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WHEN we first hear these words we are inclined to think there must be in the world some lasting good besides that which is denied from above. But, upon more reflection, we will be led to conclude that every thing of an earthly nature will soon fade away and forever pass from our view.

Wealth, with all the attractions attendant upon it, may for a short time appear to promise to us true enjoyment; but in a moment our fondest hopes may be turned to the bitterest disappointments, and we feel that "There's nothing true but Heaven."

We may trust confidently in those whom we fondly hoped were our friends; but when affliction comes, or when we most need their sympathy, some of those whom we thought were the most faithful, have entirely forsaken us. And the resistless hand of death may take from our midst those few who still remain unchanged, and thus we are led to think that true and lasting friendship is not to be found on earth.

The fair and the beautiful may picture to themselves bright scenes of pleasure, which they soon hope to realize, but how often are they disappointed, how often do all their pleasures fly away just as they are about to enjoy them, and when it is too late, they know "There's nothing true but heaven."

When our life is almost gone, and we see the wisdom, pleasure, wealth and happiness of this world rapidly pass from our sight, and our spirits are about to wing their flight to another world, then can we fully realize "There's nothing true but heaven."


FROM the lips of woman every infant hears the first accents of affection, and receives the first lessons of duty on tenderness and love. For the approbation of woman, the grown-up youth will undertake the boldest enterprise and brave every difficulty of study, danger, and even death itself. To the happiness of woman, the man of maturer years will devote the best energies of his mind and body; and from the soothing and affectionate regards of woman, the man who is become venerable by years derives his chief consolation in life's decline. Who, then, shall say that the onehalf of the human race, and they confessedly the most virtuous and the most amiable, may not be entrusted with an intelligence and influence equal to our own? To them, when sorrow afflicts us, we consign half our sufferings, and they cheerfully relieve us by lightening them. When joy delights, we give the half of our pleasures, and they readily consent to share them. They deserve, therefore, the full enjoyment of every privilege that is in our power to confer on them.


Two sections of our country have been the objects of unusual interest in the political world since our last issue; and though the public acts which have elicited this interest are pregnant with political excitement and sectional jealousy, they are of too much importance to be passed over in silence. We allude to Kansas and Massachusetts. In the one the spirit of lawlessness and brutality has run wild, and in the other Disunion has sat down calmly in the guise of humanity and plotted treason against the general government. It is now admitted as a fact that the recent elections in the territory of Kansas were carried by the preconcerted irruption of an armed mob from Missouri, and that the whole proceeding was a gross outrage upon the rights of the citizens of that Territory and the Union. As was to be expected, such an unjustifiable proceeding has caused a whirlwind of indignation to sweep over the public mind of the north, and thousands who were the friends or advocates of the "popular sovereignty" scheme of the last Congress now condemn the "first fruits" of that measure. It is not just, however, to hold the entire south responsible for the acts of a few thousand excited Missourians, led on by one or two political demagogues the great bulk of the southern people will repudiate all such demonstrations as dangerous to the perpetuity of our republican institutions; and for the same reasons there are thousands in the north who will repudiate the action of Massachusetts in the passage of the Personal Liberty bill, which virtually nullifies the Fugitive Slave law. Whatever opinions we and our friends may entertain of that act as one of the compromises of 1850, we do not think the passage of such laws for its obstruction any nearer the right way of working

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*This act was passed by both houses of the Massachusetts Legislature, and vetoed by Governor Gardiner, on the ground of its unconstitutionality. The veto was no sooner received and read than the bill was again passed over the executive objections, by a vote of 230 to 76 in the House and 30 to 3 in the Senate.

