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And O that all mankind knew and served the Lord. Grant that the kingdom which is righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, may be established in every land, in every heart. Fulfil thy gracious promises. Send thy Gospel to the Gentiles, and let them be turned from darkness to light. Let the kingdoms of this world speedily become the kingdoms of our God and his Christ, that He may reign for ever.

Grant the abundance of thy Holy Spirit to the ministers of Christ every where, and especially to him who watches over my soul. Bless the place and neighborhood in which I live, and prosper every effort to do good. Lord I beseech Thee also, to bless my more immediate relations. Regard with thy favor my parents, my brothers and sisters, my benefactors and friends, my connections and acquaintance. Look upon them in mercy, and visit them with thy salvation. Hear these prayers, for the only sake of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Father who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for Amen.



GRACIOUS and merciful God, slow to anger, great in power, and rich in mercy to all them that call upon Thee, help me now so, in the name of Christ, to ask, that I may have; and so to seek, that I may find.

Enter not into judgment with me, O Lord, for in thy

sight I cannot be justified. Howeve unblameable I may appear before men, before Him who knows the heart, I confess and would mourn over innumerable sins in the past day, and in every day of my life. I acknowledge with shame and sorrow my hypocrisy and pride, my vanity and selfishness, my unbelief and impatience, my self-indulgence and self-righteousness, my obstinacy and self-will, my disregard of thy law and thy glory, my living to myself and not to Thee. And, O how hard is my heart, that feels so little the guilt and the evil of so many and such great sins!

Lord of all power and might, soften and break this hard heart. Give me a contrite spirit. There is mercy with Thee. There is forgiveness with Thee. O may thy great mercy be displayed towards me, in pardoning all my sins, and in renewing my soul. Give me penitence, faith, and self-denial. Bestow on me the graces of sincerity, humility, and love. May the love of Christ be more known and felt by me, and let it constrain me to live not to myself, but to Him that died for me. Grant me thy Holy Spirit, teaching me those things of which I am ignorant, taking of the things of Christ to shew them unto me, and daily sanctifying my heart. I ask for heavenly wisdom, holy simplicity, ardent zeal, and purity of heart. Incline me to study to be quiet, and to do my own business, and to work with my own hands. Prepare me, day by day, more and more for the coming f our Lord Jesus Christ. Make me meet to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light.

I commend myself to thy care during the night. May I lay down at peace with thee, through Christ, and in peace with all the world.

O Lord, though I be unworthy, through my manifold transgressions, to approach Thee at all, yet Thou hast commanded that intercessions be made for all men; hear

me, therefore, unworthy though I be, in behalf of all that need my prayers. May the Lord comfort his people, and have mercy upon his afflicted. Let all nations whom Thou hast ntade, come and worship before Thee, and glorify thy name. Let every obstacle which may hinder the progress of thy truth be removed in mercy. Bless all the members of the church of Christ, and all his ministers, and especially those with whom I am more intimately connected.

Give to my parents, my brothers, my sisters, and my relatives, all those temporal and spiritual blessings of which they stand in need. Bless my superiors, my companions, and all about me. Continue the blessing of peace to my country. Put into the hearts of all mankind the fear and love of God. Pardon Pardon any who may have injured me, and if I have injured any, may I be ready to confess my fault, and to make restitution for any wrong done, and may they be disposed to forgive me.

I would not, O Thou gracious Giver of every good, close my evening prayer, without offering up, through Christ Jesus, my sincerest thanksgiving for all the mercies of the past day. For any help vouchsafed in my duties; for any stand which I may have been enabled to make gainst sin, Satan, and the world; for any measure of light knowledge, or grace, given unto me, all praise, all glory be to Thee. If I am still kept in thy way, and yet spared fi m that ruin which I have deserved, while I live, let me pise and bless Thee. How great is the sum of thy merces! When I look back on thy past blessings, when I rad thy promises relating to that which is to come, and when I look around me on every side, and especially when I regard that cross on which thy Son died for sners, I would say from the heart, My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord, and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever. Amen, and Amen.

Hear me for the only sake of Jesus Christ.

Our Father who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.


O THOU, who art the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth: We know Thou art the God of the sea as well as the land; for Thou makest the clouds thy chariot, and the dark waters thy pavilion. The elements obey thy voice, and all nature is subject to thy control. With humble confidence we approach Thee, and entreat thy protecting care in behalf of our friend, who is now exposed to the dangers of the ocean. We know not what things await him, nor can we tell the changes through which he may be called to pass-but to Thee we commend him, and wherever he may be, and under whatever circumstances placed, implore for him thy presence and blessing. Preserve his life and health; and if at any time he should be threatened with sudden destruction, O hear Thou his cry, and turn not away thine ear from his entreaties, but save him from death, that He may live to praise Thee and to make mention of thy goodness in the congregation of thy people. And if he shall return no more to us, may we meet him in heaven-which we ask for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

With a little variation, the same form may be used for one who is going to sea, or for a number of persons.


O GOD, Thou art good, and Thou doest good, and thy tender mercies are over all the works of thy hands. We thank Thee for the privilege of addressing thy throne at all times, and offering unto Thee the grateful homage of our hearts. And now that Thou hast heard our prayer, and returned in safety our friend from the dangers of the mighty deep, we desire to render Thee the tribute of praise and thanksgiving. While others have gone out to return no more, he has been spared; and while those who were dear to them, are weeping with sorrow, we are filled with joy. O help us to testify our gratitude by the holiness of our lives, and to show by our obedience to thy will, that we are truly thankful for thy favors. Through all the remaining vicissitudes of our earthly state may we trust in Thee—and in death, be enabled to commit our souls to Him who hath loved us and given himself for us, and to whom as unto a faithful Creator, with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, be all glory for ever. Amen.


OUR Father who at in heaven, we adore Thee as the everlasting God, by whom the worlds were made, and by whom all things are upheld and governed. The heavens. declare thy glory and the earth is full of thy riches; Thou art good unto all, and thy tender mercies are over all thy works. We praise Thee for our bodies and our souls, so fearfully and wonderfully made; for our capacities and faculties, designed not only for this short life, but for eternity; and for our various means and advantages for knowledge, and virtue, and happiness. We bless thy

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