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THE YOUNG ENVELOPE MAKERS. 16mo., cloth. Tract Society.

A PLEASANT tale, that will attract the young. It shows them how one who loves the truth may lead others to share the same enjoyment.

WAYSIDE BOOKS, for general distribution. Packet B., containing sixteen books. Tract Society.

A PACKET of small books, many of them compiled selections from eminent religious writers.



DIED November 22nd, 1857, aged 56 years, Mr. ROBERT TAYLOR, cornfactor, of Castleacre, Norfolk. The loss is a great affliction to his family and acquaintance, and the General Baptist church in that village, of which he was a member. They desire, however, to acquiesce in the divine will, especially as they feel the consolatory assurance that their friend and relative is gone to be for ever with the Lord. In his early years he was a lover of pleasure more than a lover of God; but grace, matchless grace of God, broke the snare, and set his captive soul at liberty. The contemplation of Mr. Taylor's character is instructive and edifying. He was remarkable for humility. It would be difficult to find a person more free than he was from all high thoughts and self sufficiency; he learned of him who is meek and lowly in heart, and he sat at his feet like a little child to hear his word and to know his will. He recoiled from everything that flattered the pride and consequence of man. Feeling himself a sinner, though a pardoned and accepted one, "he repented and abhorred himself as in dust and ashes." promises of the Bible were very precious to him, they were more to be desired in his estimation than fine gold. His speech was always serious, seasoned with grace. Whatever was the topic of conversation he was not fully gratified till it took a heavenly and evangelical turn. In his views, ia his prayers, in his hopes, and in his comforts, Christ was all. He daily committed his spirit into the hands of Jesus, and habitually looked to him as the only way to heaven. In April he was attacked with a confirmed asthma, which, in a few months, carried him to the house appointed for all living. Till a few sabbaths before his death, he regularly filled his seat in the house of God. Those who saw him in his last hours were reminded of holy Jacob, who, when he was dying, sat up in his bed and worshipped. Mr. Taylor's quotations of scripture were such as "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless and praise his holy name." "The Great High Priest of our profession is before yonder dazzling throne." The motion of his hand, and the direction of his eyes toward heaven, shewed that he also was a worshipper in the valley of death, and was waiting for the salvation of God. When he was told that his pastor, Mr. S. had entered his room, he said, "It is kind to come to see such an unworthy sinner as I am but the friend. of all friends, my Saviour is with me." When the possibility of his recovery was mentioned, he observed, "It is as the Lord pleases, if it be the will of God that I recover, I have no objection: but to die is gain." His dismission was very gentle; his sorrowing relatives were standing around his dying couch, he put out his withered hand, wasted by disease, uttered the words "God bless you," and the weary wheels of life stood still. Mr. Taylor was baptized December 31st, 1843. On Lord's-day evening, December 6th, 1857, his funeral sermon was preached to an immense and over-crowded assembly, by the Rev. J. Stutterd, from Paul's epistle to Philemon, part of the 18th verse,-" Departed for a


May his surviving family sorrow not concerning their departed friend as those who have no hope. May the writer of this article, and all who read it die in the Lord, that when we depart this mortal life we may rest in Christ as our hope is this our brother doth.

Castleacre, Norfolk, Dec. 22nd, 1857.




To the Editor of the General Baptist Magazine.

DEAR SIR,-It is scarcely possible to take up any number of your Magazine without finding therein one or more appeals for aid in diminishing or paying off Chapel Debts, which appeals frequently produce but little practical good. Setting aside the question, as to whether chapels ought to be built before the money to pay for them has been procured, on which there may be a difference of opinion, we must deal with things as they are; and it is well known that chapel debts do exist in large numbers, and with oppressive bulk. The question therefore arises, can any plan be devised to facilitate their removal? In the other section of the Baptist body this question is practically answered in the establishment of "The Baptist Building Fund," whose object is, "To assist by gift, or loan without interest, in the building, enlargement, or repair of places of worship, belonging to the Particular, or Calvinistic Baptist Denomination throughout the United Kingdom."

