The Federal ReporterWest Publishing Company, 1931 |
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Стр. 181
... thereof and main- taining a vacuum at such surface . " 7. The method of distilling liquid hydro- carbons without substantial decomposition which comprises supplying heat thereto in- ternally near the surface thereof , and main- taining ...
... thereof and main- taining a vacuum at such surface . " 7. The method of distilling liquid hydro- carbons without substantial decomposition which comprises supplying heat thereto in- ternally near the surface thereof , and main- taining ...
Стр. 245
... thereof . Defendant recognized the agency of McNair by accepting the benefits of trades made by McNair to the extent of $ 45,000 , by paying the draft for margins on May 14 , 1925 , and by referring to its account carried " in the name ...
... thereof . Defendant recognized the agency of McNair by accepting the benefits of trades made by McNair to the extent of $ 45,000 , by paying the draft for margins on May 14 , 1925 , and by referring to its account carried " in the name ...
Стр. 449
... thereof . " They shall have power to lease said property , and to demand , collect , sue and re- ceipt for the rents , issues and profits arising and which may be had therefrom ; to bring , maintain and defend actions , both at law and ...
... thereof . " They shall have power to lease said property , and to demand , collect , sue and re- ceipt for the rents , issues and profits arising and which may be had therefrom ; to bring , maintain and defend actions , both at law and ...
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28 USCA action affirmed agent alleged amended appellee application assessment authority bankrupt bankruptcy bill Board cause charge Circuit Court Circuit Judge City claim Commissioner Company Constitution contract Corporation counsel Court of Appeals court of equity creditors decision decree defendant defendant's denatured alcohol disclosed District Court District Judge Dry Ice equity evidence fact federal fendant filed held Ice Corporation income infringement interference proceeding Internal Revenue invention judgment jury lands lease liability libelant lien liquor manufacture ment mortgage motion National Prohibition Act North Carolina Ohio opinion paid parties patent payment permit petition petitioner plaintiff prior prior art proceeding question receiver reduction to practice Revenue Act rule Stat statute suit supra Supreme Court testimony thereof tion tract trade-mark trial trust tympanum U. S. Atty United States C. C. A. USCA York York City