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When I say, A wise man, un homme sage, homme is a substantive, which, without the word sage, applies to any individual of the male race of man; but as soon as this word sage is added to it, the idea represented by the two words, homme sage, does not designate any man, but one among them who has the quality of being wise; thus wise qualifies and modifies the substantive man, and accordingly is an adjective.

We have already stated that nouns are sometimes used as adjectives, and adjectives as nouns. But it is proper to notice here, that this last transformation never takes place when we speak of living beings; for being always, in this case, of the same gender as the noun they represent, they always suppose the apposition of this noun to them; so that when employed, the sentence has the character of an ellipsis; thus, when we say, for the Almighty L'Eternel, Le-Tout puissant, the noun God is understood, and, God being masculine, the adjective can only be used in that gender. The wise (man), Le sage; The select (men), Les élus; Learned men, Les savants; A prude (woman), Une prude.

In these examples, the word man, homme, is understood in the first, hommes in the second and third, femme in the last.

fort de l'épée; Les (remèdes) purgatifs; Une (ligne) perpendiculaire.

The adjective is, then, only taken as a noun when it expresses an idea which may, positively and actually, be applied to things of different species; as in the following:-What is true persuades, Le vrai persuade; What is honest must be preferred to what is agreeable and useful, L'honnête doit être préféré à l'agréable et à l'utile.

The first proposition is true when speaking of a narrative, a system, an argument, a gesture, a sadness, a desire, &., but it does not designate any of these ideas in particular, and represents what is spoken of only as a thing, the nature of which is truth.

The same construction may be applied in the second sentence when the subject spoken of is what is honest, agreeable, and useful.

Variation of the Adjectives.-The nature of adjectives being, as we have already stated, to express the quality of nouns, by identifying themselves with them, they must both have the same characteristics, and always be of the same number and gender.

Besides, the adjective may qualify the noun to which it is joined in a manner more or less extended; this is what is called, by grammarians, degrees of signification in the adjectives.

We have, then, three distinct parts to consider in adjectives; the gender, the number, the degrees of signification.


Formation of the Feminine in Adjectives ending with e mute.-All adjectives have for their termination in the masculine either an e mute, another vowel, or a consonant.

All adjectives in the feminine are ended with an e mute.

Sometimes, it is true, these adjectives in similar cases are accompanied by another adjective, which seems to modify them as it would a noun; but if we analyze those expressions we shall discover that these qualificative adjectives act only as an adverb Thus, those which end with an e mute in should, and, in fact, take the place of one: the masculine, do not change their terminaA true wise (man), Un vrai sage, means a tion in the feminine; such are the followman truly wise, un homme, vraiment sage, ing:-Ridiculous, Ridicule; A ridiculous A false devotee, Une fausse dévote, means, man, Un homme ridicule; A ridiculous a woman falsely religious, une femme faus-woman, Une femme ridicule. Exceptions:sement dévote.

Even when the adjective does not refer to a living being, if it designates an attribute, belonging to a class of things which may be expressed by a noun, it should be always considered as an adjective; thus, The acids of the stomach, Les acides de l'estomac; The thick part of the blade, Le fort de l'épée; The purgatives, Les purgatifs; A perpendicular, Une perpendiculaire, signify, Les (sucs) acides de l'estomac; Le (endroit)

Traitor, traitre, traitresse; Devilish, diable, diablesse; Master, maître, maîtresse.

Of Adjectives ending with a Vowel which is not a mute e.-Adjectives, which in the masculine end with any other vowel than an e mute, make their feminine by the addition of an e mute to the masculine termination. Enchanté, enchantée, Enchanted; poli, polie, polished; bleu, bleue, blue.

There is but one exception to this rule, which is, Favourite, favouri, favourite.

Of Adjectives ending in an, ien, on.Adjectives ending in the masculine in an, ien, on, besides the addition of an e mute, double their last consonant in the feminine; as, Christian, Chrétien, Chrétienne.

The Academy, in stating this rule, marks as exceptions: English, Anglican, Anglicane; Benign, bénin, makes bénigne; Cunning, malin, makes maligne.