This Fund is not available to our churches.

Could not such a Fund be established in the General Baptist Denomination? Would it not be possible to obtain donations and subscriptions from many individuals, and also collections from many churches for this purpose?

If a Fund could be raised simply to lend money, without interest, to be repaid in a fixed time, we think much good would accrue. How much anxiety and personal responsibility now incurred, would then be avoided - what a stimulus would be given to those who now content themselves, year after year, with barely paying the interest-how soon many debts would entirely disappear and how much less would benevolent persons be teazed, by written or verbal applications for aid than at present.

The Fund might do in many cases what the Messrs. Crossley, of Halifax, in a most generous spirit, are doing for our brethren in that town.

These spirited and noble minded men guaranteed the interest of a large de provided our brethren engaged to pay the principal, by instalments, in the space of five years; which of course, is equivalent to lending them the money without interest.

I wish we had Christian friends in this neighbourhood, as well as in other places, who would make like proposals. By thus acting, the strong may very effectually help the weak.

I admit that the present time of financial difficulty is unfavourable for the broaching of this subject, still it does seem to be one that is deserving of our serious consideration.

By inserting the foregoing letter in your next issue,
You will oblige, dear Sir,

Peterboro', Dec. 9th, 1857.

Yours very truly,




THE Yorkshire Conference was held at Tetly Street Chapel, Bradford, on Decem ber 29th, 1857. There was no service in the morning.

The Conference met for business at half-past two. Mr. B. Wood presided, and Mr. Tunnicliffe prayed. The reports of the churches were then received,

from which it appeared that thirty-five had been baptized since the last Conference, and that twenty remained as candidates. Some of the churches sent no report.

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The following resolutions were passed :

1. That the minutes of the last Conference now read be confirmed.

2. That Mr. Hardy appeal to the churches composing this Conference for increased yearly aid to our Home Mission Fund.

3. That each church respond to our Secretary's appeal at the next Conference, either by letter or representative.

4. In reference to an application from Mr. Batey, on behalf of himself and friends to be received as a distinct church into the Conference, the following resolution was unanimously adopted :—

Believing that the church worshipping in Enon chapel, Burnley, required the united and continued support of all the brethren, we much regret that anything should have taken place to divide their energies and weaken their testimony as a witness for God; and that under existing circumstances we deem a third church in Burnley undesirable, and should be glad to hear of reconciliations being effected.

5. Case from Todmorden. Can the Conference aid us in obtaining Trustees for our contemplated new building?

That as a Conference we are unable to render any assistance in the matter. 6. That the next Conference be held at Staley Bridge, on Tuesday, April 6th, 1858. The ministers and representatives to meet in the morning at eleven o'clock, and Mr. Hardy to preach at night.

Mr. Asten closed the sitting with prayer.

In the evening Mr. R. Ingham, of Halifax, preached from John iii., 16, and was followed by Mr. Thomas Horsefield, and Mr. Wood.

May the seed sown produce abundant fruit.-C. SPRINGTHORPE, Secretary. THE MIDLAND CONFERENCE was held at Baxter Gate, Loughborough, on Tuesday, December 29th, 1857. Mr. G. Needham, of Castle Douington, preached in the morning from Psalms cxviii., 25. Mr. E. Stevenson presided over the afternoon meeting, and Mr. Hunter, of Nottingham, opened with prayer. Eightyseven were reported as baptized since the last Conference, and eighty-eight remain as candidates.

The minutes of the previous Conference were read. Case from Knipton. This case had been taken to the Association, and the Association had referred it to the Midland Conference. It was unanimously resolved-That Mr. Wm. Bennett, of Sawley, Mr. Wm. Booker, of Nottingham, and Mr. Aldritch, of Grantham, be requested to act as a committee for securing the renewal of the chapel deeds at Knipton; and that the Secretary of the Conference send a copy of this resolution to each gentleman appointed.

