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that I must, at least, have omitted some hymns which many p sons have been accustomed to regard as indispensable, and int duced some which may be thought unworthy of the place wh they occupy. It is to be presumed that there is a considera number of them which will be admired by some, and disliked others. Among five hundred and sixty hymns, there will be fou it is probable, sufficient range for a variety of tastes.

It is sincerely my prayer that this book, wherever it may be int duced, may be instrumental in heightening the interest of Christ worship, and serving the cause of religion and God;-and as s cerely is it my wish that wherever and whenever it may be fou inadequate to these great purposes, it may be superseded by which will answer them better.

F. W. P. G

October 1, 1830.




THE suggestions of some of my friends, together with my o experience, have induced me to believe that some additions to t Collection would increase its usefulness; and I feel that the fa with which it has been received, is an obligation on me to impro it. But at the same time that I determined to make additions also resolved not to hazard such alterations in the main body of work, as would render the first fifteen editions so different fr those which might succeed them, that the former could not be us conveniently with the latter. I have therefore changed but ele hymns in the five hundred and sixty which were contained in previous editions; and in the place of each rejected hymn, I ha inserted one on the same or a similar subject.

For the convenience of ministers and others, I here subjoin a of the hymns which have been changed as above stated. They hymns 69, 142, 155, 176, 177,265, 315, 340, 399, 402, 519. Hy 204, which formerly consisted of two verses from one of the hyn of Watts, is now enlarged by the addition of two other verses of original hymn.

The additions which I have made, are placed under the head Supplementary Hymns, and are numbered from 561 to 609, inclusi Some of these were printed at the end of the book, as it forme stood; but the greater part are now first inserted. They are various subjects, and several of them are of a private and domes character. The Doxologies close the volume. No further al ations are contemplated.

May 18, 1835.






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In the following Collection of Hymns, the Rev. Mr. GREENWOOD's admirable compilation has, by permission, been retained in its original form, and to this an addition of one hundred and seventeen hymns has been made.*

We believe that no one can become familiar with Mr. Greenwood's collection without being impressed by its uncommon excellence. It includes throughout hymns of unsurpassed beauty and devotional power, whose acknowledged superiority must ever give them a high place in every collection for sacred worship. Among the most excellent productions of this kind in the English language, are those by Watts and Doddridge; and more than two hundred of their best hymns may be found in this volume. Besides these, it includes the finest lyric pieces which have come down to us from Addison, Newton, Cowper, Pope, Heber, Milman and Scott, and the choicest by Barbauld and Steel, Bowring and Montgomery, as well as the most fervent from among the Wesleyan and Moravian collections.

In addition to its intrinsic worth, Mr. Greenwood's collection has another advantage, inasmuch as it is now used in about fifty of our Religious Societies, more than forty thousand copies being in circulation.

It has thus, with many minds, become connected with pleasant associations, and is already a large body of Christians.

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* The Hymns added commence at the 610th. Excepting the addition, the condensation of the prefatory pages, Index, &c., and trans. posing the Doxologies to the end of the book, the enlarged edition is the same as all others since the 16th, and can be used with those editions. No alteration in numbering the hymns has been made.


It is also no slight consideration that it associated with the memory of one who the truest and most devout of the followers one who united a singular purity of taste earnest spirit of devotion; and who was, in peculiarly qualified to select a volume of sa which should give fit expression to the s emotions, and which should promote the hi ests of Christianity.

All, therefore, that we have considered was to add to Mr. Greenwood's collection, s as might give it a more extended usef adapt it to a wider circle of wants. Many here added which had not been written Greenwood's volume was published; ar are several by Rev. Henry Ware, Jr., w ory it will ever be interesting to associat hyihns of praise, and our places of worship which there will be found additional hym per and Watts, Doddridge and Wesley, M and Bowring. It is hoped that they m useful accompaniment to the valuable coll which they are here connected.

BOSTON, October, 1845.


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Again our ears have heard the voice Again the Lord of life and light



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All ye nations, praise the Lord
Almighty God, in humble prayer.
Almighty God, thy wondrous works
Almighty God, thy word is cast
Almighty Maker, Lord of all
Almighty Ruler of the skies
Am I an Israelite indeed
Am I a soldier of the cross.
Amidst a world of hopes and fears
Amidst unsatisfied desires
And art thou with us, gracious Lord.
And is the gospel peace and love
And now, my soul, another year.
And shall I sit alone

And will the great, eternal God
Angels! roll the rock away.
Another fleeting day is gone
Another six days' work is done
Another day its course hath run
A poor way-faring man of grief
As body when the soul has fled
As every day thy mercy spares
A soldier's course from battles won
As panting in the sultry beam.
As pants the hart for cooling streams
As parched in the barren sands
As the hart with eager looks

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Again we've seen the Sabbath day
Ah, wretched souls, who strive in vain

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All earthly charms, however dear All hail the power of Jesus' name All powerful, self-existent God

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All-seeing God, 't is thine to know


















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As the sun's enlivening eye .

As the sweet flower that scents the morn

As when the weary traveller gains

At thy table, Lord of life.

Attend, ye children of your God

Author of good, we rest on thee


A voice from the desert comes awful and shrill

Awake, my drowsy soul, awake

Awake, my soul, and with the sun

Awake, my soul, lift up thine eyes
Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve
Awake, our souls, away our fears
Awake, ye saints, and raise your eyes.


BEFORE Jehovah's awful throne
Begin, my soul, the exalted lay
Behold my servant, see him rise
Behold the amazing sight
Behold the blind their sight receive
Behold the lofty sky
Behold the man, how glorious he
Behold the morning sun.
Behold the Prince of peace.
Behold the Saviour on the cross
Behold the western evening light.
Behold where, breathing love divine
Behold, where, in a mortal form
Be thou, O God, by night, by day
Be it my only wisdom here.
Beset with snares on every hand
Be still, my heart, these anxious cares
Be with me, Lord, where'er I go
Beyond, beyond that boundless sea
Bless, O my soul, the living God
Blest are the meek, he said.
Blest are the sons of peace.
Blest are the souls that hear and know

Blest be our everlasting Lord

Blest be the everlasting God

Blest day of God, most calm, most bright Blest hour, when virtuous friends shall meet Blest Instructer, from thy ways

Blest is the man who fears the Lord.

Blest Spirit, source of grace divine
Bread of heaven, on thee we feed.

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