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Let us quit the leafy arbour, 63

Lie here, without a record of thy worth, 369
Life with yon Lambs, like day, is just begun, 214
Like a shipwreck'd Sailor tost, 378

List, the winds of March are blowing, 379

List-'twas the Cuckoo.-0 with what delight, 276
List, ye who pass by Lyulph's Tower, 358

Lo! in the burning west, the craggy nape, 267

Lone Flower hemmed in with snows, and white as they, 206

Long favoured England! be not thou misled, 387

Long has the dew been dried on tree and lawn, 275
Lonsdale! it were unworthy of a Guest, 358
Look at the fate of summer flowers, 78

Look now on that Adventurer who hath paid, 245
Lord of the vale! astounding Flood, 232

Loud is the Vale! the Voice is up, 436
Loving she is, and tractable, though wild, 55

Lo! where she stands fixed in a saint-like trance, 215
Lo! where the Moon along the sky, 369
Lowther! in thy majestic Pile are seen, 358
Lulled by the sound of pastoral bells, 266
Lyre! though such power do in thy magic live, 147

Man's life is like a Sparrow, mighty King, 315
Mark how the feathered tenants of the flood, 169
Mark the concentred hazels that enclose, 205
Meek Virgin Mother, more benign, 259
Men of the Western World! in Fate's dark book, 387
Men, who have ceased to reverence, soon defy, 325
Mercy and Love have met thee on thy road, 313
Methinks that I could trip o'er heaviest soil, 325
Methinks that to some vacant hermitage, 316
Methinks 'twere no unprecedented feat, 290
Methought I saw the footsteps of a throne, 202
"Mid crowded obelisks and urns, 220
Mid-noon is past;-upon the sultry mead, 290
Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour, 238
Mine ear has rung, my spirit sunk subdued, 333
Miserrimus! and neither name nor date, 213
Monastic domes! following my downward way, 332
Most sweet it is with unuplifted eyes, 360
Mother! whose virgin bosom was uncrost, 323
Motions and Means, on land and sea at war, 357
My frame hath often trembled with delight, 289
My heart leaps up when I behold, 54

Nay, Traveller! rest. This lonely Yew-tree stands, 14

Near Anio's stream, I spied a gentle Dove, 275
Never enlivened with the liveliest ray, 128
Next morning Troilus began to clear, 423
No fiction was it of the antique age, 288
No more: the end is sudden and abrupt, 341
No mortal object did these eyes behold, 201
No record tells of lance opposed to lance, 291
Nor scorn the aid which Fancy oft doth lend, 315
Nor shall the eternal roll of praise reject, 327
Nor wants the cause the panic-striking aid, 314
-Not a breath of air, 142

Not envying Latian shades-if yet they throw, 286
Not hurled precipitous from steep to steep, 291

Not in the lucid intervals of life, 343

Not in the mines beyond the western main, 360
Not, like his great Compeers, indignantly, 257
Not Love, not War, nor the tumultuous swell, 205
Not 'mid the world's vain objects that enslave, 242
Not sedentary all: there are who roam 316

Not seldom, clad in radiant vest, 414

Not so that Pair whose youthful spirits dance, 288
Not the whole warbling grove in concert heard, 212
Not to the clouds, not to the cliff, he flew, 354
Not to the object specially designed, 389

Not utterly unworthy to endure, 323

Not without heavy grief of heart did He, 431

Now that all hearts are glad, all faces bright, 248

Now that the farewell tear is dried, 261

Now we are tired of boisterous joy, 227

Now when the primrose makes a splendid show, 397
Nuns fret not at their convent's narrow room, 197

Oak of Guernica! Tree of holier power, 245

O blithe New comer! I have heard, 141
O dearer far than light and life are dear, 80
O'er the wide earth, on mountain and on plain, 243
O'erweening Statesmen have full long relied, 246
O Flower of all that springs from gentle blood, 431
Of mortal parents is the Hero born, 243
O for a dirge! But why complain, 437

O, for a kindling touch from that pure flame, 250
O for the help of Angels to complete, 256

O Friend! I know not which way I must look, 238
Oft have I caught, upon a fitful breeze, 354
Oft have I seen, ere Time had ploughed my cheek, 201
Oft I had heard of Lucy Gray, 57

Oft is the medal faithful to its trust, 411

O gentle Sleep! do they belong to thee, 199
O happy time of youthful lovers (thus, 88
Oh Life! without thy chequered scene, 258
Oh! pleasant exercise of hope and joy, 161

