Congregationalists, who They are and what They Do

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Pilgrim Press, 1913 - Всего страниц: 80

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Стр. 12 - We will not say as the Separatists were wont to say at their leaving of England, Farewell, Babylon! Farewell, Rome ! but we will say, Farewell, dear England ! Farewell the Church of God in England, and all the Christian friends there ! We do not go to New England as Separatists from the Church of England; though we cannot but separate from the corruptions in it. But we go to practise the positive part of Church reformation, and propagate the Gospel in America!
Стр. 20 - They who have power to appoint officers and magistrates, it is in their power, also, to set the bounds and limitations of the...
Стр. 76 - Sir : It is a thing not usual, that servants to one master and of the same household should be strangers ; I assure you I desire it not ; nay to speak more plainly, I cannot be so to you : God's people are all marked with one and the same mark, and...
Стр. 76 - I am by him satisfied touching your judgments of the outward form of God's worship. It is as far as I can yet gather, no other than is warranted by the evidence of truth, and the same which I have professed and maintained ever since the Lord in mercy revealed...
Стр. 76 - Gods children must not looke for less here below, and it is ye great mercie of God, that he strengthens them to goe through with it. I shall not neede at this time to be tedious unto you, for, God willing, I purpose to see your face shortly. In...
Стр. 42 - Congregational churches belonged exclusively to New England and would not flourish elsewhere, and that the Presbyterian church was not congenial to New England but was especially adapted to new communities. Therefore Congregational pastors advised their people moving west to become Presbyterians. Students in theological seminaries were taught that 'Congregationalism is a river rising in New England and emptying itself South and West into Presbyterianism.
Стр. 20 - It was the first written Constitution known to history that created a Government, and it marked the beginnings of American democracy, of which Thomas Hooker deserves more than any other man to be called the father. The...
Стр. 77 - We Covenant with the Lord and one with another ; and doe bynd our selves in the presence of God, to walke together in all his waies, according as he is pleased to reveale himself unto us in his Blessed word of truth.
Стр. 9 - His truth, they shook off this yoke of antichristian bondage, and as the Lord's free people joined themselves (by a covenant of the Lord) into a church estate, in the fellowship of the Gospel, to walk in all His ways made known, or to be made known unto them, according to their best endeavors, whatsoever it should cost them, the Lord assisting them.
Стр. 16 - religious liberty" a state of things in which opposite or contradictory opinions on questions of religion shall exist side by side in the same community, and in which everybody shall decide for himself how far he will conform to the customary religious observances, nothing could have been further from their thoughts. There is nothing they would have regarded with more genuine abhorrence. If they could have been forewarned by a prophetic voice of the general freedom — or, as they would have termed...

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