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cipation of the light of the gospel about to rise upon them, and must have predisposed their minds for its reception: to the Jews it was a proof that their peculiar economy was drawing to its close, and that the Messiah was actually come to us, it tends to the further establishment of the divine origin of christianity, and the heavenly dignity and pre-existence of its Blessed Founder. The essayist does not seem to us to have been remarkably happy or forcible in his conduct of these reasonings, or in the practical applications which he deduces. We present our readers with the coronary paragraph.

Such then being the estimate of the character of Jesus at which we arrive by means of this occurrence, how forcibly ought the recollection of it to influence our conduct! The Saviour is made known to us, not by a Star appearing in the air, but by an express revelation written by the finger of God himself. Shall we then fall short of the alacrity which the Magi displayed in their veneration of Christ? Shall we hesitate to offer to his service our every treasure, every talent, every faculty of body and soul? But this feeble pen is utterly unable to do justice to the subject; gladly therefore does it conclude its labours by transcribing from the works of a late honoured prelate the following eloquent appeal; recommended to us as well by the unaffected elegance of its language, as by the pure and lively devotion of the author. "If," says the venerable Porteus, "the great and wise men, whose history we have been considering, were induced by the appearance of a new Star to search out, with no small labour and fatigue, the infant Saviour of the world: if they disdained not to prostrate themselves before him, and present to him the richest and choicest gifts they had to offer; well may we, when this Child of the Most High, is not only grown to maturity, but has lived and died and risen again for us, and is now set down at the right hand of God; well may we not only pay our homage, but our adorations to the Son of God, and offer to him presents far more precious than gold, frankincense, and myrrh, viz. ourselves, our souls, and bodies, as a reasonable, holy, and lively sacrifice to him: well may we join with that innumerable multitude in heaven which is continually praising him, and saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever."' pp. 97, 98.

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** Gentlemen and Publishers who have works in the press, will oblige the Conductors of the ECLECTIC REVIEW, by sending Information (post paid) of the subject, extent, and probable price of such works; which they may depend upon being communicated to the Public, if consistent with its plan.

Dr. Holland is preparing for the press a Narrative of his Travels in the South of Turkey, during the latter part of 1812, and the Spring of the following year. It will be the principal object of this work to afford sketches of the scenery, population, natural history, and antiquities of those parts of Greece, which have hitherto been more partially known or described; the narrative, therefore, will chiefly regard the Author's Journies in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly and some parts of Macedonia, together with an account of his residence at Joannina, the Capital and Court of Ali Pasha, and with a more cursory sketch of his route through Attica, the Morea, &c.; this work will probably be ready for publication towards the end of the present year.

Mr. W. Haygarth is printing a poem, in three parts, descriptive of Greece, with notes, and classical illustrations, and eight engravings from sketches made on the spot.

The Rev. G. S. Faber has nearly ready for the press, the Origin of Pagan Idolatry ascertained from Historical Testimony and Circumstantial Evidence, which will form three quarto volumes.

Mr. Lloyd has in the press a translation of the Tragedies of Alfieri which will appear in the course of the present month.

The Recluse of Norway, a Novel, by Miss A. M. Porter is in the press.

Alicia de Lacy, by Mrs. West, will this month. appear

The confessions of Sir Thomas Longueville, by R. P. Gillies, Esq. is nearly ready for publication.

Mrs. Graham's Letters on India will appear in the course of the present month.

The whole of the papers communi. cated to the Philosophical Transactions, by the late John Smeaton, F.R.S. are preparing for publication in 1 vol. 4to. to correspond with his reports and estimates in vols. 4to.

Lord Clarendon's Essays, Moral and Entertaining, on the various Faculties and passions of the Human Mind, will appear this month in 1 vol. fcap. octavo.

Early in the present month will be published, a new and enlarged edition, being the third, of a Theological Treatise, entitled. "A New way of Deciding Old Controversies," by Basanistes. The object of this work is to shew that those who claim exclusively the title of Orthodox, do not carry their principles to the full extent of which they admit.

