Saint John the Evangelist's Day.
16 BELOV❜D disciple, oh, what name An equal praise with thine can claim ?- The friend, who lean'd on JESUS' breast! The servant, whom He lov'd the best!
What bliss with thine can be compar'd ?- His lot so deeply to have shar'd! Eye-witness of His Glory's Power! Associate of His darkest hour!
When, rapt, He stood on Tabor's height, Thine eyes beheld the wondrous sight: When, pierc'd, He hung on Calv'ry's Hill, Thou, by His Side, wast present still.
And, as with Christ 'twas thine to dwell, And learn of Him Who taught so well, A scholar apt thou prov'dst to be, And lov'dst mankind as He lov'd thee.
Blest THREE in ONE, to Thee we cry, O help us so to live and die,
That with Thy Saints, through endless days, Our work may be to sing Thy praise.
In other respects, the same as on Christmas Day.
17 SWEETEST flowers of early spring, Holy babes, of you we sing, Rosebuds, by the whirlwind shorn, On the threshold of the morn.
First who gain'd the Martyrs' wreath, Now your Lord's blest Feet beneath;- Infants still, ye seem to play
With your palms and chaplets gay.
Tyrant, what avails thy deed,
Canst thou quench the promis'd Seed? Cease, ye great ones, to defy Him Who sits enthron'd on high.
Vain the war with Heav'n ye wage; See, from tyrant Pharaoh's rage, One escapes to lay him low,- Type of Him ye make your Foe.
JESU, LORD, to Thee be praise Now, and through eternal days; FATHER, equal praise to Thee, With the SPRIT ever be. Amen.
In other respects, the same as on Christmas Day.
Sunday after Christmas Day.
The same as on Christmas Day.
The Circumcision of Christ.
18 O blessed day, when first was pour'd The blood of our redeeming Lord! O blessed day, when first began His sufferings for sinful man!
Scarce enter'd on this world of woe, His infant blood begins to flow ;- Thus early was His doom confess'd, So soon His dying love express'd. Beneath the knife behold the Child, The Innocent, the Undefil'd :— Of guilt the penalty He pays, For lawless man the law obeys.
LORD, circumcise our hearts, we pray, Our fleshly nature purge away; Thy Blessed Likeness may they bear. Yea, stamp Thy Holy Image there!
JESU, to Thee all praise we pay, Whose Blood hath wash'd our sins
The FATHER equally adore,
And HOLY SPIRIT, evermore.
In other respects, the Hymns for this Day, and until the Eve of the Epiphany, are the same as on Christmas Day.
19 SONS of men, behold from far! Hail the long-expected Star;— Star of truth that gilds the night, Kindling darkness into light!
Nations all, remote and near, Haste to see your God appear ! Haste, for Him your hearts prepare, Meet Him manifested there!
There behold the Day-Spring rise, Pouring light on darken'd eyes; See it chase the shades away, Breaking into perfect day.
Sing, ye morning stars, again! God descends to dwell with men, Deigns for men His Life to employ,— Shout, ye sons of GOD, for joy!
Hymns of glory, songs of praise, FATHER, unto Thee we raise; Praise to Thee, O CHRIST, our King, And the HOLY GHOST, we sing. Amen.
20 WHAT star is this, with beams so bright, A stranger mid the orbs of light?- It shines to herald forth a King, Glad tidings of His Birth to bring.
Of old spake thus an Eastern Seer "From Jacob shall a Star appear:" And Eastern Sages now behold
The Star their heav'n-taught Seer foretold. But while they gaze upon the Star, A Light within shines brighter far, That bids them track the meteor's ray, To where the Royal Infant lay.
Hearts thus inspir'd brook not delay :- Through toil and danger lies the way; And yet their home, their friends, their all, They leave at once, at GoD's high call.
Oh, while the Star of heav'nly grace Invites us, LORD, to seek Thy Face, May we no more that Grace repel, Or quench that Light, which shines so well.
TO GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON, And HOLY SPIRIT, Three in One, May every tongue and nation raise An endless Song of grateful praise.
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