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than the organizing of a secret and lawless band for the subjugation of Kansas. The issues growing out of that question has caused an excitement in the north never before witnessed, while the action of the Massachusetts Legislature will undoubtedly have a similar effect in the South. This continual feeding the flame of sectional jealousy is much to be regretted by every true lover of his country, who joins in the memorable aspiration of Webster, (in his reply to Hayne,) that when his eyes should be turned to behold for the last time the sun in heaven, he might not see him shining on the broken and dishonored fragments of a once glorious Union; on States dissevered, discordant, belligerant; on a land rent with civil feuds, or drenched, it may be, in fraternal blood! Let their last feeble and lingering glance rather behold the gorgeous ensign of the republic, now known and honored throughout the earth, still full high advanced, its arms and trophies streaming in their original luster, not a stripe erased or polluted, nor a single star obscured, bearing for its motto no such miserable interrogatory as, 'What is all this worth?' nor those other words of delusion and folly, 'Liberty first and Union afterwards;' but everywhere, spread all over in characters of living light, blazing on all its ample folds, as they float over the sea and over the land, and in every wind under the whole heavens, that other sentiment, dear to every true American heart-Liberty AND Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"

An act "to protect the keepers of hotels, inns and boarding-houses" was passed by the Legislature of this State, which provides that they shall not be held responsible for the loss of any articles of value by their boarders or guests, unless they be deposited with them for safe keeping, nor for the robbery of their baggage if they leave their rooms unlocked. It gives also the right of lien upon the baggage for board due, and renders swindling boarders, who come with a mere empty show of baggage, for the purpose of deceiving,

liable to be arrested, imprisoned, and fined to an amount not exceeding $100. While tavern-keepers are thus justly protected in their rights, we trust they will pay such regard to the rights of those who suffer by the evils of intemperance as will induce them to submit quietly to the new law which takes effect on the first of October.

Governor Pollock has advertised the Main Line of the public works of the State to be sold, at the Merchants' Exchange, in Philadelphia, under the recent act of the Legislature. The property to be sold includes the whole main line of public works, between Philadelphia and Pittsburg, consisting of the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad, the Allegheny Portage Railroad, including the new road to avoid the inclined Planes, the Eastern Division of the Pennsylvania Canal, from Columbia to the Junction, the Juniata Division of the Pennsylvania Canal, from the Junction to the eastern terminus of the Allegheny Portage Railroad to Pittsburg, and including also the bridge over the Susquehanna at Duncan's Island, together with all the surplus water power of said canals, and all the reservoirs, machinery, locomotives, cars, trucks, stationary engines, workshops, water stations, toll houses, etc.

The next State Fair of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society will be held at Harrisburg on September 25,-6-7-8, the citizens of that place having subscribed the amount requisite to secure its location in that borough. The annual address will be delivered by Judge Watts, of Cumberland, President of the Society.

hopefully spoken of. This, in connection with the fact that large quantities of wheat and flour are concentrated at the great Lake-ports, point with almost certainty to a reduction of the present ruinous prices of breadstuffs. The fruit crops, too, look encouraging all over the East, North and West. In the South the planters have suffered much from drouth, and a rise in many of the staple productions of that region is spoken of--particularly in sugars and molasses. In California late developments have shown that the prices of many articles have been kept up by speculators exhausting the market, and they are now beginning to suffer in consequence, and deservedly too. No man deserves commiseration who meets with misfortune by speculating in the necessities of his less fortunate fellows.

Col. Kinney, about whose fillibustering movements so much has been said of late, has been held to trial for fitting out an armed expedition to Nicaragua. The Colonel alleges that his three hundred men found on the vessel at Philadelphia were merely intended as a colony; but published extracts from a letter, written to a friend in Texas, go far towards showing an intention on his part to set up a government there on his own account, in violation of our national neutrality laws.

