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Nearer this long night's close,
Nearer death's final strife,

Nearer the coming cloudless morn,
Nearer eternal life.

This sweetly solemn thought
Each day doth comfort me,
I'm nearer to my Father's house;
Jesus! I'm nearer Thee.


A bright-hair'd company of youthful slaves
A saint! Oh would that I could claim
A spirit pass'd before me: I beheld
Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide
Ah! when did wisdom covet length of days
Ah! whither shall I fly? what path untrod
And Thou art growing up, O Child divine!
Art thou weary? art thou languid
Ask the bird that soars on high
Awake, sweet harp of Judah, wake

Behold! the mountain of the Lord
Behold the sun, that seem'd but now
Beneath our feet and o'er our head

Birds have their quiet nest

Bless God, my soul!-Thou, Lord, alone

Blest pair of Syrens, pledges of heaven's joy
Brother, thou art gone before us

But whence came they who for the Saviour Lord

Change is our portion here

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Cheer up, desponding soul

Child of man, whose seed below

Child of the dust! if e'er thine eye
Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Come, my fond, fluttering heart
Come, my soul, Thy suit prepare















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Fair sea! whose lines of rolling wave
Faith, like a simple, unsuspecting child
Fallen is thy throne, O Israel

Far down the ages now

Far from the world, O Lord! I flee

Father, I know that all my life

Fear was within the tossing bark

Fierce was the wild billow; dark was the night

For thee, O dear, dear country

Friend after friend departs

From Olivet's sequester'd seats

Give to the winds thy fears

Glorious Shepherd of the sheep

God calling yet! and shall I never hearken

God is our refuge, our strong tower

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Happiness! thou lovely name

He wept by Lazarus' grave-how will He bear

Hear me, O God!

Help, Lord, to whom for help I fly

Her eyes are homes of silent prayer

High on His everlasting throne

Hope of the coming glory

How sweet shall be the incense of my prayer!
Hues of the rich unfolding morn




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I have a heritage of joy

I heard the voice of Jesus say

I sing the birth was born to-night

I the good fight have fought

I think that look of Christ might seem to say

I thirst, Thou wounded Lamb of God

In age and feebleness extreme ..

In all extremes, Lord, Thou art still

In every object here I see
In heavenly love abiding
In Jesu's book I bear

In the hour of my distress

Interval of grateful shade

It came upon the midnight clear

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It is a place where poets crown'd may feel the heart's


Jesu, thy blood and righteousness

Jesus, and shall it ever be !

Jesus, cast a look on me

Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone

Jesus, Thy Church with longing eyes

Jesus, while he dwelt below

Just as I am, without one plea

Knell of departed years

Leaves have their time to fall

Left in her little room alone

Like to the falling of a star

Lo! at Thy feet Thy children fall
Long plunged in sorrow, I resign
Lord, a happy child of Thine ..
"Lord, and what shall this man do?”
Lord, I feel a carnal mind


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Lord, it belongs not to my care

Lord of earth! Thy forming hand

Lord, many times I am a weary quite

Lord, what is man? why should he cost Thee

Love craves the presence and the sight

Man of sorrows, and acquainted

My Father and my God

My God, it is not fretfulness

My God, my Father, blissful name
My God, to keep my heart

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My heart is fix'd, O God, my strength

My soul, amid this stormy world
My soul, there is a country

My spirit longeth for Thee

My stock lies dead, and no increase

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O God unseen, but not unknown
O Lord, turn not Thy face away

O lovely voices of the sky

O that my heart was right with Thee

O Thou great power! in whom I move
O Thou, whose tender feet have trod

O Zion! when I think on thee

Of all the thoughts of God that are

Oh, cling not, Trembler, to life's fragile bark

Oh for a closer walk with God

Oh! where shall rest be found

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