A somewhat desultory discussion arose from some remarks by Mr. Hunter, on religious ministers coming from other denominations into our own, and the intention of the Association in appointing for such a committee of enquiry.

Mr. Malcolm, of Leicester, preached in the evening.

The next Conference will be held at Sileby, on Tuesday, April 6th. Mr. Underwood, of Nottingham to preach in the Morning.

A collection will be made at the next Conference.-Jos. J. GOADBY, Secretary. THE WARWICKSHIRE CONFERENCE met at Nuneaton, on Monday, January 11th, 1858. In the morning the Rev. J. Knight, of Wolvey, preached an excellent sermon from I. Peter, i., 13; at the afternoon meeting the minister of the place, Rev. Mr. Langridge, presided. An addition of thirty-three had been made since the last Conference,-Birmingham fifteen, Coventry five, Nuneaton eight, Walsall five. A vote of thanks was presented to our venerable friend, Rev. J. Knight, for his stirring and animated discourse. Attention was called to the resolution of the last Conference respecting the Home Mission of this district. It was thought very desirable that if possible its liabilities should be discharged before the next Conference.

A case from Nuneaton being presented, it was resolved, That we are happy to hear of the necessity for increased accommodation at Nuneaton but recommend that before any appeal be made to the public for pecuniary assistance, that the friends at Nuneaton make a spirited effort among themselves.

An application was made from Hinckley for ministerial aid, and several persons present promised to render what help they could.

The next Conference to be held at Longford, on the 2nd Monday in May. Rev. J. C. Burrows to preach, or in case of failure, our Secretary.

The Rev. W. Chapman preached in the evening.



BROADSTONE, near Heptonstall Slack.-On Saturday, December 26th, our Broadstone friends had their Yearly Tea Meeting, which was very numerously attended. The friends here are united and active, and it is hoped good is doing. NAZEBOTTOM, near Hebden Bridge.-On Christmas day our teachers at Nazebottom had their Annual Tea Festival. Several pieces were recited by the scholars, and addresses delivered by a number of friends. The cause here is more prosperous than formerly. There were about 200 present.

NOTTINGHAM, BROAD STREET.-On Monday evening, December 27th, the Annual Meeting of our Prayer and Alms Society was held, when a very interesting report was given of its operations during the year. A great amount of good is done by this Society: various classes are brought into friendly contact, and our visitors often feel that acts of "mercy are twice blessed." The income, chiefly by one penny per week subscriptions, is between £20 and £30 a year. After tea the company was entertained with sacred music and speeches suitable for the occasion.

VALE CHAPEL, near Todmorden.-On Lord's-day, December 27th, our Chapel Anniversary Sermons were preached by the Rev. Charles Williams, of Acrington. Collections £12 10s. On New Year's day, nearly 200 took tea. A very delightful meeting followed, addressed by Rev. James Maden, of Gamble-side, and other friends. Singing and recitations also contributed to the pleasure and profit of the meeting.


BRADFORD, FIRST CHURCH.-On Lord's-day, Dec. 6th, four were baptized and united to our Zion. May they be faithful unto death.

CASTLE DONINGTON.-On Lord's-day morning, December 6th, 1857, after a sermon by our minister, five persons were baptized, and in the evening were received into the church; we have also two candidates, and others who attend our enquirers' meetings, who are seriously disposed, whom we hope will soon become united with us.

GOSBERTON.-Lord's-day, January 3rd, was a day of rejoicing to the church. In the morning, our minister, Mr. A. Jones, baptized two dear young sisters, both scholars in our Sabbath school; and in the evening, after an impressive sermon to the young, to a very good congregation, they were received into the fellowship of the church, in the presence of a large number of spectators, many of them being young, and some of them scholars in the Sabbath school. T. G. L. LOUGHBOROUGH, WOOD GATE.-On Lord's-day, January 3rd, six dear young friends were baptized and added to the church. May they all be faithful unto death!

