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ness is depicted by the serenity dictions for the amusement and and confidence of peaceful life. entertainment of the world: there This allegorical language being must be some end worthy of the founded in ideas universally pre-author." Now, what end could valent, and adhered to with inva-this be but to keep alive in the riable relation and regular analogy, minds of those to whom it was has furnished great ornament and given a sense of religion, and a elegance to the sacred writings. hope of a future deliverance from Sometimes, however, the inspired the curse of the fall through Jesus penmen drew their allusions from Christ? "The uses of prophecy," local and temporary sources of me- says Dr. Jortin, "besides gradutaphor; from the peculiar sceneryally opening and unfolding the of their country; from the idola-things relating to the Messias, and tries of heathen nations; from the blessings which by him should their own history and circumstan-be conferred upon mankind, are ces; from the service of their tem- many, great, and manifest. pie, and the ceremonies of their "1. It served to secure the bereligion; from manners that have lief of a God, and of a Providence. faded, and customs that have elap"As God is invisible and spised. Hence many appropriate beau- ritual, there was cause to fear, that, ties have vanished. Many descrip- in the first and ruder ages of the tions and many representations, world, when men were busier in that must have had a solemn im-cultivating the earth than in cultiportance among the Jews, are now vating arts and sciences, and in considered, from a change of cir-seeking the necessaries of life than cumstances, in a degraded point of in the study of morality, they view. Hence, likewise, here and might forget their Creator and Gothere a shade of obscurity. In ge-vernor; and, therefore, God mainneral, however, the language of tained amongst them the great arscripture, though highly sublime ticle of faith in him, by manifestaand beautiful, is easy and intelli-tions of himself; by sending anble to all capacities." gels to declare his will; by miracles, and by prophecies.

2. Of the use and intent of prophecy.

2. It was intended to give As prophecy is so striking a men the profoundest veneration proof of a supernatural commu- for that amazing knowledge from nion with the Deity, and is of so which nothing was concealed, not early a date, we may rest assured even the future actions of creait was given for wise and im-tures, and the things which as portant ends. "It cannot be sup-yet were not. How could a man posed," says bishop Sherlock, hope to hide any counsel, any "that God delivered prophecies design, or thought, from such a only to satisfy or employ the cu-Being? riosity of the inquisitive, or that

"3. It contributed to keep up he gave his Spirit to men merely devotion and true religion, the to enable them to give forth pre-religion of the heart, which conVOL. II.

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and honourable notions of God, and of his perfections, and which is a more rational and a more acceptable service than rites and ce


"4. It excited men to rely upon God, and to love him, who condescended to hold this mutual intercourse with his creatures, and to permit them to consult him, as one friend asks the advice of another.

sists partly in entertaining just" The Divine design, uniformly pursued through a series of successive generations, opens with a greater degree of clearness, in proportion to the lapse of time and the number of events. An increase of age is an addition to its strength; and the nearer we approach the point towards which the dispensations of God unvaryingly tend, the more clearly shall we discern the wonderful regularity, consistency, and beauty of "5. It was intended to keep this stupendous plan for univerthe people, to whom God reveal-sal good. Of the great use of proed himself, from idolatry; a sin phecies which have been fulfilled, to which the Jews would be in- as a direct and strong argument clined, both from the disposition to convert unbelievers to Christo it which they had acquired in tianity, and to establish Chris-. Egypt, and from the contagion of tians in the faith, we have the most bad example. ample proofs. Our Lord himself "The people of Israel were made very frequent appeals to strictly forbidden to consult the prophecy, as evidence of his Didiviners and the gods of other vine mission: he referred the nations, and to use any enchant-Jews to their own scriptures, as ments and wicked arts; and that most fully and clearly bearing they might have no temptation to witness of himself. Upon them it, God permitted them to apply he grounded the necessity of his to him and to his prophets, even sufferings; upon them he settled upon small occasions; and he the faith of the disciples at Emraised up amongst them a succes-maus, and of the apostles at Jerusion of prophets, to whom they salem. The same source supplied might have resort for advice and direction. These prophets were reverenced abroad as well as at home, and consulted by foreign princes; and, in the times of the captivity, they were honoured by great kings, and advanced to high stations."