Oh what a Wreck! how changed in mien and speech, 215
Oh! what's the matter? what's the matter, 402

O Lord, our Lord! how wondrously (quoth she), 416
O mountain Stream! the Shepherd and his Cot, 288
Once did She hold the gorgeous east in fee, 237
Once I could hail (howe'er serene the sky), 399
Once in a lonely hamlet I sojourned, 87

Once more the Church is seized with sudden fear, 321
Once on the top of Tynwald's formal mound, 333
One might believe that natural miseries, 239
One morning (raw it was and wet, 86

One who was suffering tumult in his soul, 206

On his morning rounds the Master, 369

O Nightingale! thou surely art, 143

On, loitering Muse-the swift Stream chides us-on, 288

O now that the genius of Bewick were mine, 428

On to Iona!-What can she afford, 356

Open your gates, ye everlasting Piles, 333

O there is blessing in this gentle breeze, 445

O thou who movest onward with a mind, 430

O thou! whose fancies from afar are brought, 62
Our bodily life, some plead, that life the shrine, 390
Our walk was far among the ancient trees, 110
Outstretching flame-ward his upbraided hand, 324

Pansies, lilies, kingcups, daisies, 119

Part fenced by man, part by a rugged steep, 336
Pastor and Patriot!-at whose bidding rise, 349
Patriots informed with Apostolic light, 329
Pause, courteous Spirit!-Balbi supplicates, 432
Pause, Traveller! whosoe'er thou be, 414
Pelion and Ossa flourish side by side, 198
People! your chains are severing link by link, 186
Perhaps some needful service of the State, 430

Pleasures newly found are sweet, 120

Portentous caange when History can appear, 386
Praised be the Art whose subtle power could stay, 199
Praised be the Rivers, from their mountain springs, 321
Prejudged by foes determined not to spare, 326
Presentiments! they judge not right, 175
Prompt transformation works the novel Lore, 315
Proud were ye, Mountains, when, in times of old, 217
Pure element of waters! wheresoe'er, 209

Queen of the Stars!-so gentle, so benign, 347

Ranging the heights of Scawfell or Black-comb, 352
Rapt above earth by power of one fair face, 278
Realms quake by turns: proud Arbitress of
Record we too, with just and faithful pen, 319
Redoubted King, of courage leonine, 318
Reluctant call it was; the rite delayed, 386
Rest, rest, perturbed Earth, 436
Return, Content! for fondly I pursued, 290
Rise!-they have risen: of brave Aneurin ask, 314
Rotha, my Spiritual Child! this head was grey, 212
Rude is this Edifice, and Thou hast seen, 412

Sacred Religion! Mother of form and fear, 289


[blocks in formation]

See the Condemned alone within his cell, 391
See what gay wild flowers deck this earth-built Cot, 338
See, where his difficult way that Old Man wins, 279
Serene, and fitted to embrace, 165

Serving no haughty Muse, my hands have here, 216
Seven Daughters had Lord Archibald, 120
Shame on this faithless heart! that could allow, 210
She dwelt among the untrodden ways, 77
She had a tall man's height or more, 147
She was a Phantom of delight, 143
Show me the noblest Youth of present time, 171
Shout, for a mighty Victory is won, 240
Shun not this Rite, neglected, yea abhorred, 331
Since risen from ocean, ocean to defy, 353
Six months to six years added he remained, 432
Six thousand veterans practised in war's game, 226
Small service is true service while it lasts, 404
Smile of the Moon !-for so I name, 80

So fair, so sweet, withal so sensitive, 385
Soft as a cloud is yon blue Ridge-the Mere, 344
Sole listener, Duddon! to the breeze that played, 287
Spade! with which Wilkinson hath tilled his lands, 368
Stay, bold Adventurer; rest awhile thy limbs, 412
Stay, little cheerful Robin! stay, 398

Stay near me-do not take thy flight, 54

Stern Daughter of the Voice of God, 370

Strange fits of passion have I known, 77
Stranger! this hillock of mis shapen stones, 412
Stretched on the dying Mother's lap, lies dead, 357
Such age how beautiful! O Lady bright, 212
Such fruitless questions may not long beguile, 299
Surprised by joy-impatient as the Wind, 202
Sweet Flower! belike one day to have, 434

Sweet Highland Girl, a very shower, 221
Sweet is the holiness of You h-so felt, 324
Swiftly turn the murmuring wheel, 122
Sylph was it? or a Bird more bright, 128

