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Person, parson.

Mulled, softened.
Once, sometime.

Paritor, an apparitor, or officer of Multiplied, multitudinous. Oneyers, bankers.

the bishop's court. Multiplying, multiplied. Opal, a precious stone.

Pastry, the pastry room. Maltitudinous, full of multitudes. Operant, active.

Patch, a fool.
Mure, a wall.

Opinion, obstinacy, conceit. Patched, in a fool's coat.
Murky, dark.
Opposite, adverse.

Path, to walk.
Must, a scramble.
Opposition, combat.

Pathetical, promise-breaker.
Or e'er, before

Patient, to soothe.
Orbs, fairy circies.

Patine, a dish used with the cha-
Napkin, handkerchief.
Orchard, a garden.

lice in administering the EuNapless, threadbare. Ordinance, rank.

Native, naturally.
Order, measures.

Paucas, few.
Nature, natural parent.
Orgulous, haughty.

Pavin, a dance.
Naughty, unfit.
Osprey, an eagle.

Pay, to beat.
Nay-word, a by-word.

Ostent, ostentation, appearance. Peat, pet, darling.
Neb, the mouth.
Ostentation, appearance.

Pedascule, a pedant.
Neelds, needles.
Overblow, to drive away.

Peer-out, to peep out.
Neglection, neglect.

Overscutched, whipped at a cart's Peevish, foolish. Neif, the fist.


Peize, to weigh, keep in suspense. Nephew, any lineal descendant. Overture, opening, discovery. Penthesilia, Amazon. Nether.stocks, stockings. Ounce, a tiger-cat.

Pelting, paltry:
Newness, innovation.
Ouph, fairy

Pennons, small flags.
Newt, the eft.

Ousel-cock, the cock blackbird. Perdu, one of the forlorn hope. Next, nearest. Out, full, complete.

Perdurable, lasting. Nice, trifling.

Outvied, defeated, a term at the Perdy, (Par Dieu) a French oatlı, Nick, to set the mark of folly on; game of gleek.

Perfect, certain, well-informed. reckoning

Outward, not in the secret. Perfections, liver, brain, ad Night-rule, frolic of the night. Owe, to possess, to own.

heart. Nighted, made dark as night. Oxlip, the great cowslip.

Periapts, charms worn about the Nill, shall not.

neck. Nine men's morris, a game.


Perjure, a perjurer.
Noble, a coin.

Pack, to bargain with.
Nobless, nobleness.
Pack, an accomplice.

Perspectives, spy-glasses.
Noble-touch, unalloyed metal Packing, plotting, fraud.

Pervert, to avert. Noddy, fool, a game at cards. Paddock, a toad.

Pestilence, poison.
Noise, music.

Pagan, a dissolute persou. Pew-fellow, 4 companion.
Nonce, on purpose.
Pageant, a dumb show.

Pheere, companion.
Non com, nonplus.
Paid, punished.

Phisnomy. Physiognomy.
Nook-shotter, that which shoots Palabras, words.

Pheeze, to tease, to currycomb. Pale, dominions.

Phill-horse, shaft-borse.
Northern man, a clown.

Pale, to encircle with a crown. Pick, to pitch.
Note, notice
Pall, to wrap, to invest.

Pick-axes, fingers.
Nott-pated, round-headed. Palled, vapid.

Picked, foppish.
Nourish, to nurse.
Palmers, pilgrims.

Pickers, the hands.
Noursle, to fondle as a nurse. Palmy, victorious.

Picking, insignificant.
Novum, a game at dice.
Paly, pale.

Pickt-hatch, a place noted for
Nowl, a head.
Palter, to juggle, to cheat.

brothels. Nut-book, a thief. Pang, to afflict.

Pick-thank, a parasite. Paper, to commit to writing. Piece, a contemptuous term for : 0.

Parcel, part, to reckon up. Odd-even, the interval between Parcel-bawd, half-bawd.

Pied ninny, a fool. twelve at night and one in Parcel-gilt, partially gilt. Pieled, shaven. the morning.

Parish-top, a large top, formerly Pight, pitched, fixed. Od’s-pitikins, God me pity.

kept in every village, to be Pilcher, the scabbard. Oeliads, glances of the eye.

whipped for exercise. Piled, deprived of hair. O's, circles, pockmarks. Parle, parley;

Pilled, pillaged.
Obligations, bonds.

Parlous, perilous, shrewd. Pin, a term in archery.
Obsequious, funereal.
Part, to depart.

Pin and web, disorder of the eye. Observation, celebration

Parted, endowed, shared. Pinfold, a pound.
Obstacle, obstinate.
Particular, private.

Pix, the box that contains the host.
Occurrents, incidents.
Partizan, a pike.

Place, a mansion.
Occupation, mechanics.
Parts, party:

Placket, a petticoat
O'er-raught, over-reached. Pash, to strike; a head.

Plague, punish.
O’ercrow, overcome.
Pashed, crushed.

Plainly, openly.
O’erlooked, fascinated.

Pass, to decide, assure, convey. Plaited, complicated.
Of, through.
Pass on, to decide.

Plantage, plantain.
Offering, the assailant.
Passed, eminent.

Planched, made of planks.
Office, service.
Passing, surpassing.

Plant, the foot.
Offices, culinary apartinents Passion, suffering.

Plates, silver money. Of all loves, by all means. Passionate, grieving.

Platforms, schemes. Old, frequeat.

Passioning, being in a passion. Plausive, gracious, applauded. Old age, ages past. Passy Measure, a dance.

Pleached, folded


into capes.



Plot, portion.

