now on hand an extensive assortment.

It must be highly gratifying to the Society, not only to observe the fruit of their own exertions, in the spreading influence of principles and doctrines which they deem of the first importance, but also to witness the corresponding efforts of their brethren in other quarters. It is now two years since this Society was first instituted, and within that time, associations have sprung up in different parts,

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with the professed object of distributing Unitarian publications. A double purpose, highly auspicious to the canse we have at heart, will be thus effected; the comparatively small means and narrow influence of individuals will be made more extensive and effectual, by bringing them to act in concert; and the respective associations, by mutual aid in exchanging publications, will be able to do the greatest good at the least expense. It is hoped the time will not be long before every Unitarian congregation will perceive the importance of such a system, and unite in carrying it into general operation.

The progress of Unitarianism in this country has been rapid, more rapid than even the most sanguine could have anticipated; it is going on, and will go on; it carries with it the majesty and the power of truth; it is the cause of Heaven, and the work of God; it will not stop while reason is honoured, or piety cherished, or the Scriptures revered. Yet there is enough for the friends of righteousness and of sound doctrine to do; truth will conquer at last, but it requires incitements from human aid. God is the author of all, but men are his agents; we must labour if we would hope; we must do what we can to build up the kingdom of God in the world, if we would seek for the blessings of his good government, and the joys of his final approbation. With these views we may be encouraged to persevere, and trust to the great Ruler of all things to direct our labours, in conformity with his wise and holy designs.

To the present time the good influences of an overruling Providence have been manifest in strengthening the hands, and cheering the hearts of our brethren in this country. New congregations are forming, preachers are multiplying, the demand for Unitarian writings is increasing, and a spirit of inquiry has gone abroad. In some parts of New England, a large portion of the inhabitants are Unitarians;

; many are found at the South and the West, and some in almost every town and village in the Union. More than forty preachers, professing Unitarian sentiments, are employed in Kentucky and Ohio, some with established congregations, others in the duties of missionaries. Our central

situation gives us facilities for sending out tracts and books in these various directions, and this should prove to us both the value of our institution, and the importance of zealous activity.

But for the influence of our religi ous views we do not look more to the increase of our numbers, and prospe rity of our churches, than to the gra dual change of public feeling. We see it in the softened tone of orthodoxy, the subdued spirit of bigotry, the weakened power of prejudice, the gradual relentings of malevolence, the dying embers of kindled passions, and in all the indications of the increasing ascendancy of truth over error, of reason over blind credulity, of piety over hypocrisy, and of charity over the narrow views of sectarism, and the unholy zeal of the self-righteous. In all these respects a visible change has taken place, favourable to peace and religion, and to the progress of those principles of faith and action, which exalt, purify and adorn the human character.

Pulpit denunciations have become less frequent. The cry of heresy, the incorrect assertions, and reproachful language, which were the burden of orthodox Journals, have gradually given way to a more Christian spirit, and a milder temper. The wise have learnt to be silent where they could not confute; the virtuous and candid have learnt to respect the voice of seriousness and candour.

This change, so beneficial to the harmony of Christians, and to the interests of pure religion, we have good reasons to believe, has been owing, in no small degree, to the exertions which have been made to diffuse a knowledge of our sentiments. Such will always be the consequence; ignorance is our worst enemy. The principles of our faith need only be known to be respected-they are the principles of the Scriptures, of reason, of nature; they accord with the best feelings of the human heart, and the highest powers of the human understanding; they have God for their author; they are the principles revealed and published by Jesus Christ, illustrated by his own life, proved by his miracles, sanctioned by his assurance of a future judgment, and confirmed by his death and resurrection.

Such are the principles which we

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