Littell's Living Age, Том 355Littell, Son and Company, 1939 |
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Стр. 290
... Mein Kampf , the Aga Khan retorted : ' As to Mein Kampf , it would be difficult for the author to repudiate expres- sions of opinion which were made at the time when he was struggling for the resur- rection of the German people ...
... Mein Kampf , the Aga Khan retorted : ' As to Mein Kampf , it would be difficult for the author to repudiate expres- sions of opinion which were made at the time when he was struggling for the resur- rection of the German people ...
Стр. 292
... Mein Kampf as if it were a folie de jeunesse . Yet every German is expected to read Mein Kampf , and every young married couple is presented with a copy ; and it is a permanent best seller in Ger- many with a sale to date of , I believe ...
... Mein Kampf as if it were a folie de jeunesse . Yet every German is expected to read Mein Kampf , and every young married couple is presented with a copy ; and it is a permanent best seller in Ger- many with a sale to date of , I believe ...
Стр. 293
... Mein Kampf was written before , not after , the Franco- British diplomatic blunders of the post - Locarno period . But in any case the teaching is completely contrary to the principle of the Kellogg Pact , and it is dif- ficult to see ...
... Mein Kampf was written before , not after , the Franco- British diplomatic blunders of the post - Locarno period . But in any case the teaching is completely contrary to the principle of the Kellogg Pact , and it is dif- ficult to see ...
Daniels Jonathan A Southerner Dis | 12 |
Garratt Geoffrey T Mussolinis Roman | 24 |
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