Of Adjectives ending with a Consonant which is neither m or n.-Adjectives ending in the masculine with any other consonant than m or n, make their feminine by the addition of an e mute to their last consonant; as, Great, grand, grande.

But this rule has an immense number of exceptions. We will explain them one after another.


Of Adjectives ending in c and d.-Adjectives ending with the letter c make their feminine in two ways; some add he to the masculine; as Frank, frank, franche.

Others make their feminine by changing c into que; as, Public, public, publique. The adjective Greek, grec, makes its feminine by keeping the c and adding que; grecque; Raw, crud, makes crue.

Of Adjectives ending in f. Adjectives ending with f in the masculine, make their feminine by changing f into ve; as, Brief, bref, brève.

Of Adjectives ending in g.. Adjectives ending in g, make their plural by adding ue to the masculine; as, Long, long, longue.

Of Adjectives ending in el, eil, ol, ul, as, os, ot, and et.-Adjectives ending in el, eil, as, ol, ul, os, ot, et, make their feminine by doubling the last consonant, and adding an

é mute.

Of Adjectives ending in eur, teur, erieur. -Adjectives ending in eur have several modes of termination for the feminine. Those in cur derived from a present participle by changing ant into eur, make their


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Those ending in érieur make their feminine by adding an e mute to this termination, as, Exterior, extérieur, extérieure.

There are a great number of nouns with this termination that must not be mistaken for adjectives, and make their feminine terminations in different manners; they are easily distinguished from adjectives by placing the word man, or woman. before them, and seeing if, thus accompanied, they are used in the language. A good dictionary is the best rule for such cases.

There are also some adjectives terminating in cur, which have no feminine termination, and are used for either gender; such as, Lover of arts, amateur, amateur; Author, auteur, auteur; Conqueror, vainqueur, &c., vainqueur, &c.

Of Adjectives ending in x.-Adjectives ending in x, ehange this letter into se, in the feminine; as, Courageous, courageux, courageuse.

Exceptions: Reddish, roux, rousse; False, faux, fausse; Sweet, doux, douce; Prefixed, préfix, préfixe.

Of Adjectives having two terminations in the Masculine, according as they are placed before a Vowel or a Consonant.-Five adjectives are entirely defective in their feminine termination, and, besides, change their masculine according to the letter which begins the next word, whether it is a consonant or a vowel; as,

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Of Adjectives which are used only in the| Masculine or in the Feminine.-Some adjectives have no feminine; as Active, dispos; Foppish, fat; Pale, paillet, &c.

Some have no masculine: as, Mellow, blette, &c.


Numbers are divided into five classes; as, 1st. Cardinal; 2nd. Ordinal; 3rd. Collective; 4th. Distributive; 5th. Propor tional.


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The formation of the ordinal adjective from the cardinal is so simple, that it requires no further explanation.

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ther; to say, The second day of the month, Le second du mois, is not correct.

Of the Numerical Adjective onze (eleven). Of Numerical Adjectives used in speaking-Although the number onze (eleven) beof the Days of the Month. When, in gins with a vowel, the article singular, le, French, we speak of the days of the month, la, does not make an elision before it, and instead of using the ordinal number, as is les is pronounced as if the word onze began done in English, we employ the cardinal; with an_h aspirated; as, The eleventh_of as the eighth of April, Le huit Avril, or March, Le onze de Mars; The eleven apples d'Avril; The twenty-sixth of the next were good, Les (h) onze pommes étaient month, Le vingt-six du mois prochain.

But, however, when we speak of the first day of the month, we keep the ordinal number as in the English; as, The first of January, Le premier Janvier-Le premier de Janvier,

This exception does not extend any fur


Of the formation of Compound Numbers. --In the formation of some of the compound numbers, the word one is placed between the first and the last part; as in, Twentyone, vingt-et-un; Thirty-one, trente-etun; Forty-one, quarante-et-un; Fifty-one,

cinquante-et-un; Sixty-one, soixante-et- | rality, should be followed by a singular un; Seventy-one, soixante-et-onze.

This rule does not extend to any other number, and it would be wrong to say, vingtet-deux, trente-et-quatre, &c. This mode of counting in English, one and twenty, six and thirty, &c., is not used in French.

