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T. Beaumont, of Bradford," we have received more than TWO HUNDRED cases of men, who have, by the blessing of God, become delightful monuments of the infinite superiority of the one system over the other." "With very few exceptions, these persons have joined themselves with some church, and become reputable members of society."

The last Report of the Louth Auxiliary states, that since December 1837, no less than SIXTY-SEVEN drunkards had joined the Society; of whom, when the report was written, thirty-nine were professing Christians. Not long ago, a respectable inhabitant of Dunstable, informed the writer, that there were, at least, ONE HUNDRED reclaimed characters within five miles of that town, and in a very thinly populated district. Some of these were drunkards of the worst description, and of more than forty years standing.

In the Society connected with the little village of Street, in the county of Somerset, are twenty-five reclaimed men ; of whom several are now members of Christian churches, and some, from being in a state of poverty, have become freeholders of the county. One of these men, in particular, was thirty years a drunkard, and a great pugilist, and single-stick player. He has been a member of the Society three years, and is in communion with the Christian church.

In the Society at Taunton is a man, who, for many years, was a confirmed and miserable drunkard. His general appearance was of so filthy a character, as to have obtained for him the name of "Black George, the devil." He has been a sober man, now nearly three years-is a member of the Wesleyan body, and the change wrought, in both his temporal and spiritual condition, seems little short of a miracle.

Cornwall and Lincolnshire have been especially honoured, as the scenes of the Society's triumphs. Hundreds of reclaimed men, in these counties, are praising God, that ever they heard the sound of Total Abstinence. In the little town of Barton, on the Humber, at least SEVENTY have been raised from the depths of drunkenness, and of these many have been brought within the pale of the Christian Church. But there is no end to recording the success of the various societies in reclaiming the intemperate. They have all been, in this way, more or less honoured by that God, from whom all "holy desires and all good works do proceed."

Enough has been said to prove, that they are producing morality, religion, and human happiness-that they are turning men from their sins-bringing them to Christ, and thus, to the enjoyment of peace on earth, and perfect felicity hereafter.

To be indifferent to their operations, is to be regardless of that which was the great object of the REDEEMER'S MEDIATION; and to be opposed to them, is to fight against God, and to obstruct as far as we are able, the most glorious of all his purposes of Love and Mercy!

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An Essay on the Evils, Causes, and Cure of Intemperance. Price 5s., cloth boards.

London: Printed by J. Pasco, 90, Bartholomew Close.

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