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forefinger, thereby implying that he had serious misgivings as to the perfect sanity of "The laddie, Maister Charles."

Standing, as he did, on the brink of a precipice, his arms outstretched, his flowing locks drenched by the heavy spray which fell around him, and shouting, at the top of his voice, as if declaiming to the spirits of the flood, the excited appearance of our young friend was such as might have induced a commonplace, unimaginative mind, to coincide in the Doctor's opinion. But Mansfield, although a bit of a stoic in externals, was an enthusiast at heart, and liked to see enthusiasm in others. He remembered the day when he would have acted as Charles did, and a benevolent smile played around his mouth, a responsive chord vibrated in his heart, as he witnessed this natural burst of feeling in his young companion.


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"A good and apt quotation, boy," said he, tapping Charles on the shoulder, "and one I had almost forgotten. I thank you for reminding me of it. If you are ever asked for a description of the Falls of Gungah, you cannot do better than repeat these very lines. But your eyes have been so intently riveted upon that Hell of waters,' as your friend Byron has it, that you have not yet beheld half the beauties of the scene. Look upwards, above the cloud of spray, hanging, as it were, between heaven and earth, with what an air of dignified composure that beauteous island, glowing in all the splendour of tropical vegetation, sits like a queen, smiling amidst the war of elements. And here, to the right, see that narrow gorge, throughout which the foaming torrent, lashed to madness in this boiling whirlpool, bounds with such frantic speed, like a hunted lion, bursting through the toils. Cast your eyes around, mark the grandeur of the hills, by which we are surrounded-children of an earthquake, their hoary heads, scathed by the fires of heaven, bleached by the storms of a thousand ages, piercing the clouds, frowning defiance to the spirits of the tempest; proud and unyielding, as at the day of their birth. See the graceful feathery bamboo, cowering from the blast, and clinging for protection to their iron sides. The deep scarlet flowers of the rhododendron, glowing like gems, upon the rugged breast of that moss-grown rock. The swiftwinged paroquets darting among the branches of that lofty teak-treethe-ha! what was that?"

Mansfield stopped short, in the midst of his rhapsody, and, bending forward, listened eagerly for a repetition of the sound which had attracted his attention. Again it was heard, even amidst the din of rushing waters, and this time there could be no mistake. It was the short barking cry of the spotted deer, and, apparently close at hand. Charles fixed his eyes upon Mansfield's face, with an inquiring look, as if he expected some explanation of so strange a circumstance. But Mansfield, whose quick ear immediately recognised the well-known signal of an Indian Shikarie, bounded forward, without uttering a word, and, snatching the proffered rifle from the hand of Ayapah, followed with his eye the direction of his finger, as he pointed eagerly towards the bottom of a deep ravine, which flanked their position, and whispered the exciting word-Bhag.

Mansfield's rifle was thrown hastily forward, as a bramble-bush, immediately below him, was seen to rustle, and a solitary monkey, which sat grinning like an evil spirit, in a dark nook of the glen, began


to spring from rock to rock, filling the air with hideous screams. as lightning a brindled mass glided, like a huge snake, across an open space in the bushes, and again disappeared in the dense thicket which filled the bottom of the ravine.. The report of the rifle bellowed among the rocky caverns, as if a twelve-pounder had been discharged, and the narrow chasm was filled with a dense cloud of smoke. But no angry roar answered to the shot; and when the sulphury vapour rolled away, the blue mark of the bullet, which had flattened upon a stone, in the dry water-course below, convinced Mansfield that, for once, a tiger had been too quick for him.

"Away with you, son of a slave!" cried he, turning upon the unfortunate Ayapah, for want of some more fitting object upon which to vent his wrath, " why do you stand gaping there like an old woman, as if you had never seen a tiger missed before? Off with you, I say,

to the top of the hill, and mark him."

Ayapah turned, without answering a word, jungle-next moment he was seen perched

and dashed into the amongst the highest

branches of a tree, which crowned a hill, and commanded a full view of every outlet from the ravine. But Mansfield waited, in vain, for a signal that the tiger had appeared. Ayapah remained motionless as a vulture watching his prey.

"He does not intend to show himself, I find," observed Mansfield, throwing his rifle carelessly into the hollow of his arm. "As my friend Ayapah would say, he has no fancy to eat bullets; but we must force him a little. Mr. M——, I believe you have some good shikaries in

your village." "Yes, sar," replied the half-cast, with alacrity. "Plenty shikaries got plenty nets got. Suppose I give order, in one half-hour plenty shikar men attend master's pleasure. That very bad tiger, sar-two mans he eat last week. Suppose master kill that tiger, that thing make black man's heart glad. He very much ceremony make-plenty cocoa-nut, plenty jaggary* he give to Swamy.+”

"Ha! another man-eater. By the hump of the Holy Camel we are in luck. And nets too, you say. I am glad of that, it is the most effectual way of securing a tiger in such jungly ground. The sooner, then, you can get the shikaries, and the nets, the better. And, hark ye, Mr. M- if you can manage to procure a few rockets, at the same time, I shall feel obliged, it will save much trouble in beating him up. I shall leave Ayapah here, to watch the ravine, and, in the mean time, I would propose that we adjourn to the bungalow, and have some tiffin, to give us strength for the encounter."

