The Federal ReporterWest Publishing Company, 1947 |
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Стр. 535
... mill which invades the freight advantage 18. Monopolies 14 The fact that cement mills in com- manding position are price leaders , and those in less advantageous positions are forced to be price followers , is not indica- tive of a ...
... mill which invades the freight advantage 18. Monopolies 14 The fact that cement mills in com- manding position are price leaders , and those in less advantageous positions are forced to be price followers , is not indica- tive of a ...
Стр. 558
... Mill B , a non - base mill located at Town D , into the picture . However , this is not a part of the system according to the Commission's formula definition , as heretofore shown . Being lo- cated midway between Town A where Mill A ...
... Mill B , a non - base mill located at Town D , into the picture . However , this is not a part of the system according to the Commission's formula definition , as heretofore shown . Being lo- cated midway between Town A where Mill A ...
Стр. 1091
... mills knew base price of nearest mill and knew freight rates from that mill to delivery point and , in making their bids , undertook to absorb exces- sive freight rates from their own mills . Clay- ton Act , § 2 , as amended by Robinson ...
... mills knew base price of nearest mill and knew freight rates from that mill to delivery point and , in making their bids , undertook to absorb exces- sive freight rates from their own mills . Clay- ton Act , § 2 , as amended by Robinson ...
Statutes Construed | 1 |
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure | 7 |
Text of Opinions | 7 |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
action affirmed agreement alleged amended amount appellant appellee application Asst bankruptcy Board Canella cement charged Circuit Court Circuit Judge Cite as 157 claim Commission Company complainant conspiracy contention contract corporation counsel Court of Appeals damages debtor decision defendant denied District Court employees evidence F.Supp fact Federal Federal Trade Commission filed finding freight habeas corpus handlers induction issue judgment jurisdiction jury Kansas City Southern KEY NUMBER L.Ed lease Louis maximum price ment Meyer milk mill minister of religion NUMBER SYSTEM operating opinion parties patent petition petitioner plaintiff Price Administration prior prior art proceeding Puerto Rico question railroad regulation rent reorganization respondents result revenues Rock Island rule S.Ct sion Southern Pacific Stat statute supra Supreme Court Tax Court testimony tion traffic trial court trust U. S. Atty United Washington York City