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forty years ago. In Christianity there was never so little dogmatism as at the present time. We draw inferences from our knowledge about ourselves and the world and the spiritual history of mankind, regarding the spiritual realities which lie at the basis of our life. But great systems of theological thought, containing as they always do, many half-truths, and conferring long life upon many things which would fall of their own weight if left to stand by themselves, are not in great favor at the present time. Christianity is fundamentally a life, not a doctrine. Men must think, in order to live. And their thoughts will take to themselves some kind of formulation. Doctrines, more or less elaborate, and more or fewer in number, we shall always have, in religion as in science and philosophy. But increasingly they will be matters of individual preference and interpretation; and behind them all, will lie the life and the ideals that entered the world with Jesus Christ, and that create for themselves with every generation, new garments out of the changing thoughts of men.

This thought of our own generation, God give us to understand till the voice of the age becomes the voice of Him who in all ages speaks in the dialect of every people to the heart of every man.


Apocrypha: historical value of,

spiritual value of, 65-69
Apologetic, place of in New
Testament, 93-95

evangelistic point of view, 94
teaching of Jesus, effect of
thought of disciples and
biographers on, 94, 95
Atonement, doctrine of, 151-153
origin of, 151-152

development of, 152, 153
modern interpretation of, 152
importance of, 153
Bible, the, 139-141

different from other books, 139,

doctrines of inspiration of, 140,

value of different sections of,
140, 141

growing Christian ideal, 140,

Christ, the supreme revelation of
God, 141-147

precedence established in his-
tory and human experience,
141, 142

divinity of, 143, 144, 146, 147
humanity of, 144, 147

Christian theology, doctrines of:
Atonement, 151-153
Immortality, 155

Salvation, 154, 155

Trinity, 147-151

Virgin Birth, 144-147

changes in

Darwin, Charles,
theory of, 27-32
transmission of acquired traits,

natural selection, function of,

Darwin, Charles, egoism vs. al-
truism, 29-31

religious and spiritual implica-
tions, Biblical account of
creation, 31, 32

Darwin, Charles, position in XIX
Century, 10-12

Darwin, Charles, Theory of Evo-
lution, 5-9

struggle for existence, 6
natural selection, 6

survival of the fittest, 6, 7
scientific support, 8

opposition of the church, 8, 9
Epistemology, 115, 116, 120-123
Evolution: contributions to re-
ligious thought, 33-40
Darwin's Theory of, 5-9, 27-32
early history of, 1-5

modern opponents of, 12-13
reasons for acceptance of, 14-21
Evolution, contributions to re-
ligious thought, 33-40

doctrine of the Fall of man, 33
Drummond, "The Ascent of
Man," 34

universe an ongoing, forward-
looking concern, 34, 35
spiritual life ultimate meaning
of, 36-37

new and better idea of God,

Evolution, early history of, 1-5
movements of earth, 2

human history, upward prog-
ress, 2

Lamarck, theory of species, 3,
22, 23

Spencer, "Principles of Bi-
ology," 3
geologists, 4
astronomers, 4


Evolution, contradictions in in-
creased knowledge, 4, 5

Evolution, reasons for acceptance
of, 14-21

geology, 14-15

biology, 15-17

anatomy, 17-20
embryology, 20, 21

God: character of, 129-134
fundamental idea of theology,

revelation of, 134-147

God: developing idea of in Old
Testament, 60-65
Gospels, synoptic, comparison of,

Luke vs. Mark, 80-82
Matthew vs. Mark, 82, 83
Mark, value of as source, 83, 84
Luke vs. Matthew, 85, 86, 88,

"Logia," or Sayings of Jesus,
as source, 87-89

Heredity, 23-26

Darwin, transmission of
quired traits, 23


Weismann, varieties of cells,
23, 24

DeVries, theory of mutations,

Mendelian law, 25,

orthogenesis, 26


Idealism, Berkeley's philosophy,

ideas and knowledge, 106
truth, 107-110

Berkeley and the moderns, 109,

Immortality, doctrine of, 155
Instrumentalism, Dewey's phi-
losophy, 114-116

purpose of philosophy, 115
theory of knowledge, 115
epistemology, antipathy to, 116
Miracles, 135-138

modern lack of interest in,

change in value of, 136-138
Moral standards, development of
in Old Testament, 58-60
Neo-realism, 116-123


Neo-realism contrasted with
idealism, 116, 117
definitions of, 117
principles of, 118-120
epistemology, 120-123
New Testament:
place of in, 93-95
authorship of, 74-89
canon, determination of, 93
chronology, 71-74, 89-93
Gospels, literary comparison
of, 80-89

historical value of, 96-99
New Testament, authorship of,

composite character of books,
74, 75

several books on same roll, 75,

marginal notes, 76, 77

liturgical passages in Epistles,
77, 78

"we" passages in Acts, 79, 80
literary comparison of Gospels,

New Testament, historical value
of, 96-99
Epistles, 96, 97
Acts, 97, 98
Gospels, 98, 99

New Testament writings, dates
of, 71-74, 89-93

data in books themselves, 72-

Gospels, dates of, 89-92
chronological arrangement of,
92, 93

Old Testament: authorship of,

chronology, 41-46

historical value of, 56-58
moral standards of, 58-60
religious ideas of, 60-65
Old Testament, authorship of,

compilation, principles of, 46,

stories of creation and flood,
differences in language, 49-52
discrepancies in detail, 49-55

[blocks in formation]

Tel-el-Amarna tablets, 58
development of human mind
and spirit, 56, 69, 70

Old Testament writings, dates of,

indications in text, 41-43
historical background, 43
language, 44

comparison of ideas and in-
stitutions, 44, 45
chronological arrangement, 45,
Philosophy: causes of difficulty
of, 101-106

estimate of modern thought of,

systems of, 106-123
Philosophy and religion, 127, 128
Pragmatism, James' philosophy,

truth, 110, 112, 113

Pluralism an offshoot of, 110,

Religions of Asia and Europe,
effect on early Christian
thought, 95, 96

Religious ideas, development of
in Old Testament, 60-65
God: human and fallible, 60,

tribal, 61, 62

identified with local baalim,

ethical monotheism of later
prophets, 62, 63

ritual to righteousness, 63, 64
"Second Isaiah," 64, 65
Revelation of God, 134-147
in nature, 134

miracles, 135-138

in human experience, 138, 139
in the Bible, 139-141
Christ, 141-147

Salvation, doctrine of, 154, 155
early meaning of, 154
need of today, 154

modern interpretation of, 154,

Trinity, doctrine of, 147-151
history of, 147, 148
confusion of, 149

modern interpretation of, 149
importance of, 150, 151

Truth, theories of, 107-110, 112,

Virgin Birth, doctrine of, 144-147
lack of evidence for, 144, 145
reason for probable formula-
tion of, 146

importance of in modern
thought, 146, 147

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