PRAYERS / 65-18 FOR THE USE OR THE DOMESTIC MINISTER'S ASSISTANT. BY WILLIAM JAY, AUTHOR OF SERMONS, DISCOURSES, &c. &c. The principal part of family religion is prayer, every morning and evening, and FROM THE LAST LONDON EDITION. WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING A NUMBER OF SELECT AND ORIGINAL PRAYERS FOR PARTICULAR OCCASIONS. NEW YORK: M. W. DODD, PUBLISHER, NO. 506 BROADWAY, (Opposite the St. Nicholas Hotel.) 1 Entered according to an Act of Congress in the year 1824, by HENRY WHIPPLE, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts STEREOTYPED BY T. B. SMITH. 74 FULTON STREET NEW YORK PREFACE. IF, in the title of this volume, the Author has used the word "Minister," in rather an unusual latitude, its adjective will serve to explain, and restrict it. The "Domestic" Minister intends, not the pastor, or preacher; not the servant of the Most High God, who officially shows unto men the way of salvation— but he, who adopts the resolution of Joshua, As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. The preservation and spread of religion should not depend, exclusively, on a particular order of men, however important their function may be. All christians, in their respective stations, ought to co-operate with those, who are, by designation, workers together with God. It ought to be a matter of thankfulness, that the number of ministers, properly so called, who enter into the spirit of their office, and preach the truth as it is in Jesus, is exceedingly increased. But compared with the field, and the vastness of the work, the laborers are yet few. And few they would be found, if multiplied a thousand fold; and we should still need the property, the talents, the influence, the example, the exertions, the prayers, of all the subjects of divine grace. And can their services be dispensed with now? God is not the God of confusion, but of peace; and He has said, Let every thing be done decently, and in order. It is his providence that determines the bounds of our habitation, and furnishes the several stations we occupy; and into these we are to look for our duties and opportunities. Men are often led out of their own proper sphere of action in order to be useful; but it is ignorance if not discontent, and pride, that tempts them astray. As the stream of a river is most lovely and beneficial when it patiently steals along its own channel, though it makes not so much noise, and excites not so much notice, as when it breaks over its banks, and roars and rolls as a flood: so good men are most acceptable and useful in their appointed course. Wisdom will estimate every man by what he is, not out of his place and calling, but in them. There we naturally look after him; there we unavoidably compare him with his obligations; there we see him habitually-and there ne gains a character, or goes without one. It is to be feared that some even of the stricter professors of religion have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. It blazes at a distance; but it burns dim at home. In a day like the present, there will be many occasional calls of pblic duty; but it will be a sad exclamation to make at a dying hour |