Mr. William Linley, late in the civil service of the East India Company, has in the press, Sonnets, Odes, and other Poems, by the late Charles Lefley, together with a short account of his life and writings.

Mr. Sharon Turner is printing the first Volume of his History of England. This will extend from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of Edward the Third, and comprise also the Literary History of England during the same period. It is composed like his History of the AngloSaxons from original and authentic documents; it will be published in December.

In the press, and will be immediately published-A Voyage to the Isle of Elba. Translated from the French of Mr. Arsenne Thiebaut De Berneaud, Emeritus Secretary to the Class of Literature, History, and Antiquities, in the Italian Academy, &

The Ballantynes of Edinburgh have nearly completed Roderick, the last of the Goths, a poem, by R. Southey, Esq.

This work is the result of a very recent visit by its able author, to an Island, at all times worthy of the Traveller's notice, and rendered at this period still more peculiarly interesting to Europe. It embraces a general view, not only of the Geography and Geology of Elba, but also of its Natural History, Antiquities, Topography, Agriculture, and Commerce, and of the manners and habits of the population. It will be accompanied by an accurate Map, laid down from actual observation; and is, in every particular, calculated to gratify the public curiosity, concerning the new dominion of Napoleon Bonaparte.

John Philippart, Esq. author of the Northern Campaign, &c. is preparing for publication, the Campaign of Germany and France, from the expiration of the armistice, in 1813, to the abdication of the throne by Bonaparte.

Mr. R. Winter has in the press, a History of Whitby, the abbey of Streon. shalk, Mulgrave castle, and other local particulars within twenty-five miles round Whitby; with a map of the district, a view of the town and abbey, and several vignettes.

Mr. Wm. Berry, late of the College of Arms, proposes to publish in a quarto volume, the History of the Island of Guernsey, from the remotest period to the year 1813; compiled from the MSS of the late Henry Budd, Esq. and illustrated by thirty plates.

A pair of Celestial Hemispheres, projected by Mr. T. Heming, of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, and engraved by Mr. Lowry, will soon be published, with an` explanatory treatise; intended, together, to give facility to the acquirement of astronomy.

Mr. Sotheby will soon publish a volume containing five tragedies, entitled, the Death of Darley, Ivan, Zamorin and Zama, the Confession, and Orestes.

Mr. R. Wright, unitarian mission. ary, has in the press, a plain view of the Unitarian Christian Doctrine, in a series of essays.

Count O'Neil is printing a Narrative of his Incarceration, and of the massacre of his family inFrance, during the period of the Revolution; and of his second imprisonment as a prisoner of


Mr. W. Wood, author of an elegant work on Zoography,is preparing to pub

lish a General Conchology, with scientific specifications.

The Churchman armed against the Errors of the Times, is printing, as a companion to the Scholar armed, in two octavo volumes.

The Rev. J. Ingram, late Saxon professor at Oxford, is preparing an edition of the Saxon Chronicle, with an English translation and notes, a copious index, a short grammar of the Saxon langaage, and a map of England during the beptarchy; to be published in a royal quarto volume.

A very important work is in the press, and will be speedily published, from the pen of Mr. Colquhoun,on the population, wealth, power and resources of the British Empire-in one volume 4to: a body of more valuable information and interesting facts than bas, perhaps, ever been disclosed to the public in so short a compass, and in which will be found detailed the value of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of all the Colonies, Dependencies and Settlements, in Europe, America, Africa, and Asia, including the Territory under the management of the East India Company. The whole illustrated by copious statistical tables, constructed on a new and comprehensive plau, so as to be intelligible to the meanest capacity.

Early in June will be published an introduction to the Study of Bibliography, to which is prefixed a Memoir on the Public Libraries of the Antients, by Mr. Thomas Hartwell Horne. This work embraces a general view of the different subjects connected with the study of Bibliography, the materials used for books in different ages of the world, the origin and progress of writing and printing, the mechanism of the art; the knowledge of books, their relative values and scarcity, choice and classification of books for children, &c. &c., together with a copious notice of the principal Authors who have treated on Bibliography, and accounts of the chief modern, public, and private Libraries.

