that, as a bondage the most inglorious, which enchains the desires and the affections to the dust;-a Promethean bondage, by which the struggle of self-will with Heaven is visited, when the soul is doomed to become the prey of its own energies. A cotemporary writer has expressed this idea with singular beauty."C'est d'un avenir, dont l'homme a sans cesse besoin. "Les facultés nous devorent comme le vautour de Promethée, "quand elles n'ont point d'action au dehors de nous.'-' L'en"nui veritable, celui des esprits actifs, c'est l'absence d'in"terêt pour tout ce qui nous entoure, combinée avec des fa"cultés qui rendent cet interêt necessaire: c'est la soif sans "la possibilité de se désalterer." But there is a future suited to the wants of man: he was not "made in vain," nor placed here in mockery. There is a meaning in those vague desires, which are continually prompting him towards an indefinite object. His destiny explains the mystery of his nature, and solves all the enigmas of his existence. With what ardour, what intensity of interest, might we suppose a mind, to which 'Childe Harold' should be allowed to bear any affinity, would embrace the system which explains all these phenomena; which would unfold to its contemplation realities intrinsically worthy to engage the noblest powers of the soul. Deeply were it to be regretted, that such a mind should be occupied with any thing short of the infinite and the eternal! The Romaunt' needs a sequel: the pilgrimage of Childe Harold appears, at present, to be without object, and the rest, in which it should terminate, unknown and undefined. The pilgrim is benighted: • There is no darkness like the cloud of mind (On inward sight) the blindest of the blind! Which (will) not, dare not see, but turns aside To blackest shade-nor will endure a guide!' Where is that sun which could dispel this gloom, and chase away this "winter of the soul;"-which could revive the withered feelings, the blasted affections of a wounded heart, and give the frost-bound currents of the soul again to flow and sparkle in its beams? Lord Byron consoles himself, that the man who is alike the delight of his reader and his friends -the poet of all circles-and the idol of his own, permits him to subscribe himself' his affectionate servant. We should have thought that, to a mind like his Lordship's, this was but small satisfaction; that the fame and the favour of that "idol of his circle" would have been far beneath his envy or concern. Our sincere, and certainly disinterested wishes for his Lordship's consolation and happiness, would compass far nobler objects of ambition; yet such as are well within the reach of a gifted and energetic mind, were those gifts consecrated to VOL. XI. 3 C their noblest purpose, and those energies guided by manly and patriotic feeling: we would wish for his Lordship, and nothing more is necessary than that he should wish it for himself, the civic wreath in addition to the bays he has won; the gratitude of his countrymen, as well as the respect of posterity; the enjoyment of that self-esteem which outweighs them all; and an immortality more glorious than genius can secure, or imagi' nation realize. Art. VIII.-Discourses delivered at the Ordination of the Rev. J. Tait, to the Pastoral Office, at Maldon, Essex, 8vo. pp. 68. Price 2s. Gale and Co. 1813. THOSE persons among our readers who have frequently at tended upon the religious exercises, which are usually denominated by Protestant Dissenters, "Ordination Services," cannot have failed to observe, that they generally make a deep impression upon the audience, even when conducted by men of ordinary attainments. It is by no means difficult to account for the powerful interest which they excite, independently of the talents of those who are engaged in them. There is something in the situation of a pious youth, who has just finished his academical career, and is standing on the threshold of the sanctuary, ready to enter upon a work, at once the most arduous and the most honourable, in which a mortal can be employed-who brings the stores of a cultivated and wellfurnished mind to the altar of God, and there, before many witnesses, solemnly pledges himself to devote them without reserve to the service of the Redeemer-who shrinks not from the difficulties, the discouragements, the responsibility, and the appalling dangers, that are inseparable from a faithful discharge of the sacred office-there is something in the situation of such a young man, that must awaken the tenderest sympa-thies of every susceptible mind. But in addition to this principal cause of excitement, the comparative novelty of some of those subjects which are properly brought forward on such occasions,-the solemn personality of the addresses,---and the variety of ministers engaged in delivering them, tend to increase the interest of the whole. Yet, it is obvious that this interest will be for the most part local and temporary; and that which most powerfully excited, when heard, will frequently prove flat and uninteresting, when read. For this reason, it would be both injudicious and superfluous to submit the greater part of ordination discourses to the test of public opinion. But this remark is far from being applicable to the series of discourses contained in the pamphlet before us, all of which rise considerably above the usual level, and one of which it appears to us, stands pre-eminent. The first is an Introductory Discourse by the Rev. S. Morell, illustrative of the principles upon which Dissenting Churches are constituted, and by which they are governed, and which are stated with a distinctness that is calculated to instruct, and a liberality that must be approved, even by those who differ most widely in sentiment. The next is a summary of Christian doctrine, (called somewhat improperly, we conceive, the confession,) delivered by the candidate for ordination, in which an explicit avowal is made of his belief in all those leading articles of revealed truth, which are usually denominated evangelical; purified indeed from those technical and scholastic terms which tend rather to obscure than to elicit truth. But that which contutes the principal attraction of this interesting pamphlet, is the charge, or pastoral address to the recently-ordained minister, by the Rev. Dr. Smith. In this address, pastoral fidelity is so happily blended with parental tenderness, the sound instructiens of an able Theological Tutor, are so agreeably combined with the simplicity of thought and expression requisite in a preacher of the gospel---that we could most sincerely wish it were in the possession of every Christian Minister, whether aged or young, whether within or without the pale of the national establishment. From this excellent discourse we shall give an extract, not as possessing superior merit, but as exhibiting a fair specimen of the whole; and exemplifying that species of didactic eloquence, which befits the solemnity of the occasion. Yours will be the sacred effort to raise the minds of your hearers to the only True God, the glorious origin of all that is good, the high object of all true religion. You have this morning borne a solemn testimony to the greatness, and purity, and loveliness of the Eternal Majesty; and I doubt not that your expressions were the utterance of the heart. O let their unspeakable import ever fill your own soul, and be thence poured forth into the souls of your people! Lead them, my brother, to the reverential and affectionate contemplation of his perfections, as displayed in his universal providence, shining with richer lustre in the cross of redemption and the experience of the christian, and hereafter to be the object of the believer's sweetest intimacy and perfect conformity in the heavenly state.