4 And will man alone be dumb, Till that glorious kingdom come? No; the church delights to raise Psalms and hymns and songs of praise.
5 Saints below, with heart and voice, Still in songs of praise rejoice; Learning here, by faith and love, Songs of praise to sing above.
6 Borne upon the latest breath, Songs of praise shall conquer death; Then, amidst eternal joy, Songs of praise their powers employ.
1 WE sing of God, the mighty source Of all things, the stupendous force On which all things depend; From whose right arnı, beneath whose eyes, All period, power, and enterprise
Commence, and reign, and end.
2 The world, the clustering spheres he made, The glorious light, the soothing shade; Dale, plain, and grove and hill ;
The multitudinous abyss, Where nature joys in secret bliss, And wisdom hides her skill.
3 Tell them, I AM, Jehovah said To Moses, while earth heard in dread, And smitten to the heart, At once above, beneath, around, All nature, without voice or sound, Replied, O Lord, THOU ART!
1 GREAT GOD! in vain man's narrow view Attempts to look thy nature through; Our laboring powers with reverence own, Thy glories never can be known.
2 Not the high seraph's mighty thought, Who countless years his God has sought, Such wondrous height or depth can find, Or fully trace thy boundless mind.
3 And yet thy kindness deigns to show Enough for mortal minds to know; While wisdom, goodness, power divine, Through all thy works and conduct shine
4 O! may our souls with rapture trace Thy works of nature and of grace; Explore thy sacred truth, and still Press on to know and do thy will.
God the only Object of Worship. Ps. 81. 1 O God, our strength, to thee the song With grateful hearts we raise; To thee, and thee alone, belong All worship, love, and praise.
2 In trouble's dark and stormy hour, Thine ear hath heard our prayer; And graciously thine arm of power Hath saved us from despair.
3 And thou, O ever gracious Lord, Wilt keep thy promise still, If, meekly hearkening to thy word, We seek to do thy will.
4 Led by the light thy grace imparts, Ne'er may we bow the knee To idols, which our wayward hearts Set up instead of thee.
5 So shall thy choicest gifts, O Lord, Thy faithful people bless; For them shall earth its stores afford, And heaven its happiness.
1 THE God who reigns alone O'er earth, and sea, and sky, Let man with praises own, And sound his honors high.
2 Him all in heaven above, Him all on earth below, The exhaustless source of love, The great Creator know.
3 He formed the living frame, He gave the reasoning mind; Then only He may claim The worship of mankind.
4 So taught his only Son, Blessed messenger of grace! The Eternal is but one, No second holds his place.
Greatness of God. Ps. 145.
1 My God, my King, thy various praise Shall fill the remnant of my days; Thy grace employ my humble tongue, Till death and glory raise the song.
2 The wings of every hour shall bear Some thankful tribute to thine ear; And every setting sun shall see New works of duty done for thee.
3 Thy truth and justice I'll proclaim; Thy bounty flows, an endless stream; Thy mercy swift; thine anger slow, But dreadful to the stubborn foe.
4 Thy works with sovereign glory shine, And speak thy majesty divine; Let every realm with joy proclaim The sound and honor of thy name.
5 Let distant times and nations raise The long succession of thy praise; And unborn ages make my song The joy and labor of their tongue.
6 But who can speak thy wondrous deeds? Thy greatness all our thoughts exceeds; Vast and unsearchable thy ways Vast and immortal be thy praise!
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