This work will form two volumes 8vo. and will be illustrated with upwards of twenty engravings, consisting of facsimilies of the Books of Images (executin bistre-coloured ink, so as faithfully to represent the originals) specimens of early printing, devices of the fine printers, both British and Foreign, &c.



Observations on the Effect of the Corn Laws, and of a rise and fall in the price of corn on the agriculture and general wealth of the country. By the Rev. T. R. Malthus, Professor of Political Economy at the East India College, Hertfordshire,

Observations on an Intended Proposition to the Legislature, in regard to a new arrangement, as to limiting the price of corn. By Thomas Strickland, A. M. 8vo. 1s. 6d.

A Letter on the Corn Laws. By the Earl of Lauderdale. 8vo. 3s. sewed.

The Speech of the Hon. Baron Hepburn, of Smeaton, on the subject of the Corn Laws; delivered in a numerous and respectable meeting of the County of East Lothian, held at Hadington, on the 3d of March, 1814, and published at the request of that meeting. 8vo, 2s. sewed.


Part VII. of The Border Antiquities of England and Scotland; comprising specimens of architecture and sculpture, and other vestiges of former ages, from the earliest time to the union of the two crowns, accompanied by a sketch of Border History. Together with illustrations of remarkable incidents in Border History, and Tradition. By Walter Scott, Esq. 4to. 10s. 6d. and 16s,

No. 1. In medium 4to. Price 12s; Imperial 4to. price 11. to correspond with the Architectural Antiquities; a few copies in crown folio, price II. 1Is. 6d. and super-royal folio, 21. 2s. to class with the new edition of Dugdale's Monasticon of the History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury; Illustrated by a series of engravings of Views, Elevations, Plans, and Architectural details of that edifice; also, delineations of the Ancient Monuments and soulpture: including Biographical Anecdotes of the Bishops and of other eminent persons connected with the Church. By John Britton, F. S. A.

Illustrations of Northern Antiquities, from the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian Romances; being an abstract of the Book of Heroes, and Nibelungen Lay; with Translations of Metrical Tales,

from the old German, Danish, Swedish, and Icelandic Languages; with notes and Dissertations. royal 4to. 31. 3s. bds.


Memoirs of a celebrated Literary and Political Character from 1742, to 1757. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

A Translation of the First Part of the Memoirs, &c. of Baron de Grimm, for the years 1753 to 1770, which completes the work. 2 vols. 8vo. 11. 8s.-The French edition in seven vols. The first three and the last two are sold separately to complete Sets.


The Chemical Guide; or, Complete Companion to the Portable Chest of Chemistry; containing full directions for making and using as the different tests or Reagents employed in the Analysis of artificial and natural Products; a great variety of amusing and instructive experiments, the means of improving different soils, of detecting the adulteration of medicinal and other substances, preparing colours, inks, &c. used by artists and manufacturers, a view of animal chemistry, as explaining the laws and functions of the animated structure, the phænomena of Disease, a a chemical glossary, &c. &c. By Reece and Co. of the Chemical and Medical Hall. 8vo. 7s. 6d.


Prosodia Græca; sive, Metrorum Græcorum, per Regulas et Exempla Exposi tio. In usum Studiosæ Juventutis. Pars I. Also, Part II. a dissertation on the versification of Homer, and the Use of the Digamma in his poems; to which is subjoined the first Book of the Iliad, with notes illustrative of the rules of versification. By George Dunbar, F.R.S.E. Professor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh. 8vo. 5s.


Part the First in folio, of Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, with Biographical and Historical memoirs of their Lives and Actions. By Edmund Lodge, Esq. Lancaster Herald, F.S.A.

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Werner's nomenclature of Colours, with Additions, arranged so as to render it highly useful to the Arts and Sciences, particularly Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Morbid Anatomy; annexed to which are Examples, selected from well known objects in the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdom. By Patrick Syme, Flower Painter, Edinburgh, Painter to the Wernerian and Caledonian Horticultural Societies. 8vo. 14s.

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Proceedings of the Glasgow Lancasterian Schools Society, at a Meeting beld on the 31st of January, 1814; with Il

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