LIST OF EMBELLISHMENTS TO THE VOLUME. Those marked thus are Vignettes, printed with the letter-press. Altar Window at St. Dunstan's in the West, London Frontispiece. *View of the Mansion at Puncknowle, Dorset; with the Representation Page. of an ancient Head in panel 38 *Ancient Cross in Puncknowle Church-yard 39 Imperial Greek Coins hitherto unpublished-Antoninus; Plautilla; Lucius Verus; Septimus Severus 129 Plan of the Close of Old Sarum; and of the Cathedral as restored by Hatcher 143 *Bird's eye view of the Ground-plan of Old Sarum Cathedral 144 Ruins of St. Stephen's Chapel, Westminster 252 Kingston Seymour Manor-House, Somerset 370 Sepulchral Inscription of Ilbert de Chaz, at Lacock Abbey, Wilts 377 473 Specimens of Architectural Sculpture at Bocherville 474 *Representation of the Holy Hand of St. Patrick..... 585 Ancient House at Ightham, Kent 587 *Seals and Autograph of Dr. Donne 623 154838 PREFACE. WE trust that we may infer the satisfaction of our readers in the conduct of the GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, from the continued patronage which they afford it. Having arranged, when we commenced the New Series, the plan which we considered most suitable for the undertaking, and subsequently having seen no reason to depart from it, our endeavour has been to render the execution as perfect as we could. In the branch connected with Antiquities, many subjects of local and general interest will be found: and we speak with confidence of the satisfaction which the review of the works of the New Record Commission has given, and the interest it has excited. In the department which includes the Review of New Publications, our endeavour has been to judge of the works submitted to us, carefully and impartially; we have recommended no one to public notice without mentioning the grounds of our approbation; nor have we ever censured any publication without declaring the circumstances that called for animadversion. Sometimes our Reviews are later than we could wish; but authors must recollect, animo cupienti nihil satis festinari. Sometimes we are obliged to present them in a very abridged form; but as long as the Press is as prolific as at present, we can only meet its demands, by affording less space to each writer. It requires very superior powers in the present day, for an author to rise at once above his competitors, and, in the general cultivation of intellect and diffusion of literature, to bear away the palm of undisputed excellence; when such superior works appear, they receive from us, as may be seen, an attention proportioned to their eminence. On subjects connected with the Established Church, we have spoken openly, but we believe reasonably and temperately; and the same disposition shall continue to advocate her rights, defend her character, and promote all due amendment of her defects. The latter part of our Magazine has always been appropriated to the Obituary; a part that has been much esteemed by the public, and much consulted by literary persons: we can assert that the materials are collected with labour and investigation, and that they are arranged after very careful examination. But if in any department of our Magazine occasional mistakes or defects may be found, we are confident that a candid reader will attribute them not to the negligence of the contributors, but to the very nature of the publication, which cannot, like a common book, be laid aside and revised at leisure. Our appeal on this subject, shall be in the words of the Roman Poet: 'Da veniam subitis; et dum legis ista, memento King Alfred's Version of Boëthius, 49.-Translations of Camoëns' Luciad, 51. Riddell's Legal and Historical Tracts, 53.-Illustrations of Moore's Irish Melodies, 57.-Martin's History of British Colonies, 60.-Greenwood's Picture of Hull, 61.-Williams's Life of Sir Matthew Hale, 62.-Annals of Lacock Abbey, by Bowles and Nichols, 63. -The Knight and Enchan- tress, by Lady E. S. Wortley, 65.-Suggestions on the Economy of the .. 68-71 New Publications, 73.-Colburn's Modern Novelists, 75. - Learned Societies, &c. 74. Monument of Shakspeare, 76. - Newly invented Composition HISTORICAL CHRONICLE. - Proceedings in Parliament, 81. - Foreign News, 83.-Domestic Occurrences, 85.-Promotions, Preferments, &c. 87. OBITUARY; with Memoirs of Earl of Devon; Adm. Hon. Sir A. K. Legge, K.C.B.; Major-Gen. Sir J. Campbell, K.C.B.; Capt. Sir C. M. Schom- berg, K.C.H.; Capt. W. Kempthorne, R.N.; Mrs. Cook; Edward Roberts, Esq.; Mrs. Olivia Serres; Mrs. Hemans; George Pinckard, M.D.; Richard Sharp, Esq.; Sir George Tuthill, M.D.; William Blanchard. 