-Assert the honors of his righteous government. Exalt his law, as holy, just and good. Clearly prove and strongly enforce the spirituality of its import, the equity of all its precepts, the broad extent of the obedience which it requires, and the perpetuity of its obligation. Unveil the retributions of the worldsto come. Declare the judgment of the dread tribunal. Shun not to denounce the terrors of the Lord. Tremble yourself, and teach your hearers to tremble, at the damnation of hell. O be not a party to the diabolical delusion, "Ye shall not surely die!" Be it even your lowest care, to say with confidence that none have descended from under the sound of your voice, untaught, unimplored, unwarned, to the abyss of everlasting punishment, "where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched!" Dwell, also, on the theme of the believer's most joyful hope. Lead your flock to the heavenly pastures. Let them anticipate the society of the blessed; and piercing the interposing shade of death, let their faith behold "the innumerable company of "angels, the general assembly and church of the first born, God "the Judge of all, and Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant." But, with the perfections and the government of God, fail not to exalt the glories of his grace. Soar on the pinions of revealed truth, and carry the minds of your hearers to the first cause of salvation and of every good, the eternal, sovereign, free, and undeserved love of God. Let them behold its immortal activity, and its wondrous operations, in the election of grace, in the counsels of peace, in the transcendant gift of the Saviour, in the new creating work and everabiding influences of the Holy Spirit, and in the invitations and promises of the everlasting gospel. O make most prominent in your preaching, these glories of unutterable love! Proclaim these unsearchable riches of Christ. Warn, command, persuade, invite, interest all whom your vocal or your silent influence can reach; that they may, without one moment's delay come to Christ for mercy, pardon, peace, and life. Assure them of his power and his readiness to save sinners, even the chief. Lift high his cross, to attract them to him and proclaim aloud the message of his authority and grace, "Whosoever will, let him come and take the water of life freely!" Nor, while you pour the copious streams of holy truth, will you be unmindful of the mysterious manner of the divine existence. You have justly observed, that it is no less impious to withhold belief from what God has revealed, than to refuse obedience to his explicit commands. O display the glory of the Divine Father; his sovereign majesty, his legislative authority, his all-originating benevolence! And " as you honor the Father, even so honor the Son," the brightness of his glory, and the expres image of his person. Exalt the Messiah as "over all, God blessed for ever." Preach the reality and the holy perfection of his human nature. Shew that "he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the "death of the cross." Dwell often, tenderly, and largely, on his holy life and his agonizing sufferings. Teach reconciliation, forgiveness, and acceptance, through the atonement of his blood, and the merit of his righteousness. Explain the evidence and the designs of his resurrection, the glory of his mediatorial kingdom, his power, his compassion, and his fidelity, as a Prince and a Saviour. Look to the exalted Jesus, as the Source of Strength for every trial and duty; and teach your people to do so likewise. You will possess the secret of happiness and usefulness, if you realize the feelings of our christian poet : Thou art the Source and Centre of all minds, The last of the Series of discourses, is a sermon "the hearing ear," &c. by the Rev. S. Newton, which is characterized by much originality of thought, couched in plain, nervous, and impressive language. Art. IX. A View of the Pleasures arising from a love of Books: in Letters to a Lady. By the Rev. Edward Mangin, M. A. Author of the Life of Malesherbes, from the French, Oddities and Outlines, George the Third, a Novel; an Essay on Light Reading, &c. fcap. 8vo. pp. vi. 268. Price 6s. Longman and Co. London, and Upham, Bath. 1814. WE E wish to give the Rev. Mr. Mangin fair play, and have, therefore, accurately transcribed the whole of his title-page. We do not say it is the most amusing page in the volume;, but booksellers and authors both know that the title-page is often the most important: for instance, it may often tempt to. the purchase, though not always to the perusal, of a volume like the present. From the Reverend Author of Oddities and Outlines' and an Essay on Light Reading,' the person whose eye has been caught by the neat display of words in front of the work, and who has stopped to read the motto so happily chosen, "Sweet rills of thought that cheer the conscious soul," will naturally expect something light and amusing; and if, glancing at the foot of the page, he should observe that Bath shares in the honour of the publication, he will as naturally associate with that circumstance, a pretty correct idea of the polite coterie in which this elegantly printed volume aspires to circulate. The work is represented to have originated in Letters to a Lady,' whose proper pride (there is something pretty in the expression) induced her to request that the author in writing to her, would compliment her so far (good again!) as to suppose her capable of relishing subjects of rather a higher order than the state of the weather and the markets; or the misdemeanors, quarrels, and rash marriages of his neighbours. It was accordingly and very gladly resolved, &c.' The writer (we are told) thinks, (and here we are still happy to agree with |