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diligence till this foe of God and man is banished from the earth.

From the best information which the Committee have been able to obtain, they are led to conclude that more than 1,500,000 people in the United States now abstain from the use of ardent spirit, and from the furnishing of it for the use of others; that there are more than 4000 temperance societies, embracing more than 500,000 members; that more than 1500 distilleries have been stopped, more than 4000 merchants ceased to traffic in the poison, and more than 4,500 drunkards ceased to use intoxicating drinks. There is also reason to believe that more than 20,000 persons are now sober, who, had it not been for the temperance reformation would have been sots; and that 20,000 families are now in ease and comfort, with not a drunkard in them, or one who is becoming a drunkard, who would otherwise have been in poverty, or cursed with a drunken inmate; that 50,000 children are saved from the blasting influence of drunken parents, and 200,000 from that parental influence, which tended to make them drunkards. There is also reason to believe that thousands and tens of thousands are members of christian churches, and rejoicing in hope of the glory of God, who, had they continued to drink, had now been without hope and without God in the world. There is reason to believe also, that thousands and tens of thousands are now impenitent, unbelieving, and on their way to the second death, who, had it not been for the sale and use of ardent spirit, had been ripening for glory, and honor, and immortality, and eternal life; and that tens of thousands more have passed the boundaries of hope, and are weeping and wailing, who, had it not been for this, might have been in heaven. And in view of such things, shall we be told, that temperance is only a secular concern? that it affects only the bodies of men, not their souls, and is a concern which relates to time only, not to eternity? that it ought not to be discussed from the pulpit, on the sabbath? Should Satan cause this to be believed, he would perpetuate intemperance to the end of the world. Shall the fires which make this poison, burn on the sabbath, and the use of it tend to counteract all the merciful designs of Jehovah, in establishing that holy day? Shall Jehovah be insulted by the appearance in the sanctuary of men who use it on the sabbath, and yet the sabbath not be occupied, by light and love, to abolish the use of it? Shall it cause the word of the Lord, even from the pulpit, to fall as upon a rock, instead of being as the rain and the snow that come down from heaven and water the earth; and thousands who might be trees of righteousness in the garden of the Lord, to stand like the heath in the desert, not seeing good when good comes, and yet the pulpit be dumb? or speak only on week days, when those who traf

fic in it, have so much to do in furnishing the poison, that they have no time, and less inclination to hear? If Satan can cause this to be believed, and those who manufacture, sell, and use the weapons of his warfare, and multiply the trophies of his victory not hear of their sin on the sabbath, when God speaks to the conscience; or be entreated from the pulpit, his mercy's seat, by the tears and blood of a Saviour, to flee from coming damnation, the adversary will keep possession of his strong hold. Church nembers will garrison it, and provision it, and fight for him. From the communion table, he will muster recruits, and find officers, in those who distribute the elements, to fight his battles, perpetuate his warfare, and people with increasing numbers his dark domain, to the end of time. If we may not, in this warfare fight, on the Lord's day, when he himself goes forth to the battle, and commands on the field-if we may not use his weapons, forged in heaven; and from the high place of his erection, pour them down thick, heavy, and hot upon the enemy, we may fight till we die, and he will esteem our iron as straw, and our brass as rotten wood; our darts he will count as stubble, and laugh at the glittering of our spear. Leviathan is not so tamed. There is no coping with him, but with weapons of heavenly temper from the armory of Jehovah, on the day when he goes forth, and creation, at his command, stands still to witness the conflict. Then it is, as conscience kindled from above, blazes, and thunders in the heart of the enemy, that he is consumed by the breath of the Almighty, and destroyed by the brightness of his coming.

Never was an idea farther from the truth, than that which represents the Temperance Reformation as only a secular concern, aficcting principally the body; or confined in its influence to this world, or to time; to be discussed only on the week day, and that as a matter of convenience, expediency, or domestic comfort, pecuniary profit, or reputation, and respectability. Its principal influence, and that which in importance eclipses and swallows up every other, is upon the soul, and for eternity; according to the sentiments of the learned judge referred to-As much as the soul is worth more than the body, as much as eternity is longer than time, so much more important is its influence on the soul than on the body, and with regard to eternity than with regard to time. And till its influence on the character, prospect, and destiny of the soul for eternity shall be exhibited on the sabbath, from the pulpit, by the ministers of Christ, to every distiller, and trafficker, and user of the drunkard's poison in the land, who does not, on account of doing evil, so hate the light as to refuse to come to it, this engine of death eternal will not cease to operate, nor this citadel of Satan be demolished. Ministers may think that they could not be supported without the avails of the distillery, and the