the eloquence of St. Peter and St. Paul, and the means with which Apollos mightily convinced the Jews.' This was a powerful instrument of persuasion in the succeeding ages of the church, when used by the primitive apologists. Upon this topic were employed the zeal and diligence not only of Justin Martyr, but Tertullian, Cyprian, and Augustine. It would

As it respects us, prophecy connected with miracles affords a considerable evidence of the truth of revelation, as well as of a super-never have been so frequently emintending Providence. This evi- ployed, if it had not been well dence, too, is a growing evidence. adapted to the desired end; and

that it did most completely answer truths of Divine revelation. Thus this end, by the conversion of un- it appears that the chief design believers, is evident from the ac- of prophecy is to bear constant counts of scripture, and the re-witness to religious truth: but cords of the primitive church. though to convince gainsayers of "Prophecy keeps the attention this truth is justly considered as of Christians alive to the truth and its principal use, it has another importance of their holy religion; very important object, to which it to its truth, because prophecy and well becomes us to pay attention, Christianity had one and the same from motives of gratitude, as well origin, both being derived from as from fear of incurring the blame the same Fountain of Perfection: which scripture invariably imputes it keeps them alive to its import- to those who neglect to take adance, because prophecy shews that vantage of the light afforded them.' the Supreme Being has vouch- It is designed to protect believers safed through a long succession of in the word of God from the danages to prepare mankind, by gra- gers arising from the prevalent dual revelations of his will, for corruptions, errors, and vices of future blessings; and has proved, the age in which they live. The by sending chosen messengers to due consideration of prophecy will usher in this final dispensation, administer consolation amidst prethat the testimony of Jesus is sent distress, and enliven faith the spirit of prophecy.' It con- and elevate hope, whilst passing firms the general belief of a God, through those dark depressing and points out to a careless world scenes, which, without this grathe plain traces of his watchful cious aid, might lead through the Providence. It displays the coun-intricacies of doubt to the gloom sels of inspiration, incessantly di- of despair." recting the course of events, without violating the order of reason and of human action. Such knowledge is too wonderful for us! such power is above our comprehension! But the fact is placed before our eyes. We see, or may see, a regular train of prophecies tending towards one declared end, accurately fulfilled and fulfilling amidst all the confusion and opposition of this tumultuous world; and we see that these prophecies are clear, both in prediction and accomplishment, in proportion to their importance in fixing our belief in the providence of God, and in the great

Objections, however, have been raised against the prophecies from their obscurity. But to this it is answered, that they have often a first, or partial, and an ultimate completion, of which the former may be generally considered as an earnest of the latter. It is principally this double sense of prophecy which renders it obscure; for though the predictions of the prophets were sometimes positive and exactly descriptive, and delivered with an accurate and definite designation of names and times, prophecy was not generally designed to be clear before its accomplishment. It is, however, always suf

ficiently exact in its descriptions all brought about in the very same to authenticate its pretensions to manner, and with the very same a Divine authority; to produce, circumstances, as the prophets had when it comes to pass, an acknow- foretold. "We see," says bishop ledgment of its unerring certainty; Newton," the descendants of and to demonstrate the wisdom Shem and Japheth ruling and enand power of God. As bishop larged in Asia and Europe, and Newton observes, prophecies are perhaps in America, and the the only species of writing which curse of servitude' still attending is designed more for the instruc- the wretched descendants of Ham tion of future ages than of the times in Africa. We see the posterity of wherein they are written. In this Ismael multiplied exceedingly,' respect, as the world groweth old- and become a great nation' in er, it groweth wiser. Time, that the Arabians; yet living like detracts something from the evi-wild men,' and shifting from dence of other writers, is still ad- place to place in the wilderness; ding something to the credit and their hand against every man, authority of the prophets. Future and every man's hand against ages will comprehend more than them;' and still dwelling an indethe present, as the present under-pendent and free people, in the stands more than the past; and presence of all their brethren,' the perfect accomplishment will and in the presence of all their produce a perfect knowledge of enemies. We see the family of all the prophecies.