"What new species of shikar is this?" asked Charles, with a look of wonder. "Do you really mean to say that you intend to catch the tiger in a net!—to bag him like a rabbit?"


Ay," replied Mansfield, smiling, "and to spear him too, when he is bagged. How like you the idea, boy, of spearing a tiger on foot? It will be something to talk of, when you get back to the hills."

Charles appeared rather startled by this proposal, but said nothing. The Doctor sprang to his feet, shoved his hands deep into his pockets, and stood staring at Mansfield with a look of utter bewilderment.

Jaggary-a course sort of sugar.

+ Swamy-the Hindoo Deity.

"Spear a tiger!" The words dropped from his lips as slowly as if he had stopped to weigh each individual syllable. "Spear a tiger! The Lord forgie ye, captain. I aye thought ye had a bee in your bonnet; but now I am satisfied ye are just fit for Bedlam. Spear a tiger indeed! Did ony leevin' mortal ever hear the like!" So saying, the Doctor turned on his heel, and marched off, whistling the old Scotch tune of "The Devil among the Tailors."

"Our friend the Doctor does not appear to relish the idea of spearing a tiger," said Mansfield, indulging in a quiet laugh; “but, I can assure you, it may be done, and is done, constantly, in some parts of India. However, you shall see, and judge for yourself. It will, at all events, be something new, and I think you will allow it to be the most exciting style of sport you have yet seen."

The sportsmen had hardly finished their tiffin, ere a clamorous beating of tomtoms, and blowing of horns, announced that the shikaries had arrived. Mansfield and Charles started to their feet, at the welcome sound,-thrust their hunting-knives into [their belts,snatched up their rifles, and sallied forth to inspect and arrange their forces. Even the Doctor, whose blood had been warmed with generous wine, shared in the enthusiasm of the moment. Shouldering his favourite weapon, Mons Meg, he crammed his broad-brimmed hat fiercely over his eyes-swallowed a glass of brandy-and-water, to strengthen his nerves, and swearing, by the piper of war, that he would not be outdone by ony young birkie o' them a'," struck up the warlike tune of "Johnny Cope," and strode after his companions, with the air of a man, determined to do or die.

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On the steps of the portico, they were received with a profound salaam, by the Cotwall, or head man of the village, in his holiday robes. The quaintly-dressed trumpeter gave forth a deafening blast, from his gigantic instrument, streaming with tigers' tails, the hardearned trophies of many a bloody field. A confused clatter of tomtoms rent the air; and the assembled multitude prostrated themselves before the Burrah Sahib, whose fame as a tiger-killer had reached even to the banks of the Cauvary.

The Cotwall, in a flowing speech, complimented Mansfield on his exploits, calling him, "the Lion of Mysore-the Invincible-the Open- · handed," here he looked out of the corner of his eye to see whether this last compliment was likely to produce the desired effect upon Mansfield's purse-strings; and concluded by expressing a hope that the arrangements he had made, might meet with the approbation of his Magnificence. His Magnificence, who, instead of attending to the Cotwall's elaborate speech, had been counting the number of the beaters, and scanning the features of the shikaries, with the eye of a connoisseur, expressed his entire satisfaction; and, slipping a pagoda into the extended hand of the delighted Cotwall, informed him that he was at liberty to make his salaam, and take leave.

The Cotwall had done his duty, and well deserved the present bestowed upon him. In front of the crowd, leaning on their long matchlocks, stood four shikaries of the real fighting caste-long-legged, wiry, hard-featured, hairy-muzzled, devil-me-care-looking fellows-such as a Yankee would say, at the first glance, were "fit to flog their weight in wild cats." Behind them, some dozen naked coolies tottered under

the weight of the hunting-nets, or toils. And beyond them again, appeared the whole male population of the village, liberally provided with tomtoms, horns, and other noisy instruments, from which, from time to time, issued diabolical notes of discord, expressive of eagerness, and overflowing valour. Mansfield having ascertained that all the necessary preparations had been made, the procession moved off in good order to the scene of action.

On arriving at the ground, Ayapah was found still sitting patiently at his post; and from him the welcome intelligence was obtained that the tiger had not yet moved.

The shikaries, who appeared perfectly to understand their business, bustled about with great activity, and, in a wonderfully short space of time, the toils were pitched, and the tiger's lair so effectually surrounded that it appeared impossible for him to escape. But how was this done? some of our readers may ask-we must try to explain.

