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NEW ENGLAND, so called not only (to avoid novel- CHAP. ties) because Captain Smith hath so entitled it in his Description, but because of the resemblance that is in 1621. it of England, the native soil of Englishmen; it being muchwhat the same for heat and cold in summer and winter, it being champaign ground, but not high mountains; somewhat like the soil in Kent and Essex, full of dales and meadow ground, full of rivers and sweet springs, as England is. But principally, so far as we

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a tract printed at London in 1644, entitled "A Brief Narration of some Church Courses in New England," I find the following allusion to this discourse; "There is book printed, called A Sermon preached at Plymouth, in New England, which, as I am certified, was made there by a comber of



Dr. Belknap remarks, that "this discourse may be considered as a specimen of the prophesyings of the brethren. The occasion was singular; the exhortations and reproofs are not less so, but were adapted to the existing state of the colony." Judge Davis says that "the late Isaac Lothrop, of Plymouth, often mentioned an intimation, received from an aged relative, as to the spot where this sermon was delivered. It was at the common house of the Plantation, which is understood to have been erected on the southerly side of the bank, where the town brook meets the harbour. Mr. Lothrop died in 1808, aged seventy-three. Not many




CHAP. can yet find, it is an island,1 and near about the quantity of England, being cut out from the main land in Ameri1621. ca, as England is from the main of Europe, by a great arm of the sea, which entereth in forty degrees, and runneth up northwest and by west, and goeth out either into the South Sea, or else into the Bay of Canada. The certainty whereof, and secrets of which, we have not yet so found as that, as eye-witnesses, we can make narration thereof; but if God give time and means, we shall ere long discover both the extent of that river, together with the secrets thereof; and also try what territories, habitations, or commodities may be found, either in it, or about it.

It pertaineth not to my purpose to speak any thing either in praise or dispraise of the country. So it is, by God's providence, that a few of us are there planted to our content, and have with great charge and difficulty attained quiet and competent dwellings there. And thus much I will say for the satisfaction of such as have any thought of going thither to inhabit; that for men which have a large heart, and look after great riches, ease, pleasures, dainties, and jollity in this world, (except they will live by other men's sweat, or have great riches,) I would not advise them to come there, for as yet the country will afford no such mat

years before his death he had the satisfaction of being called to view sundry tools and implements which were dug up at that spot, and which he carefully preserved." See note on page 173; Belknap's Am. Biog. ii. 274; and Morton's Memorial, p. 74.

Prefixed to the discourse is an "Epistle Dedicatory, to his loving friends, the adventurers for New

England, together with all wellwillers and well-wishers thereunto, grace and peace, &c." The Epistle is here printed entire, and all that is of any general or historical interest in the discourse.

It will be seen hereafter that Winslow too, on the authority of the natives, calls it an island. • Hudson's river.





ters. But if there be any who are content to lay out CHAP. their estates, spend their time, labors and endeavours, for the benefit of them that shall come after, and in 1621. desire to further the Gospel among those poor heathens, quietly contenting themselves with such hardship and difficulties, as by God's providence shall fall upon them, being yet young, and in their strength, such men I would advise and encourage to go, for their ends cannot fail them.

And if it should please God to punish his people in the Christian countries of Europe, for their coldness, carnality, wanton abuse of the Gospel, contention, &c., either by Turkish slavery, or by popish tyranny, (which God forbid,) yet if the time be come, or shall come (as who knoweth?) when Satan shall be let loose to cast out his floods against them, here is a way open- Rev. xii. ed for such as have wings to fly into this wilderness; and as by the dispersion of the Jewish church through persecution, the Lord brought in the fulness of the Acts xi. Gentiles, so who knoweth, whether now by tyranny and affliction, which he suffereth to come upon them, he will not by little and little chase them even amongst the heathens, that so a light may rise up in the dark, and the kingdom of heaven be taken from them which now have it, and given to a people that shall bring forth the fruit of it? This I leave to the judgment of the godly wise, being neither prophet nor son of a prophet. But considering God's dealing of old, and seeing the name of Christian to be very great, but the true nature thereof almost quite lost in all degrees and sects, I cannot think but that there is some judgment not far off, and that God will shortly, even of stones, Matth. raise up children unto Abraham.

14, 15.

20, 21.

Luke ii. 32. Matth. xxi. 43.

Amos vii. 14. 2 Kings xvii. 23.

iii. 9.



CHAP. And whoso rightly considereth what manner of enXVII. trance, abiding, and proceedings we have had among 1621. these poor heathens since we came hither, will easily think that God hath some great work to do towards them.


They were wont to be the most cruel and treacherous people in all these parts, even like lions; but to us they have been like lambs, so kind, so submissive, and trusty, as a man may truly say, many Christians are not so kind nor sincere.

They were very much wasted of late, by reason of a great mortality' that fell amongst them three years since; which, together with their own civil dissensions and bloody wars, hath so wasted them, as I think the twentieth person is scarce left alive; and those that are left, have their courage much abated, and their countenance is dejected, and they seem as a people affrighted. And though when we first came into the country, we were few, and many of us were sick, and many died by reason of the cold and wet, it being the depth of winter, and we having no houses nor shelter, yet when there was not six able persons among us, and that they came daily to us by hundreds, with their sachems or kings, and might in one hour have made a dispatch of us, yet such a fear was upon them, as that they never offered us the least injury in word or deed. And by reason of one Tisquanto, that lives amongst us, that can speak English, we have daily commerce with their kings, and can know what is done or intended towards us among the savages; also we can acquaint them with our courses and purposes, both human and religious. And the greatest commander of

1 See note з on page 183.

? See note 3

on page 190.






the country, called Massasoit,1 cometh often to visit CHAP. us, though he lives fifty miles from us, often sends us presents, he having with many other of their governors 1621. promised, yea, subscribed obedience to our Sovereign Lord King James, and for his cause to spend both strength and life." And we, for our parts, through God's grace, have with that equity, justice, and compassion carried ourselves towards them, as that they have received much favor, help, and aid from us, but never the least injury or wrong by us. We found the place where we live empty, the people being all dead and gone away, and none living near by eight or ten miles; and though in the time of some hardship, we found, travelling abroad, some eight bushels of corn hid up in a cave, and knew no owners of it, yet afterwards hearing of the owners of it, we gave them (in their estimation) double the value of it.5 Our care also hath been to maintain peace amongst them, and have always set ourselves against such of them as used any rebellion or treachery against their governors; and not only threatened such, but in some sort paid them their due deserts. And when any of

1 See page 191. * See pages 193 and 232. 3 They offer us to dwell where we will.-Cushman's Note.

The first planters of Plymouth and Massachusetts invariably pur

chased of the natives the lands on which they settled, for considerations which were deemed at the time fully equivalent. They followed literally the instructions given by the governor of the New England Company to Gov. Endicott, in 1629: "If any of the salvages pretend right of inheritance to all or any part of the lands granted in our patent, we pray you endeavour to purchase their title, that we may

avoid the least scruple of intrusion.
Particularly publish that no wrong
or injury be offered to the natives."
And in 1676, it was as truly as
proudly said by Governor Josiah
Winslow, of Plymouth, "I think I
can clearly say, that before these
present troubles broke out, the
English did not possess one foot of
land in this Colony but what was
fairly obtained by honest purchase
of the Indian proprietors." See
Hutchinson's Mass. ii. 266; Haz-
ard's State Papers, i. 263; Hub-
bard's Indian Wars, p. 13, (ed.

4 See pages 184 and 206.
* See page 217.

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