Esau totally extinct, and that of 3. Of the fulfilment of prophecy. Jacob subsisting at this day; the Our limits will not permit us to sceptre departed from Judah,' and give a copious account of the va- the people living no where in aurious prophecies which have been thority, every where in subjection; remarkably fulfilled; but who- the Jews still 'dwelling alone among ever has examined profane history the nations, while the .rememwith any degree of attention, and brance of Amelak' is utterly put compared it with the predictions out from under heaven.' We see of scripture, must, if he be not the Jews severely punished for blinded by prejudice and harden- their infidelity and disobedience ed by infidelity, be convinced of to their great prophet like unto the truth of prophecy by its exact accomplishment. It is in vain to say that these prophecies were delivered since the events have taken place; for we see the prophecies, the latest whereof were delivered about 1700 years ago, and some of them above 3000 years ago, fulfilling at this very time; and cities, and countries, and kingdoms, in the very same condition, and

Moses; plucked from off their own land, and removed into all the kingdoms of the earth; op. pressed and spoiled evermore;' and made a proverb and a byword among all nations.' We see

Ephraim so broken as to be no more a people,' while the whole nation is comprehended under the name of Judah; the Jews wonderfully preserved as a distinct people,

while their great conquerors are ' escaping out of their hand.' We every where destroyed; their land see the Jews 'led away captive inlying desolate, and themselves cut to all nations, and Jerusalem trodoff from being the people of God, den down of the Gentiles,' and while the Gentiles are advanced likely to continue so until the in their room. We see Nineveh times of the Gentiles be fulfilled,' so completely destroyed, that the as the Jews are by a constant miplace thereof is not and cannot be racle preserved a distinct people known; Babylon made a deso- for the completion of other prolation for ever, a possession for the phecies relating to them. We see bittern, and pools of water;' Tyre one who opposeth and exalteth become like the top of a rock, a himself' above all laws, divine place for fishers to spread their and human, sitting as God in nets upon; and Egypt a base the church of God, and shewing kingdom, the basest of the king- himself that he is God, whose doms,' and still tributary and sub-coming is after the working of ject to strangers. We see, of the Satan, with all power, and signs, four great empires of the world, and lying wonders, and with all the fourth and last, which was deceivableness of unrighteousgreater and more powerful than ness.' We see a great apostacy in any of the former, divided in the the Christian church, which conwestern part thereof into ten less-sists chiefly in the worship of deer kingdoms; and among them a mons, angels, or departed saints, power with a triple crown diverse and is promoted through the byfrom the first,' with a mouth pocrisy of liars, forbidding to marspeaking very great things,' and ry, and commanding to abstain with a look more stout than from meats.' We see the seven his fellows, speaking great words churches of Asia lying in the same against the Most High, wearing forlorn and desolate condition that out the saints of the Most High, the angel had signified to St. John, and changing times and laws.' We their candlestick removed out of see a power cast down the truth its place,' their churches turned to the ground, and prosper, and into mosques, their worship into practise, and destroy the holy superstition. In short, we see the people, not regarding the God of characters of the beast and the his fathers, nor the desire of wives, false prophet,' and the whore of but honouring Mahuzzim,' gods- Babylon,' now exemplified in eveprotectors, or saints-protectors, ry particular, and in a city that is and causing' the priests of Ma-seated upon seven mountains;' huzzim to rule over many, and so that, if the bishop of Rome had to divide the land for gain. We sat for his picture, a greater resee the Turks stretching forth semblance and likeness could not their hand over the countries,' have been drawn. and particularly over the land of Egypt, the Libyans at their steps, and the Arabians still


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"For these things we have the attestation of past and the experience of present times; and we

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