The toils are huge nets, made in the same manner as those used for fishing, only that they are formed of stronger cord, nearly as thick as the little finger, and with meshes large enough to admit a man's head. The ground having been first carefully examined, poles, about ten feet long, pointed at one end, and having a notch at the top, are driven into the ground at regular intervals, across every outlet by which it appears possible for an animal to escape. Upon these the toils, or nets, are suspended, like a curtain, with the upper rope resting in the notch on the top of the pole. This is so slightly fixed, that the moment a large animal rushes against the net, it becomes disengaged, the net falls over the animal, and in his struggles to escape he becomes so entangled in the meshes, that the hunters, who lie in ambush at a short distance, and, who in general are only armed with spears, have time to run in and despatch him before he can extricate himself.

Every thing being arranged, a council of war was held, to decide finally, whether the bold experiment of attacking the tiger with spears should be attempted. The Doctor remonstrated loudly; but the éclat of such an adventure was a temptation not to be resisted. It was voted decidedly unsportsmanlike to shoot a tiger after he had been nettedit was taking an ungentlemanlike advantage of him.-In short, the Doctor's objections were over-ruled, and the measure carried, with great applause from Charles, and a grim smile of satisfaction on the part of Ayapah.

Two strong, broad-bladed, hunting-spears having been provided, Mansfield and Charles laid aside their rifles, and, armed with these more primitive weapons, posted themselves at some distance from each other, so as to command the only two outlets from the ravine, by which it appeared probable that the tiger would attempt to escape. The more prudent Doctor, having no idea of risking his valuable life in any such wild adventure, climbed, with the assistance of Ayapah, into a neighbouring tree, and lighting his cheroot, nestled himself among the branches, to witness the coming strife in safety and comfort.

For some time after they had taken their positions, all remained quiet -not a leaf stirred-no sound was heard, save the dull, hoarse, monotonous roar of the cataract, which, mellowed by the intervening woods, only served to increase the feeling of lifeless solitude, imparted by the perfect stillness of all else around, to the silent. lairs of the watchful sportsmen.

The Doctor's patience, and his cheroot were both wellnigh exhausted. Charles, in spite of himself, was beginning to feel that peculiar, disagreeable, cold, creeping, nervous sensation, which is not fear, but which will occasionally steal over the stoutest heart in such a situation; it is a feeling which any of my readers who have happened to lead a forlorn-hope, or have stood upon a frigate's deck, during the few minutes of portentous silence which precede the first broadside, may perhaps remember. Even Mansfield was beginning to handle his spear in a fidgety manner, and to think, with peculiar affection, of his trusty rifle, when a distant shout came swelling on the breeze, and all ideas, save those of victory, vanished.

Nearer, and nearer came that cheering sound. The air was filled with wild discordant cries-the rocky sides of the ravine echoed to the clatter of a hundred tomtoms. Now is heard the rushing sound of the lively rockets, as they dart, like hissing snakes, among the tangled bushes and now the angry voice of the hunted tiger, as he starts indignant from his lair, and roars defiance to his foes. Every nerve was braced, and the blood rushed like lightning through the veins of the excited sportsmen, as that sound reached their ears. The shouting of the beaters was redoubled-a shower of rockets swept the ravine like a storm of fire, and the tiger, rushing at once from his concealment, dashed, with tremendous bounds, towards the pass which Charles commanded. He had approached within ten yards of the nets, when he suddenly stopped, having probably observed the impediment, and stood in an attitude of indecision, lashing his tail from side to side, and uttering a low savage growl. Charles, in conformity with the directions he had received from Mansfield, immediately stepped from his concealment, and, bringing his spear down to the charging position, advanced steadily towards the frail barrier, which formed his only defence against the expected charge of his formidable antagonist. It was a moment of fearful interest; and the Doctor, who from his perch commanded a full view of the scene, felt the blood curdling in his viens. But Charles, although he felt a peculiar tingling of the nerves, and a slight palpitation of the heart, bore himself gallantly.

No sooner did the tiger perceive his intended victim than his whole appearance was altered. His green eyes glared savagely-his ears were laid flat back upon his neck-the hair upon his back stood erect,—and, crouching close to the ground, he crept swiftly towards the nets. Having got sufficiently near, he uttered a tremendous roar, and springing forward with a lashing bound, threw himself against the net with a force that threatened to carry every thing before it. But the tough cordage yielded to the shock without sustaining any injury,—the upper rope became disengaged,-the net fell together in a heap-and the enraged monster was instantly enveloped in a complicated mass of network, from which, in spite of his frantic efforts, he found it impossible to disengage himself. So furious was the onset of the tiger, and so apparently frail the defence opposed to it, that Charles had not sufficient command of nerve to stand his ground;-he made an involuntary spring backward, stumbled and fell.

The Doctor, seeing the desperate rush of the tiger, accompanied by a roar that made his heart sink within him, and perceiving through a cloud of dust, that the net was, apparently, demolished, and his young friend down, immediately jumped to the conclusion that he must be

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