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Easter Day.


After the Third Collect.

53 MORNING spreads her crimson rays,
Heav'n resounds with songs of praise;
Through the earth loud anthems swell,-
Heard with rage in vanquish'd hell.
From the dark sepulchral gloom,
See the King of Glory come!

See Him-now from bondage freed—
All His Saints to day-light lead!

Vain the cavern's threefold ward;
Vain the stone, the seal, the guard :-
Death, thy power no more we fear,
JESUS' tomb hath prov'd thy bier.

Hence with mourning, hence with tears,
Hence with anxious griefs and fears ;-
"Death's Subduer is not here,"-
Cries His Angel-minister.

That these thoughts of Paschal joy

Ever may our souls employ,

Dead to sin, Thy servants give,

LORD, in holiness to live.

Hymns of glory, songs of praise,
FATHER, to Thy Name we raise;
Risen LORD, all praise to Thee,
With the SPIRIT, ever be. Amen.


After the Third Collect.

54 HEAV'NLY choirs, with anthems sweet,
Haste your risen LORD to greet!—
Join with us His praise to tell,
Who hath vanquish'd death and hell!

Vain the seals, the soldiers vain,-
Life resign'd He takes again;
He Who sprang from Virgin's womb,
May defy an earthly tomb.

Impious crowds exclaim'd, " Descend,
And the knee to Thee we'll bend;"
But He died, His FATHER'S will
Choosing rather to fulfil.

Thus the Vict'ry He achieves;
Dying, He a Conqueror lives;
Rising from death's dark abode,
He's proclaim'd the Son of God.

Grant us, LORD, with Thee to die,-
Earth's temptations to deny ;
Grant us, LORD, with Thee to rise
To our mansion in the skies.

Hymns of glory, songs of praise,
FATHER to Thy Name we raise;
Risen LORD, all praise to Thee,
With the SPIRIT, ever be. Amen.

55 AT the LAMB's High Feast we sing
Praise to our victorious King;-
Who hath wash'd us in the Tide
Flowing from His pierced Side ;—
Who doth now benignly all
To His Heav'nly Banquet call;
Gives Himself to be our Feast,-
Love the Victim, Love the Priest.

Where the Paschal Blood is pour'd,
Death's dark angel sheathes his sword;
Israel's hosts triumphant go

Through the wave that drowns the foe.

LAMB of GOD, Whose Blood was shed,--
Paschal Victim, Paschal Bread :-
With sincerity and love

Eat we Manna from above!

Mighty Victim from the sky,
Hell's grim powers beneath Thee lie!
Death is conquer'd in the fight,-
Thou hast brought us life and light!
Now Thy banner Thou dost wave,
Trampling o'er the vanquish'd grave;
Now, o'erthrown the Prince of Hell,-
Angels join Thy praise to tell.
Paschal triumph, Paschal joy
Only sin can e'er destroy:
O from sin, then, keep us free;
Grant us, LORD, to live to Thee.
Hymns of glory, songs of praise,
FATHER, to Thy Name we raise;
Risen LORD, all praise to Thee,
With the SPIRIT, ever be. Amen.


56 YE sons and daughters of the LORD! The King of Heav'n, the All-ador'd, This day hath from the grave restor❜d!


On Sunday morn, at break of day,
The holy women haste away,
To see the tomb where JESUS lay.

Alleluia !

Of spices rare a precious store
With loving reverence they bore,
T'anoint His Sacred Body o'er :-


When lo! an Angel there they see,
Who saith," Ye seek the LORD; but He
Is ris'n, and gone to Galilee."

Alleluia !

Then the belov❜d Disciple John
Hastes forth, Saint Peter following on,
To see the tomb,-but CHRIST was gone!
Alleluia !

And while his friends, in doubt and fear,
That night the wondrous story hear,
Lo! in their midst He doth appear.


Saint Thomas, who was absent, heard But doubted of his brethren's word; Wherefore to him appear'd the LORD. Alleluia !

"Thomas, behold My Side," said He; "My Hands, My Feet, My Body see, And doubt not, but believe in Me."


And lo! when Thomas saw His Side,
The truth no longer he denied ;-

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'My LORD, My GOD Thou art!" he cried.


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