Of the Numerical Adjective one, un, with the words hundred and thousand.-One, or a, placed before the words hundred and thousand, in English, are suppressed in French; thus, one hundred, one thousand, are expressed by cent, mille.

Of Numerical Adjectives used in Poetry, Music, Games, &c.-There are, besides, the numerical adjectives already mentioned above, many others used in poetry, music, games, &c.; as Distich, distique, Tiercet, tercet; Quatrain, &c., quatrain; Solo, solo; Duet, duo; Music in three parts, trio; Quartet, &c., quatuor, &c.; Two number ones (playing with dice), beset; Two number sixes, (playing with dice), sonnet, &c.

Un millier is very often employed for one thousand weight. Quintal is only used in the sense of one hundred weight.

Of Distributive and Proportional Numbers.-The Distributive Numbers are those expressing the different parts of a whole; as, The half, la moitié; The third, le tiers; The fourth, le quart; The fifth, le cinquiéme, &c.

The Proportional Numbers denote the progressive increase of things; as, The double, le couple; The treble, le triple; A hundred fold, le centuple, &c.


Adjectives agreeing in number, as well as in gender, with the nouns which they qualify, it becomes necessary now to examine what alterations they suffer in their termition when joined to a noun in the plural.

General Rule.-Adjectives, whatever may be their termination, form their plural by the addition of an s to the feminine and masculine; as, Good, Bon, bons, (masculine); Bonne, bonnes, (feminine.)

This rule has no exceptions for the feminine termination; as to the other, there are two cases in which this rule is not observed. 1st. Adjectives ending in s or x in the singular, do not change in the plural: as, Big, gros, gros; Hideous, hideux, hideux. 2nd. Adjectives ending in au and al make their plural by changing this termination into aux; as, Beautiful, beau, beau, beaux; General, general, gènèraux.

All cardinal numbers indicate the plural, except one, un; for it would be absurd if a word, which, in all cases, denotes a plu

noun thus, two, deux; ten, dix; twenty, vingt, &c., are always in the plural; as, Two men, deux hommes; Ten years, dix ans; Twenty days, vingt jours, &c.

Of the Adjectives vingt and cent.-The adjective quatre-vingts takes the plural termination in the word twenty, provided it is not followed by another number; as, Eighty men, quatre-vingts hommes; Eighty-two men, quatre-vingt-deux hommes.

The adjective hundred takes the plural in the same cases; as, Two hundred days, deux cents jours; Two hundred and one days, deux-cent-un jours, &c. But these two adjectives do not take the plural when they are used instead of the ordinal adjectives, centième and millième; as, Charlemagné died in the year 800, Charlemagne mourut en l'an huit cent; This great calamity happened in the year 580, Ce grand malheur arriva en l'an cinq cent quatre-vingt.

Of the Numerical Adjectives mille and mil, one thousand.-The adjective thousand, mille, never takes the plural; as, Ten thousand men, dix mille hommes; One thousand men, mille hommes.

The word thousand employed in dates is written mil, and means only ten hundred; as, In 1830, en mil huit cent trent.

Although this example is correct, it is more elegant to say for, In eighteen hundred and thirty, en dix-huit cent trente.

The word mille, used as a noun, and meaning a mile, follows the rule of nouns, and takes the plural; as, A hundred miles,

cent milles.

Remark.-It is to be remarked that in French the conjunction and, et, is never used in the formation of adjectives of number. We do not say, for two hundred and fifty, deux cent et cinquante, but deux cent cinquante; the reason for this rule is, that a numerical adjective, whatever may be the number of words of which it is composed, is but one qualificative, which does not admit therefore that and, et, which separates the adjective into parts, should convey the idea of several.

The fact of et being used in the adjectives vingt-et-un, trente-et-un, &c., is not a derogation to this rule, because in these cases et is only used for the sake of euphony, and is dropped as soon as it ceases being necessary to please the ear; thus we say, Quatrevingt-un, cent-un, &c.

