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remain for a leader; and, in both cases, leave but one shoot at the end of each branch as a leader. Do not shorten branches much when you have wood enough, for this makes too much wood, and shuts out the sun and air, and prevents the fruit from ripening, and renders it difficult to get at. Never, on any account, clip your gooseberries with shears.

Currant bushes should likewise be kept thin and regular, and nearly the same rules observed as in pruning gooseberries.-Mawe Abridged.

Since writing the above, we received the following letter from Birmingham. The writer does not bear in mind that our first volume contains a Gardener's Calendar for every month. We shall, however, be glad to insert any additional information which he may send to us, as he appears to be well acquainted with his subject. He will, of course, not go over the same ground as our former correspondent has taken. ED.

To the Editor of the Cottager's Monthly Visitor. SIR,

THINKING that a Gardener's Calendar, containing plain directions for the cultivation of a small garden, during each month of the year, would be a useful acquisition to many "Cottagers," I have sent one for January, and if it should meet with your approbation, shall be happy to continue it.

It may be necessary to premise, that for places south of London, this directory is too late in Spring, and too early in Autumn, by 4 or 5 days in every 70 or 80 miles, and too early in Spring and too late in Autumn, in the same proportion for those situated to the north; so that an allowance must be made.

The Cottager's Garden Directory.


Dig and trench unoccupied land; dig deep. Collect manures, turf, dead leaves, scrapings of roads, &c.

Protect the roots of recently planted trees from frost, by spreading litter round their stems.

Towards the latter end of the month, if mild, prune apple, pear, gooseberry and currant trees.

Clear trees of misletoe and moss. Whitewash the stems and strong branches of mossy gooseberry and currant and other trees with slack lime and soapsuds; this will make them have a clean bark. Trees will be protected from the gnawing of hares and rabbits by the same wash.

If the weather proves fine, make edgings of thrift and daisies to walks.

Plant carrots, leeks, parsnips and cabbages for seed, observing to hang the cabbages up by their roots in some dry place for three or four days before planting.

Cut off scions for grafting with, if the winter is very mild in the last week, otherwise defer it; choose. the last year's wood; lay them with one end into the ground, and protect with straw from frost.


Manures.-Hog and neats-dung, slightly fermented, are proper for light hot soils.

Stable litter should lie in a heap for a month or five weeks before it is used.

Horse-dung should be well rotted. Pigeon'sdung, lime, soot and ashes should always be made into compost with turf, street-scrapings, &c. these, with horse, rabbit, and sheep dung, are good for eold clays. Turf, weeds, leaves, all vegetable and

ánimal substances, well rotted, are good manures. Manures should not be spread long before they are dug in.

Pruning." In pruning all standard trees, the points of the external branches should be every where rendered thin, that the light and air may get in. When the pruner has judiciously executed his work, every part of the tree, internal as well as external, will be productive of fruit. Cut out all the dead and cankered branches from standard fruit trees, and all such as cross each other, and are ill placed; but, in doing this, make the wounded part as smooth as possible, and sloping."

Do not shorten the branches of either apple or pear trees, excepting to fill up a vacancy; when, if the last year's shoot is shortened to 3 or 4 eyes, each bud will push.

In pruning, always make a sloping cut close to a bud, if possible.

In pruning gooseberry-trees, do not endeavour to make a close thick bush, but thin out the branches to 6 inches apart at the ends; remove those that hang down very much, and shorten those that extend too far. Some of the most vigorous of the last year's shoots, shorten to ten inches; but do not indiscriminately cut every one; destroy suckers and stem shoots.

In black currants depend not on spurs, but on the last year's wood; cut out old wood that bears ill, to make room for young. In red and white currants depend upon the spurs; remove old wood that does not bear well, and shorten the last year's shoots to 10 or 15 inches.

In pruning trained trees, attend to the above directions. In the pear and apple keep one upright leader, and by shortening it every year to 4 or 5 buds, the branches may be laid in regularly and closely; in doing this continue the shoot produced from the top bud as a leader. In the pear, train the

branches along the courses of the wall; in all trees lay them in at equal distances. Cut off all foreright shoots, and such as cannot be brought into a proper place without much twisting, and never train a branch across another or over the stem.


A young Nurseryman.

The following receipts may prove useful to many of your readers.

To clean Sponges. Wash them in very dilute sulphuric acid, rincing them in water afterwards, and they will be beautifully soft and white.-N.B. The acid is highly corrosive, unless it is well diluted.

Chimney on Fire.-The following receipt is from the Technical Repository.

A handful of flour of brimstone, thrown upon the fire in the grate, will instantly extinguish that in the chimney, provided the chimney has not become red hot from the heat of the inflamed soot.

Burns and Scalds.-If recent, and not extensive, anoint frequently with unboiled linseed oil, it removes the pain of a burn the instant it is applied.

Chopped hands.-Rub on going to bed with a mixture of equal parts of honey and hog's lard, drawing over it a pair of old gloves. This applied for a night or two seldom fails to cure.

Birmingham, Dec.


To the Editor of the Cottager's Monthly Visitor. Sir,

A LITTLE poetical tract, entitled "The Alms-house," has been recommended to me, and I ordered one last month, with my "Cottager's Monthly Visitor;" and, upon perusing the little effusion, the recommendation was so fully realized, that I am induced to suggest, through the means of the "Cottager's Monthly Visitor," that the pleasing account, so religiously pourtrayed, of poor old BEATRIX, cannot fail to interest the feelings of many an aged matron, whose hapless lot, like hers, is cast on this world of trouble. I speak feelingly, Sir; and hundreds, I trust, will, through such little books as these, be brought to reflect on their latter end, and seek for salvation at the throne of grace, ere they go to their long home. Thank God for the comfort I have found in the meditating over the Cottager's Visitor, since I have been left alone; which, next to my Bible, is my constant study: the little book is sold by Knight and Lacey, in London. If you think my poor scrawl is worth printing in your little work, I should be greatly pleased with seeing it; and remain, Sir,

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Whittingham, November 3, 1823.


It is impossible to refuse the request of the Widow, to make room for her short letter. We have, moreover, sent for the little work, and have read it. The Author acquaints us, in his preface, that he has no pretensions to poetical skill." The tract is, however, on an interesting subject. How many an alms-house, which might be made the happy abode of "age and want," is rendered almost useless by neglect. The "Alms-house," which is recorded in

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