2 MINOR CORRESPONDENCE. We cannot afford to insert, at the expense of more important matter, the reply of LANCASTRIENSIS to the strictures of M. D. on Baines's History of Lancashire. We have read over his letter attentively; and do not find that he is able to deny the inaccuracies pointed out by M.D., stating only that this censure is trifling, that unfair; some passages are not fully quoted, and the deficiencies of others will be supplied in other parts of the work. The only two points he notices of the least public value, are, that "Bredmed " (Brightmet) occurs as a place of moorland in the Survey of the manor of Manchester, 16 Edw. II. (MS. Harl. 2085) and that the MSS. of Mr. D. Rasbotham furnish the authority for Mr. Baines's statement that the dissenters assembled at Winter Hill.-We are desired by M. D. himself to make these corrections to his letter. The sentence in p. 595 about Farnworth church should be withdrawn. In p. 599, a. 16, for Dr. Whitaker read Mr. Whitaker; and in line 41, after the 28th read Sept. In p. 595, b. 10, for p. 66 read p. 46; b. 16, for p. 40 read p. 46; and b. 22, for p. 54 read p. 45. In p. 598, a. 16 from bottom, for p. 29 read p. 89. The Ode to Greece, and the poetry sent by H. and M. B. S. are declined. We do not recollect the communication of the CHURCHMAN who has fined us with a heavy postage. The articles on Archery by F. O. and X. Y. in the course of the season. FEDERARIUS inquires if any collector of Literary Prospectuses can inform him of a Prospectus of Rymer's Fœdera. The first volume of that work came out in 1704, but an ample announcement of it appears at the end of the preface of the Mantissa Codicis Juris Gentium Diplomatici, published by G. G. Leibnitz in 1693, which leads to the supposition that a Prospectus was printed and circulated abroad long before any part of the Fœdera was published. To that author's notice of the intended work is added a descriptive title, which is prolix and very curious, and is said to be larger than what had been before made known to the world qualis autoris missu ad nos pervenit. Any new particulars respecting Rymer will be very acceptable. J. S. is informed that the medal which Pinkerton attributed to "Jehan Strangewayes, Escuier," appears from the Medallic History of England, 4to, 1802, pl. III. to be the same with a silver counter struck in Normandy in the reign of Henry VI. the field of which is on one side divided by cross bars into four quarters, each of which contains a dolphin embowed, and in the centre is this shield of arms:-a bend, and on a canton a mullet; legend + JEHAN STANLAWE ESCVIER; on the reverse, two shields of the arms of France and of France and England quarterly, each under a crown, legend + TRESORIER DE NORMENDIE. The similarity of the above coat of the bend, canton, and mullet to others belonging to the names of Stanlow and Stanley, shows that the connection of the name of Strangeways with this medal has arisen entirely from a misreading or misapprehension. R. H. begs to ask if any of the readers of your Magazine can inform him whether there are in existence descendants of its original publisher, Mr. Cave, or in whose possession the papers of that worthy man and zealous friend of literature now are. He will feel exceedingly obliged for any information on this subject sent to him at the office of the Gentleman's Magazine. He wishes further to inquire of those who possess information concerning the worthies of this city in the last age, whether they can afford him any particulars concerning that ingenious and remarkable man Lewis Paul, the patentee of spinning by rollers in 1738 and 1758, and of the carding cylinder in 1748, in addition to that given in Mr. Edward Baines's "History of the Cotton Manufacture" lately published. Paul appears, from the entry of his patents, to have lived at Birmingham in 1738 and 1748, and at Kensington Gravel Pits in 1758; and he calls himself " gentleman." He was a most ingenious and enterprising man, but, like the greater number of inventors, he derived little benefit from his inventions. Any particulars of his life, where he died, and whether he left descendants or papers, would be exceedingly acceptable, and would help to clear up a disputed point of much interest in the history of mechanical science and the useful arts. ANTIQUARIUS inquires for any notices relating to the pedigrees of Burton of Ingerthorpe, Ward of Newby, and Pigot of Clotherholme, all in the immediate neighbourhood of Ripon; they were, he believes, all extinct or removed before the first Visitation of Yorkshire was taken. W. H. inquires who was the Judge or Serjeant-at-Law who adopted the motto, "VIM TEMPERATAM" on his ring, about the year 1779 or 80. Was it Thurlow, Wedderburne, or Jack Lee? |