Remarks on the Formation of the Plural in several Adjectives.-The adjective, pénitentiel, makes its plural, pénitentiaux; Penitential psalms, Les psaumes pénitentiaux. Universal, universel, makes its plural uni

versels, when employed as an adjective, but taken as a noun used in philosophical discussions, it is written universaux. La these des universaux a fait dans les siècles passés un grand sujet de dispute parmi les écoles; the thesis on universals has been in past ages a great cause of dispute among the


Adjectives ending in ant, ent, follow the general rule, keeping the t and adding an s in their plural: Caressing, caressant, caressants; Contented, content, contents.

But when using the qualificatives in ant, we must ascertain if they are really qualificatives or present participles, for in this last case they neither take the plural nor feminine: Ces deux femmes, craignant de le chagriner, l'ont perdu dè sa jeunesse; these two women, fearing to cause him pain, have spoilt him from his youth.

The adjective, all, tout, is an exception to the preceding rule, because it drops the tin the plural All men are equal, Tous les hommes sont égauz.

The adjectives ending the singular masculine in al are divided, with regard to the formation of their plural, into three categories.

Most of them change al into aux. Some only add an s to the singular. Some, by being never joined to a masculine noun, have no plural in this gender, and then follow the general rule of feminine adjectives.

1st. Adjectives in al, making their plural aux Annual, annal, annaux; and many others. Adjectives in al, making their plural by adding an s: Fatal, fatal, fatals.

Adjectives in al, having no plural in the masculine Beneficial, bénéficial, bénéfi ciales; (Plural feminine.) Diagonal, diagonal, diagonales; Boreal, boréal, boréales; Brumal, brumal, brumales, Crural, crural, crurales; and several others.

Degrees of Signification of the Adjectives.-There are three degrees of signification in the adjectives; the positive, the comparative, and the superlative.

The Positive is the adjective itself, expressing the quality of the noun without any increase or diminution; as Merit is modest, Le mérite est modeste; Gold is precious, L'or est précieux.

The comparative is so called, because it expresses a comparison between two or several objects. If we compare persons or things together, some are either equal, superior, or inferior, to the others; thus there are three sorts of comparatives that of equality, that of superiority, and that of inferiority.

Comparison of Equality.-The comparative of equality is formed by adding aussi, as, in affirmative sentences, and aussi or si in negative ones, before the adjective, and que, as, after it; as, Gold is not so precious as diamond, L'or n'est pas aussi, or si, précieux que le diamant; I am as good as you, Je suis aussi bon que vous.

Comparison of Superiority and Inferiority.-The comparative of superiority is formed by placing plus, more, before the adjective, and que, than, after it; as, Gold is more precious than silver, L'or est plus précieux que l'argent.

In English the comparative of superiority is formed either by placing more before the adjective, or by adding er to the termination of the adjective: but these two modes of expression must be rendered in the same manner in French; as, Peter is richer than Paul, Pierre est plus riche que Paul.

The comparative of inferiority is formed by prefixing moins, less, to the adjective, and placing que after it; as, Silver is less precious than gold, L'argent est moins précieux que l'or.

When several adjectives qualify the same noun, each one must be preceded by one of the adverbs, aussi, plus, moins, according to the nature of the comparison, and the last adjective followed by que; as, This woman is as beautiful, as good, and as young as. yourself, Cette femme est aussi belle, aussi, honne, et aussi jeune que vous; This man is less beautiful, less good, and less young than yourself, Cet homme est moins beau, moins bon, et moins jeune que vous; This young lady is more handsome, more amiable, and younger than yourself, Cette demoiselle est plus belle, plus amiable, et plus jeune que vous.

"More" or 66 less" used as adverbs of Quantity, - When more or less, plus or moins, are used as adverbs of quantity, and not of comparison, the conjunction than is expressed by de; as in, This book cost me more than two dollars, Ce livre me coûte plus de deux dollars; You cannot buy this horse for less than two hundred dollars, Vous ne pouvez pas acheter ce cheval pour moins de deux cent dollars. Foreigners should pay attention to this rule.

Of the Comparative Adjectives "Better," "Worse," and "Less." There are three adjectives which are comparative by themselves; Better, meilleur, instead of plus bon; Worse, pire, instead of plus mauvais; Less, moindre, instead of plus petit.

Beginners in the study of the French language being apt to confound these comparative adjectives with the comparative

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