Take, cradled Nursling of the mountain, take, 27
Tax not the royal Saint with vain expense, 33
Tell me, ye Zephyrs! that unfold, 113
Tenderly do we feel by Nature's law, 339
Thanks for the lessons of this Spot-it school, 355
That happy gleam of vernal eyes, 398

That heresies should strike (if truth be scanned, 314
That is work of waste and ruin, 54
That way look, my Iufant, lo, 129
The Baptist might have been ordained to cry. 278
The Bard-whose soul is meek as dawning day, 250
The captive Bird was gone ;-to cliff or moor, 354
The cattle crowding round this beverage clear, 349
The cock is crowing, 146

The Crescent-moon, the Star of Love, 346
The Danish Conqueror, on his royal chair, 373
The days are cold, the nights are long, 85
The dew was falling fast, the stars began to blink, 61
The embowering rose, the acacia, and the pine, 411
The encircling ground in native turf arrayed, 333
The fairest, brightest hues of ether fade, 198
The feudal Keep, the bastions of Colors, 353
The fields which with covetous spirit we sold, £3
The floods are roused, and will not soon be weary, 357

The forest huge of ancient Caledon, 341
The formal World relaxes her cold chain, 891

The gallant Youth, who may have gained, 335
The gentlest Poet, with free thoughts endowed, 180
The gentlest Shade that walked Elysian plains, 218
The God of Love-ah, benedicite! 419
The imperial Consort of the Fairy-king, 20
The imperial Stature, the colossal stride, 210
The Kirk of Ulpha to the Pilgrim's eye, 291
The Knight had ridden down from Wensley Moor, 136
The Land we from our fathers had in trust, 243
The leaves that rustled on this oak-crowned hill, 344
The linnet's warble, sinking towards a close, 343
-The little hedge-row birds, 429
The lovely Nun (submissive, but more meek, 3N
The Lovers took within this ancient grove, 341
The martial courage of a day is vain, 244
The massy Ways, carried across these heights, 413
The Minstrels played their Christmas tune, 285
The most alluring clouds that mount the sky, 214
The old inventive Poets, had they seen. 289
The oppression of the tumult-wrath and scorn, 311
The peace which others seek they find, 78
The pibroch's note, discountenanced or mute, 337
The post-boy drove with fierce career, 56
The Power of Armies is a visible thing, 246
The prayers I make will then be sweet indeed, 24
There are no colours in the fairest sky, 327
There is a bondage worse, far worse, to bear, 239
There is a change-and I am poor, 79
There is a Flower, the lesser Celandine, 428
There is a little unpretending Rill, 198
There is an Eminence, of these our hills, 100
There is a pleasure in poetic pains, 206
There is a Thorn-it looks so old, 153
There is a Yew-tree, pride of Lorton Vale, 142
There never breathed a man who, when his life, 439

There! said a Stripling, pointing with meet pride, 336
There's George Fisher, Charles Fleming, and Reginald

Shore, 60

There's more in words than I can teach, 104
There's not a nook within this solemn Pass, 337
There's something in a flying horse, 184

There was a Boy; ye knew him well, ye cliffs, 141
There was a roaring in the wind all night, 151
There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream, 441
The Roman Consul doomed his sons to die, 389
The Sabbath bells renew the inviting peal, 331

The saintly Youth has ceased to rule, discrowned, 324
These times strike monied worldlings with dismay, 239
These Tourists, Heaven preserve us! needs must live, 68
The Sheep-boy whistled loud, and lo! 435
The Shepherd, looking eastward, softly said, 206
The sky is overcast, 141

The soaring lark is blest as proud, 395

The Spirit of Antiquity-enshrined, 255

The stars are mansions built by Nature's hand, 207
The struggling Rill insensibly is grown, 287
The sun has long been set, 345

The sun is couched, the sea-fowl gone to rest, 343
The Sun, that seemed so mildly to retire, 342
The sylvan slopes with corn clad fields, 375
The tears of man in various measure gush, 324
The Troop will be impatient; let us hie, 24
The turbaned Race are poured in thickening swarms, 318
The valley rings with mirth and joy, 59
The Vested Priest before the Altar stands, 331
The Virgin Mountain, wearing like a Queen, 326
The Voice of Song from distant lands shall call, 237
The wind is now thy organist :-a clank, 337
The woman-hearted Confessor prepares, 317
The world forsaken, all its busy cares, 277
The world is too much with us; late and soon, 203
They called Thee Merry England, in old time, 348
They dreamt not of a perishable home, 334
The Young-ones gathered in from hill and dale, 330
They seek, are sought; to daily battle led, 246
They-who have seen the noble Roman's scorn, 275
This Height a ministering Angel might select, 170
This Land of Rainbows (spanning glens whose walls, 337
This Lawn, a carpet all alive, 376