The supplement to the Commen School law passed by the late Legisla ture of this State, contains a section recognizing the "Pennsylvania School Journal," (published in this city by Thos. H. Burrowes, Esq.,) as the official organ of the department of Common Schools of the Commonwealth, and authorizing the superintendent to subscribe for one copy to be sent to each Board of School Directors in the State, for public use, the cost of the same to be paid by the State. The Journal will hereafter contain the current decisions, the annual report, and such other official circulars and letters of explanation as the Superintendent may find it necessary to issue. This will be a great public convenience, and will materially increase the interest and usefulness of that excellent publication, increasing its circulation about 1500 copies. Burrowes has labored long and at much The Crop prospects are highly en-sacrifice for the cause of popular educouraging. We have intelligence from | cation, and this mark of confidence was all parts of the country, and everywhere well deserved. indications of a bountiful harvest are ›

The fruits of the Sunday liquor law speak volumes for the cause of Temperance. The Philadelphia Bulletin of a recent date says that on Monday morning the returns of many of the lieutenants of police were blank sheets, not a single arrest having been made in their districts the day before. In several of the wards in which the station houses were formerly filled to overflowing each week with the victims of Sunday tippling, not a single person has been arrested for drunkenness since the going into effect of the Sunday law. If Prohibition works so well one day in seven why not try it the other six?


The opponents of the new law to re

strain the sale of intoxicating liquors | present occupants would blow up the


in this State are denouncing it as the jug law," and men who never felt any sympathy for the temperance cause before have suddenly turned bar-room temperance lecturers, and express great fears that this "jug law" will greatly increase intemperance! They should take the epithet home to themselves and throw their fears to the winds. The "jug law" is older than the temperance movement, and the friends of Prohibition never advocated any such measure. They would have had the ancient "jug law" repealed along with the tavern license law, but their opponents objected. If there is anything obnoxious about the "jug law" the anti-temperance men must bear the responsibility of it. The temperance men will repeal it for entire prohibition as soon as they can do so.

The Virginia election on the 24th ult., was warmly contested, and the result watched with unusual interest by all parties. The returns received at the time we go to press leave no doubt of the election of Henry A. Wise, democratic, over Flournoy, American, by a large majority. The democrats appear to have elected their Congressmen also.


We have news from England to the 12th of May and from the Crimea to 10th, from which we can gather very little hope for the peace of Europe or of the early determination of the siege of Sebastopol. Although the allies, during their recent incessant bombardment, threw an amount of shot into the town equal in weight to the rails of the entire route of the Pennsylvania Railroad, the advantage gained was but trifling. The Russians repaired during the night the damage done the preceding day. In the numerous sorties and skirmishes which have taken place, the allies have generally come off victors, but the Russians are so well reinforced and supplied that they can afford to laugh at all such repulses. The mpression is now obtaining (and we have thought so for a year past) that the allies will yet be compelled to raise the siege and fight their enemy in the open Crimea, in order to cripple him effectually by cutting off his reinforcements and supplies. Under the present state of affairs the allies could not hold Sebastopol hardly long enough to destroy it but the probability is that the

fortifications as soon the captors entered. In such an event the slaughter would be too horrible for even distant contemplation!

Politically, the war is treated by the London press as a fixture upon the Governments of France and England, and all prospects of its removal by diplomacy regarded as at an end, although the English Premier-Lord Palmerston

had evaded a direct answer in the House of Commons as to whether the Conferences at Vienna were finally broken off or not. The sincerity of Austria is much doubted, and a rumor is mentioned that she was endeavoring to bring all the German States into a league of neutrality. A motion has been notified in the House of Lords of an address to the Queen deploring the failure of negotiations. The French Minister of Foreign Affairs, unwilling to see the war persevered in, had resigned the seals of office, and Count Walewski, the French Ambassador at London, had been called home to succeed Drouyn de L'Huys. Considerable surprise is expressed that an American ship, said to belong to Boston, with the owners on board as supercargoes, should have reached a Russian port in the Baltic, apparently laden with cotton only, but having on board 50,000 muskets and 5,000 revolvers. The English Consuls in the ports of the United States are blamed for failing to watch and notify such an adventure. London Times again expresses astonishment at the reported Russian sympathies of the people of the United States. The writer considers it shocking and revolting.