LOUTH, WALKER GATE.-On the evening of Monday, the 21st ult., we baptized two females. No sermon, but a baptismal address, was delivered.-J. K. NOTTINGHAM, BROAD STREET.-On the first Lord's-day in January, 1858, we had a baptism of four men and two young women; two of them from New Basford, two of Nottingham, and two from Day Brook. Our congregations were good, and it was remarked that the attendance at the Lord's supper was more numerous than ever before remembered; altogether it was a season of much spiritual joy. We were especially happy to see some fruits of the labours of our

young friends at Day Brook. Before our friends visited this hamlet there was neither preaching nor a Sunday school in the place.

PETERBOROUGH.-On Lord's-day, January 3rd, 1858, two candidates, husband and wife, were baptized in the General Baptist Chapel, Peterborough, and were afterwards received into the church.

PINCHBECK.-On Wednesday, December 30th, 1857, five dear friends were baptized on a profession of faith. On Lord's day afternoon, January 23rd, 1858, they were received into the church, after an affectionate and impressive address by our esteemed pastor. Truly it was a season of sweet spiritual refreshing. We trust there is a good work manifesting itself amongst us. Several in the congregation, we believe, are hopefully enquiring. May the dear Shepherd of Israel speedily lead them into his fold, and cause a yet more abundant out pouring of his spirit upon us. M. A. TODMORDEN. On the first Lord's-day of the New Year we had an interesting baptism of four young men and one young woman. May the year so well commenced be crowned with success throughout.


CASTLE DONINGTON.-On Christmas day we had a very encouraging Tea Meeting. About 150 sat down to tea. The trays were provided gratuitously, and the clear profit, nearly £10, was applied towards the cost of an Harmonium recently purchased, and now in use in our chapel. Appropriate addresses were delivered on the occasion by Rev. J. Underwood, tutor of our College; - Axford, Independent; Hawthorne, Wesleyan; and G. Needham. We are now making a further effort to raise £100 towards lessening the debt on the chapel property, which we hope to realize, although the present depression in trade may prevent some of our friends from contributing so liberally as they otherwise would do.

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J. P. GRANTHAM.-Mr. H. Watts having received an unanimous invitation to become the minister of the G. B. church in this place, commenced his labours on the first Sabbath in the year. The attendance was good, and the evening sermon, from I. Cor., iv., 4. "Moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful." May the present pleasing prospects of this infant church be abundantly realized.

HEPTONSTALL SLACK, Opening of the new Organ.-For some years before the warm-hearted and devoted William Butler closed his labours in this place, the surrounding population began to seek more remunerative employment than could be obtained on these mountain tops. The effects of these local changes were soon apparent in a constantly diminishing church and congregation. Somewhat disheartened by this state of things, we began to revolve in our minds whether any expedient could be adopted to cheer our friends and fill up some of the vacant room in our spacious chapel. The suggestion was offered that an organ placed in the front gallery would improve the interior of the chapel, and render the services of the sanctuary more interesting, especially to our young friends. We are now happy to record that this suggestion has been carried out. In November last the Rev. S. G. Green, classical tutor of Horton College, and the Rev. J. O. Chown, of Bradford, preached for us at our opening services, when the liberal sum of £31 11s. 6d. was added to the organ fund. Through the noble generosity of a few friends the total sum expended in the purchase of the instrument, and alterations made in the chapel, namely £240, was raised. On New Year's day we had a very large Tea Meeting to celebrate the introduction of the noble instrument into our chapel, and to present it as a freewill offering on the altar of the service of song. Mr. Dean, of Halifax, presided at the organ, with unusual proficiency and skill. Several pieces from the "Creation" and the "Messiah" were admirably sung by the choir, assisted by the leading members of the Hebden Bridge Choral Society. It is but justice to add, that we are highly gratified with the prompt and honourable manner in which the builders, Messrs. Conacher and Brown, of Huddersfield, have executed every item of the contract. We thank God and take courage.

WISBECH, MISSIONARY BAZAAR.-Early in spring the friends at Wisbech intend having a bazaar on behalf of the Orissa mission. They will gratefully

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