This Spot-at once unfolding sight so fair, 389
Those breathing Tokens of your kind regard, 396
Those had given earliest notice, as the lark, 321
Those old credulities, to nature dear, 274
Those silver clouds collected round the sun, 170
Those words were uttered as in pensive mood, 205
Though I beheld at first with blank surprise, 215
Though joy attend Thee orient at the birth, 340
Though many suns have risen and set, 382
Though narrow be that old Man's cares, and near, 208
Tho' searching damps and many an envious flaw, 262
Though the bold wings of Poesy affect, 210
Though the torrents from their fountains, 125
Though to give timely warning and deter, 390
Thou look'st upon me, and dost fondly think, 349
Thou sacred Pile! whose turrets rise, 261
Threats come which no submission may assuage, 322
Three years she grew in sun and shower, 144
Through shattered galleries, 'mid roofless halls, 211
Thus all things lead to Charity, secured, 332
Thus is the storm abated by the craft, 321
Thy functions are ethereal, 181

'Tis eight o'clock,-a clear March night, 91
'Tis gone-with old belief and dream, 174
'Tis He whose yester-evening's high disdain, 215
"Tis not for the unfeeling, the falsely refined, 427
'Tis said, fantastic ocean doth enfold, 255
"Tis said, that some have died for love, 79
"Tis said that to the brow of yon fair hill, 213
'Tis spent-this burning day of June, 131
To a good Man of most dear memory, 438
To appease the Gods; or public thanks to yield, 265
To barren heath, bleak moor, and quaking fen, 231
To kneeling Worshippers, no earthly floor, 331
Too frail to keep the lofty vow, 219

To public notice, with reluctance strong, 437
Toussaint, the most unhappy man of men, 237
Tradition, be thou mute! Oblivion, throw, 338
Tranquillity the sovereign aim wert thou, 357
Troubled long with warring notions, 414
True is it that Ambrosio Salinero, 431
'Twas Summer and the sun had mounted high, 528
Two Voices are there; one is of the sea, 238

Vallombrosa! I longed in thy shadiest wood, 265
Vallombrosa-I longed in thy shadiest wood, 277
Vanguard of Liberty, ye men of Kent, 240

Under the shadow of a stately Pile, 278
Ungrateful Country, if thou e'er forget, 328
Unless to Peter's Chair the viewless wind, 319
Unquiet childhood here by special grace, 212
Untouched through all severity of cold, 213
Up, Timothy, up with your staff and away, 86
Up to the throne of God is borne, 381
Up! up! my Friend, and quit your books, 361
Up with me! up with me into the clouds, 119
Urged by Ambition, who with subtlest skill, 317
Uttered by whom, or how inspired-designed, 257

Walt, prithee, wait! this answer Lesbia threw, 212
Wanderer! that stoop'st so low, and com'st so near, 346
Wansfell! this Household has a favoured lot, 216
Ward of the Law!-dread Shadow of a King, 210
Was it to disenchant, and to undo, 256
Was the aim frustrated by force or guile, 209
Watch, and be firm! for, soul-subduing vice, 313
Weak is the will of Man, his judgment blind, 203
We can endure that He should waste our lands, 246
Weep not, beloved Friends! nor let the air, 430
We had a female Passenger who came, 237
We have not passed into a doleful City, 356
Well have yon Railway Labourers to THIS ground, 2.7
Well may'st thou halt-and gaze with brightening eye, 197
Well sang the Bard who called the grave, in strains, 338
Well worthy to be magnified are they, 328
Were there, below, a spot of holy ground, 7
We saw, but surely, in the motley crowd, 355
We talked with open heart, and tongue, 366
We walked along, while bright and red, 366
What aim had they, the Pair of Monks, in size, 277
What aspect bore the Man who roved or fled, 287
What awful perspective! while from our sight, 334
What beast in wilderness or cultured field, 321
What beast of chase hath broken from the cover, 265
What crowd is this? what have we here! we must not
pass it by, 146

