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Ꭼ Ꭱ Ꭱ Ꭺ Ꭲ Ꭺ .

Page 18,-The last line on the page should be numbered as section "2."

"26, sec. 3---Strike out "the," at the besinning of the last ine.

"47, in superintendents for "Webster-for Adam G. Gegory," read "Adam

Chap. 69, sec. 1, 1st line--for "and," read "any.""

Chap. 70, at the end of the 4th line after "Raleigh," instea of "and" read "pr."

.6 70, at the beginning of last line, for "oads" read "roads.

"76, sec. "2" is erroneously printed "1."


84, sec. 42, 3d line, after "constitution," read "or laws.'

"85, sec. 48, 9th line, for "any" read "an."

"87, sec. 64, 2d line, for "corporation," read "corporate.

"106, sec. 1, lines 2 and three, strike out "thirty-first."

66 148, sec 15, 4th line, for ninth" read "tenth."


185, all of section 41 following the period in the 18th ling should be read after
section 42.

188, sec. 13, 2d line, for "judge" read "justice."

"198, sec. 82, 8th line, insert "the" before "judgment.”

270, sec. 151, 4th line, for "a" read "the before "subpoena."
"244, chap.. 136, sec. 3, last line, for "fact" read "act."

3 6105 063 481 514

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