An attempt has been made to assassinate Napoleon the Little, Emperor of the French. He was shot at in the public street by an Italian named Pianori, who fired two pistol shots before he was arrested. He says he made the attempt to revenge the overthrow of the Roman Republic. The fact that this bold attempt to rob France of her ruler in so foul a manner has created but little excitement in Paris-much less than the murder of the grop-shop pugilist, Bill Poole, did in New Yorkdoes not look as if the Usurper stood very high in the affections of the people. Pianori has already been condemned to death; but the successful wholesale butcher of French republicans is still at large and the recipient

of flattering encomiums tendered by constitutional England!

A serious insurrection has broken out in Ukraine, and it is stated that Poland is becoming very restless. The indications tend strongly to show that the allies will yet be compelled to adopt Kossuth's policy of attacking Russia through Poland, Hungary and Italy, before they can indulge any reasonable hope of humiliating the surly Bear or elevating the oppressed nationalities of down-trodden Europe. All of that em

inent statesman's predictorial conclusions are being rapidly developed, and haughty England will yet be compelled to admit the Magyar was right.

A great triumph of art has been achieved in the construction of a line of magnetic telegraph from London to the Crimea, which is now complete, with the exception of a portion across the Danube. Notwithstanding this break in the line, a message can now be transmitted from the camp at Sebastopol to the government in England in two hours. In the House of Commons the question is now asked every night whether there is any news from the seat of war, and the answer has almost invariably been, nothing worth communicating. The government has complete control of the wires and great caution is exercised in giving unpleasant news to the public.

The French government has the negotiation of a new war loan of $140,000,000 under consideration. A pretty sum to be dedicated by a Christian nation to feed the horrors of war.


the LIFE OF THE WORLD IN MINIATURE. The German mind, which always viewsthe inward as over the outward, is in it. The facts of history are made to assume their original positions in the living, Christian philosophy of history.

We cannot refrain from referring to the fact that these standard works are but a fair specimen of the well selected stock of the higher order of literature in all its departments which fill the ample shelves of the book store of Murray & Stoek. It is a pleasure, in these times of the trashy deluge (permitted in wrath?) in the book line, to look upon the vast stock of solid volumes which are here brought together-Sunday-school, tract society publications, together with the old and new standard works in Theology. Messrs. Murray & Stoek are paying special attention to religious publications, and are well supplied with the excellent issues of Robert Carter, Lindsay & Blakiston and others. We can confidently invite our friends who visit the city of Lancaster, to make a pilgrimage through the extensive up-stairs and down-stairs of this large book establishment. We may also say, from experience, that there is here, at least in regard to many works, a real advantage in price over city book stores. The advantages of the trade are all open to country dealers equal with those enjoyed by city dealers; and when we consider that there are many items of expense, such as rents, &c., less in country towns, we need not wonder that the large stores in the inland cities can sell cheaper. Lately

we purchased a new book in Philadelphia for $1.25, which we saw a few days

CECIL'S WORKS, in three volumes, including Mis- after on the shelves of Murray & Stock

cellanies, Sermons and Remains. New York: Robert Carter, 58 Canal-st.

From the

of the World to the present fine.
German of Dr. George Weber. Boston: Jenks,
Hickling and Swan.


These excellent works have been laid before us by the enterprising firm of Booksellers, MURRAY & STOFK, of Lancaster. Cecil is well known as a clear, sparkling, original, earnest and pious, writer. In the volume of Remains, which is principally made up of laconics, there is a vast amount of suggestive; thought, and many valuable hints for ministers. Weber's is by far the best attempt at Universal History that has yet fallen into our hands is not, like most others, a careful consolidation and abridgment of facts; but rather it is

for 873 cents. It is a matter of sincere joy that such centers of literature and light are brought so near to us.

MARSHALL HALL.-The Committee of the Synod of the German Reformned church entrusted with the erection of this hall near the College, in Lancaster, have matured their plans, selected the site, and are moving on with vigor. The subscriptions to the fund have already commenced. It is expected that the building will be commenced after harvest. This hall, which has been neatly lithographed, will scarcely be second in beauty to the fine College edifice, to which it is to stand in friendly brotherhood upon the same hill. cess to it.


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