The General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of the Most Eminent Persons in Every Nation: Particulary the British and Irish; from the Earliest Accounts to the Present Time, Том 32J. Nichols, 1817 |
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afterwards ancient antiquities appears appointed archbishop archbishop of Canterbury arts bachelor of arts became bishop bishop of London born Cambridge cardinal celebrated chancellor chaplain character Charles church Church of England court daughter dean death died divinity doctrine duke earl ecclesiastical edition educated elected eminent England English esteemed father favour folio gave Greek Henry Hist honour Italy John king king's language Latin learned lectures letter lived London lord Magdalen college majesty married master Melchior Adam minister North Briton opinion Oxford parliament person philosopher physician poem pope preached prebend principal printed published queen rectory reign religion resided Rome royal says scholar Scotland sent sermons shew society soon Thomas tion took his degree translated Trinity college university of Oxford Wickliffe Williams Wood Wotton writings wrote Xenocrates Xenophon Zoroaster