The Plays of William ShakspeareCambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009 - Всего страниц: 330 Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: ACT II. SCENE I. The same. Enter HERMIONE, MAMILLIUS, and LADIES. Her. 1'ake the boy to you: he so (roubles me, Tis past ensuring. I Lady. Come, my gracious lord. Shall I be your play-fellow f Mam. No, I'll none of you. 1 Lady. Why, my sweet lord ? Mam. You'll kiss me hard; and speak to me as if I were a baby slill.?1 love you better. 2 Lady. And why so, ray good lord ? Mam. Not for because Your brows arc blacker; yet-black brows, they say, Become some women best; so that iliere be not Too much hair there, but in a semicircle, Or half-moon made with a pen. 2 Lady. Who taught you this ? Mam. I learn'd it out of women's faces.?Pray now What colour are your eye-brows ? J Lady. Blue, my lord. Mam, Nay, that's a mock: I have seen a lady's nose That has been blue, but not her eye-brows. 2 Lady. Hark ye: The queen, your mother, rounds apace: we shall Present our services to a fine new priuce, One of these days; and the'n vou'J wanton with us, If we would have you. i Lady. She is spread of late Into a goodly bulk: Good time encounter her! Her. What wisdom stirs ampnst you f Come, sir, now I am for you again: Pray you, sit by us, And (ell's a tale. Mam. Merry, or sad, shallt be ? Her. As merry as you will. Mam. A sad tale's best for winter: I have one of sprites and goblins. Her. Let's have that, sir. Come on, sit down;?Come on, and do your best To fright me with your sprites; you're powerful at it. Mam. There was a man, Her. Nay, come, sit down -t then on. Mam. Dwelt hy a church- yard;?1 will tell it softly; n crickels shall not hear it. Her. Come on then, And gtTet me in mine ear. ftftrUONTES, ANT1GONUS, LORDS, and Otters. Lnn. Was he mci there ? his tram? Camilla withhim' 1 Lard. Behind the t... |