What heavenly smiles! O Lady mine, 80

What He-who, 'mid the kindred throng, 233
What if our numbers barely could defy, 240
What is good for a bootless bene, 372
What know we of the Blest above, 258
What lovelier home could gentle Fancy choose, 256
What mischief cleaves to unsubdued regret, 346
What need of clamorous bells, or ribands gay, 201
What strong allurement draws, what spirit guides, 216
What though the Accused, upon his own appeal, 377
What though the Italian pencil wrought not here, 259
What way does the Wind come? What way does he go, 55
What, you are stepping westward?—Yea, 222
When Alpine Vales threw forth a suppliant cry, 327
Whence that low voice?-A whisper from the heart, 289
When, far and wide, swift as the beams of morn, 241
When first descending from the moorlands, 440
When haughty expectations prostrate lie, 207
When here with Carthage Rome to conflict came, 275
When human touch (as monkish books attest), 208
When I have borne in memory what has tamed, 239
When in the antique age of bow and spear, 400
When, looking on the present face of things, 239
When Philoctetes in the Lemnian isle, 211
When Ruth was left half desolate, 148

When the soft hand of sleep had closed the latch, 248
When thy great soul was freed from mortal chains, 317
When, to the attractions of the busy world, 111
Where are they now, those wanton Boys, 148
Where art thou, my beloved Son, 84
Where be the noisy followers of the game, 268
Where be the temples which, in Britain's Isle, 72
Where holy ground begins, unhallowed ends, 211
Where lies the Land to which yon Ship must go, 202
Where long and deeply hath been fixed the root, 320
Where towers are crushed, and unforbidden weeds, 280
Where will they stop, those breathing Powers, 177
While Anna's peers and early playmates tread, 212
While beams of orient light shoot wide and high, 217
While flowing rivers yield a blameless sport, 200
While from the purpling east departs, 381
While Merlin paced the Cornish sands, 281
While not a leaf seems faded; while the fields, 205
While poring Antiquarians search the ground, 213
While the Poor gather round, till the end of time, 341
Who but hails the sight with pleasure, 122
Who comes with rapture greeted, and caressed, 327
Who fancied what a pretty sight, 121
Who is the happy Warrior? Who is he, 371
Who ponders National events shall find, 387

Who rashly strove thy Image to portray, 385
Who rises on the banks of Seine, 240
Who swerves from innocence, who makes divore,
Why art thou silent! Is thy love a plant, 214
Why cast ye back upon the Gallic shore, 268
Why, Minstrel, these untuneful murmurings. 130
Why should the Enthusiast, journeying thro' this
Why sleeps the future, as a snake enrolled, 334
Why stand we gazing on the sparkling Brine, 359
Why, William, on that old grey stone, 361
Wild Redbreast! hadst thou at Jemima's lip, 201
Wisdom and Spirit of the universe, 62
With copious eulogy in prose or rhyme, 438
With each recurrence of this glorious morn,
With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb'st the sky, 20
Within her gilded cage confined, 124

Within our happy Castle there dwelt One. 76
Within the mind strong fancies work, 166
With little here to do or see, 118

With sacrifice before the rising morn, 162
With Ships the sea was sprinkled far and nigh, 202
Woe to the Crown that doth the Cowl obey, 317
Woe to you, Prelates! rioting in ease, 322
Woman! the Power who left his throne on high,
Wouldst thou be taught, when sleep has taken flight. 17
Would that our scrupulous Sires had dared to leave, t

Ye Appenines! with all your fertile vales, 20

Ye brood of conscience-Spectres! that frequent, 200
Ye Lime-trees, ranged before this hallowed Urn, 411
Ye sacred Nurseries of blooming Youth, 210
Ye shadowy Beings, that have rights and claims. 355
Yes! hope may with my strong desire keep pace, 201
Yes, if the intensities of hope and fear, 329
Yes, it was the mountain Echo, 162

Yes! thou art fair, yet be not moved, 80

Yes, though He well may tremble at the sound, 31
Ye Storms, resound the praises of your King 247
Yet are they here the same unbroken knot, 148
Yet many a Novice of the cloistral shade, 32
Yet more-round many a Convent's blazing fire,
Ye, too, must fly before a chasing hand, 323
Ye trees! whose slender roots entwine, 279
Yet Truth is keenly sought for, and the wind,
Yet, yet, Biscayans! we must meet our Foes, 245
Ye vales and hills whose beauty hither drew, 440
You call it, "Love lies bleeding,"-so you may, 198
You have heard a Spanish Lady, 101

YOUNG ENGLAND-what is then become of Old, 388



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