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dram-shop, or the countenance of those who furnish or support them; and churches may think that it is not ecclesiastical for them to move, or for their members to act on the subject; and both may hope that others, temperance agents, or societies will do the work, and accomplish the object without their assistance, and that they had better say nothing, and do nothing, but mourn in secret and pray; though church members continue to carry on the traffic, and cause thousands eternally to die; yet it is not so. No minister of Christ, in doing the work of Christ, needs the gains of ungodliness; and no church of Christ is strengthened, or sanctified by having rum-makers, and rum-sellers, and rum-drinkers for members. None such formed the family of the Saviour, the company of his apostles, or any of that bright constellation, who, in their day, through faith and patience, entered in, and took possession of the promises. They were men of another sort. They could not look up to God, and pray, "Lead us not into temptation," and then, go away and tempt their fellow men to ruin, and yet hope for his favor. They felt bound to do to others, as they would that God should do to them. And if they did not strive to use their influence, not to corrupt and destroy, but to save others, they knew that God would not save them. Nor will he save any, who are not, in this respect, like them. In vain will they plead their connection with the church, in arrest of condemnation, for destroying their fellow men. And if they continue that work of death, and the church continues to hold them within its sacred enclosure, and spread over them the protecting banner of the cross, she will be judged as accessory, and held responsible for the mighty ruin. And when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, judgment will begin, where, had reformation begun and continued, it had wrought out salvation, at the house of God. And whether the rainbow of mercy which has begun to appear, shall extend, and encircle the world, or earth be enveloped in blackness of darkness, now, under Christ, hangs on the decision of the church which he hath purchased with his own precious blood. Let her members extract from the bounties of his kindness, the material for burning out the consciences of their fellow men,-let them set it on fire, apply it, and make it a business, to spread it through the community, and the smoke of their torment will cover the whole earth, and spread through all its dwellings darkness, lamentation, and mourning, and Wo. A fire in God's anger will burn continued perpetrators of such wickedness, even to the lowest hell. They would keep the jewels from the crown of his Son, and ruin the souls for whom he died.

But let ministers and churches do their duty, free themselves from all participation in, or connivance at iniquity, and let them,

by light and love, poured out kindly and perpetually, labor to persuade all, from supreme regard to God, and good will to men, to do the same, and the night and wo of ages will pass away, and the Sun of Righteousness, rising in his glory, will pour round the globe the life and the bliss of universal and unceasing day.

Already, in different parts of Africa, are there Temperance Societies; and African newspapers state, that of all the reforms in this reforming age, this is the greatest. The way is preparing to exclude the scourge of the white man from the whole continent which he has cursed.

The Emperor of China has forbidden it to be sold to the nominal Christian, because it makes him demoralize the heathen, and sinks him too low even to associate with them.

In the Sandwich Islands, a thousand in a day covenanted not to make, sell, or use it. The manufacture and sale of it are prohibited by law, and a man was fined two hundred dollars, for selling a bottle of it. A Temperance Society has also been formed, designed to embrace the nation. "This society," says one who was present," it is hoped will be a permanent institution, a happy safeguard to the present, and a lasting blessing to future generations-an institution which may yet claim kindred with the nobler National Temperance Society of the United States, which now waves the banner of deliverance to our drowning country, and gives her high-born pledge to stay the glory that was departing from her. The striking fact of a southern dealer in the United States emptying his casks on the ground, because he could not conscientiously sell so dangerous and destructive an article, strikes our serious natives, as it does me, as one of the best efforts that has been known for exhausting that fountain of death which is desolating the earth. Let every dealer in that kind of merchandize follow so noble, so safe an example, and 'joy to the world,' would be the song of the rising generation. I am told that our young king has ordered a cask of spirits on board one of his brigs, to be poured into the sea-that, the British consul applied to the Governor for permission to buy up rum for his Britannic Majesty's ships when they touch here, and was denied,that others applied for the privilege of selling to foreigners only, not to natives, and the reply of the Governor was, To horses, cattle, and hogs you may sell rum, but to real men you must not on these shores.""""

Such is the language of a ruler, lately in pagan darkness, among a nation of drunkards. A single owner of rum in the United States, who sinks it in the earth, rather than poison and destroy his fellow men, may exert influence in the promotion of † Appendix L.

Appendix K.

salvation over the whole earth; while he, who, from the paltry love of gain, continues to sell it, tends to perpetuate sin and death throughout the human family, forever. Both exert influence which may be felt after earth is dissolved; and told, the one in strains of glory rising higher and higher, the other in tones of anguish sinking deeper and deeper, to endless being.

And when Ethiopia is rising and stretching out her hands, and the isles of the sea are receiving and obeying God's law; when China is struggling to keep off death from her people-Iceland in supplication for deliverance is melting; and the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain-when the Saviour, with a voice which pervades creation, is proclaiming, Who is on the Lord's side? Who?-and the universe look with intense gaze to witness the result; and when a single individual, by coming out openly and decidedly on the Lord's side, and sacrificing, in a single instance, money to duty, may roll a wave of salvation on the other side of the globe; shall professed members of that church which Christ has bought with his blood, take part with the enemy of all good, and assist in perpetuating his dark and dismal reign over souls, to endless ages?-If they do, God will write, for the universe to look at, To whom they yield themselves servants to obey, his servants they are. And the Register, in blazing capitals. will be eternal. And though men who continue knowingly and habitually to do evil, and to hate the light, may, in this world, refuse to come to it, and when it approaches then may attempt to flee away; in the future world it will blaze upon them in one unclouded vision of infinite brightness, and show the hearts of all who persevere in wickedness to be more black than darkness itself forever.

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