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tion they poffefs few of their virtues. With a com plexion darker than that of the Hindoos, with habits fo fimilar, and with full poffeffion of the language, it is ftrange that none even of these have been able to make a convert from the Heathen to the Roman Catholic faith. Nothing can more clearly demonstrate the compleat dominion which the Brahmin fuperftition poffeffes over the minds of the common people: for there is no denomination of Chrif tians more devoted to the work of conversion than the church of Rome.

THE British merchants in Calcutta are a numerous and refpectable order of men. In this place feveral of them have acquired large fortunes, in the acquifition of which they have displayed those mercantile talents, and that enterprising spirit which distinguishes their character in every part of the world. In Calcutta the peculiar habits of their profeffion have in no degree encroached on the liberality of their minds, or the elegance of their equipage and tables. They here difplay an expence and fplendor in their manner of living seldom afpired after by the fame order of men in any part of the world and what is greatly to their honour, their acts of charity and munificence to indigent persons have, perhaps, never been equalled by any fimilar number of men of any rank whatever.

FEW of thefe gentlemen are engaged in the fervice, a circumítance here of more confequence than

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may be apprehended. The fervice of the Company has certain ideas of rank and confequence attached to it, which often produces ludicrous effects upon the intercourfe of focicty. All perfons in civil and mili tary appointments affect a degree of fuperiority over fuch as are not in the fervice, which is frequently ill fupported, either by their talents, birth, or cha


Ar the public entertainments, rank was formerly a matter of much greater concern at Calcutta than at St. James's. Here all are grasping at rank and fuperiority, with an eagerness proportioned to the conscious want of it, and to the obfcurity of their former condition. This has brought to the fubject fo great an intereft, and fo much perplexity, that even the ingenuity of the ladies, who are commonly moft deeply verfant in this fcience, is often unable to unravel it. To hand a lady to table, or to her carriage, is an affair which requires deep cogitation: if it be afpired to by a gentleman whofe rank is unequal to the office, inftead of paying a compliment, he is guilty of rudenefs, and commits an unpardonable offence. When the ladies take the floor to dance, the most perfect acquaintance with all that has ever been written upon heraldry, would not enable you to make a fatisfactory arrangement either of the ladies themselves or of their partners. Hardly a meeting, formerly, concluded without laying the founda. tion of turmoils and grievances, more lafting and



more important than the magnitude of their caufe, in your eyes, will justify.

WHERE all are nearly equal in obfcurity, and equally deftitute of claim to rank, the arrogance and vanity of individuals has no defined limits to its exactions. Where all purfue the fame object by the fame path, there must be frequent joftlings and collifions of intereft or opinion.

HAPPILY the good fenfe of the present generation is gradually eradicating those feeds of difcord; which could never have been fown but by perfons of little understanding, and limited acquaintance with the world.



Calcutta, March 1799.

AMONG the various claffes of the mercantile part of the community, formerly noticed, no mention is made of the Jews. Few of that nation ever fettle in India; and Calcutta is perhaps the only opulent town that is free of them.

THE character of the native merchants is fo com. pletely Jewish, that were the most expert of the Ifraelites to deal with them, it is more than probable that he would be defeated at his own weapons.

THE native Bannians, Sarkars, and writers, carry on the greatest part of the retail trade of Calcutta. They go around hawking commodities, from morning to night; or fearching after cheap purchases. Nothing can exceed their eagerness for money; and


if you are not in fome measure a judge of the article you are to purchase, you will infallibly be overreached. Indeed, that low cunning, ftratagem, and deceit, which characterizes the money tranfactions of perfons of narrow intellects, applies almoft without exception to this clafs of the Hindoos. For once that an European over-reaches them, he is cheated a thoufand times. Whether you employ a Confumah or Sarkar, to tranfact bufinefs, you must lay your account with imposition; for although he may boast of belonging to the highest cast of his country, half a rupee will unfortunately often prove greater than the price of his honefty. To over-reach in a bargain infers no difcredit among thefe men: fuch as are noted for it obtain the appellation of pucka adme, men of ftrong parts.

Ir muft, however, be acknowledged, that whatever money or goods you intruft to the care of a native fervant, will in general be faithfully accounted for. It is in making a bargain with you, or purchafing goods, in your absence, on your own account, that you are fo frequently betrayed. The ideas I had formed of the innocence and fimplicity of the natives, and of the frauds, peculations, and oppreffions which they fuffered from the British, I have often had occafion to correct; as they bore but little refemblance to matter of fact.

WITH all their propenfity to cheat, the native fhop-keepers generally fell their goods on lower terms


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