Purchased, unjustly acquired. Rawly, suddenly.
Plurisy, plethory.
Purl, to curl.

Rayed, betrayed.
Point, negative.
Purlieu, border.

Razed, slashed.
Point, hooks used to fasten up Pursuivants, heralds.

Raze, a bale. breeches. Pussel, a low wench.

Rear-mouse, a bat. Point-de-vice, exactly.

Put to know, forced to acknow. Reason, discourse. Points, tags to laces.


Rebeck, a musical instrument. Poize, weight.

Putter-out, one who lends money Recheat, a horn, a tune to call Polack, a polander

on interest.

the dogs back. Polled, bared. Putting.on, incitement.

Receipt, receptacle. Pomander, a perfume ball. Puttock, a hawk.

Receiving, ready apprehension. Pomen ater, an apple.

Receate, a hunting term. Poor.john, salted fish.

Reck, to care for. Popinjay, a parrot.

Reckless, careless. Popularity, intercourse with the Quail, to sink, to faint to be van. Record, to sing:


Recorders, a kind of flute.
Porpentine, porcupine.

Quaint, fantastical, also graceful. Recure, to recover,
Port, deportment.
Quaintly, skilfully.

Red-lattice phrases, alehouse talk.
Port, a gate.
Quaint-mazes, a game.

Red-plague, the St. Antony's fire Portable, bearable. Quaked, terrified.

Reechy, discoloured with smoke Portance, behaviour.

Quality, confederates; condition. Reels, wheels.
Possess, to inform.
Quarrel, a quarreller.

Refel, to confute.
Potch, to push.

Quarry, the game after it is killed. Refer, to reserve to. Potents, potentates.

Quart d’écu, the fourth of a Regard, look. Poulter, poulterer.

French crown.

Regiment, government.
Pouncel-box, a perfume-box.
Quat, a scab.

Regreet, exchange of salatation.
Power, an army.
Queasy, squeamish.

Reguerdon, recompense.
Practise, stratagems.
Quell, to murder.

Rheumatic, capricious.
Prank, to adorn.
Quench, to grow cool.

Relume, to relight.
Precept, a justice's warrant.
Quern, a hand-mill.

Remorse, pity.
Precisian, a puritan.
Preeches, flogged.
Quest, pursuit.

Remotion, removal.
Question, conversation.

Removes, journies.
Prefer, to offer.

Questrist, one who seeks another. Render, to describe.
Pregnant, ready.
Quests, reports.

Renege, to renounce.
Prenominate, fore-named.
Quiddits, subtleties.

Reports, reporters.
Prest, ready.
Quietus, discharge.

Reproof, confutation.
Pretend, to intend.
Quillets, law chicane.

Repugn, to resist.
Prevent, to anticipate.

Quintain, a post set up for various Reputing, boasting. Pricket, a buck of the second


Reserve, to preserve.
Quips, scoffs.

Resolve, to be assured.
Prig, to pilfer.
Quire, to play in concert.

Resolve, to dissolve.
Prime, sprightliness of youth.
Quiver, nimble, actire.

Respective, respectful.
Primer, of more consequence. Quote, to observe.

Respectively, respectfully. Primero, a game at cards.

Resty, mouldy. Privcox, a coxcomb.


Retailed, handed down.
Probal, probable.

Retort, to refer back.
Prodigious, portentous.
R, dog's letter.

Reverb, to reverberate, Proface, much good may it do Rabato, a deck ornament. Revolt of mien, change of con. you.

Race, original disposition, also plexion. Profane, grossly talkative.


Revolts, rebels. Progress, a royal journey of state Rack, wreck.

Rib, to enclose. Prognostication, almanack. Rack, to exaggerate.

Ribald, a lewd fellow. Project, to shape.

Rack, to harass by exactions. Rid, to destroy Prolixious, coy, delaying. Rack, the fleeting away of the Rift, split. Proof, puberty.


Riggish, wanton.
Prompture, suggestion.
Racking, in rapid motion.

Rigol, a circle,
Prone, humble, also prompt. Rag, an opprobrious epithet.

Rim, money:
Propagate, to advance, to improve. Ragged, rugged.

Ringed, encircled.
Proper, handsome.
Rake, to cover.

Rivage, the bank or shore
Proper-false, deceitful.
Ram, rain.

Rivality, equal rank.
Propertied, possessed.
Rampallion, a strumpet.

Rivals, partners.
Properties, incidental necessaries Rank, rate or pace.

Rive, to burst, to fire.
to a theatre.
Rank, rapidly grown.

Romage, rummage, bustle.
Property, due performance.
Rapt, enraptured.

Ronyon, a drab.
Propose, to imagine, to converse. Rapture, a fit.

Rood, the cross.
Proposing, conversing.
Rarely, curiously.

Rook, to squat.
Provand, provender.
Rascal, lean deer.

Ropery, roguery.
Provost, sheriff or gaoler.

Bash remonstrance, premature Rope-tricks, abusiveness Prune, to plume.


Round, a diadem.
Pugging, Thievish.
Raught, reached.

Round, rough.
Puke, a sort of russet colour. Ravin, to devour eagerly. Rounded, whispered.
Purchase, stolen goods.

Ravided, slutted wiih prey. Roundel, a country dance

Rounding, whispering.
Septentrion, the north.

Sluggabed, sluggard.
Roundure, a circle.

Sequestration, separation. Smirched, soiled.
Rouse, carousal.
Sere, or sear, dry.

Sneap, rebuke.
Roynish, mangy
Serpigo, a tetter.

Sneaping, nipping.
Royal, a coin.
Serve, to fulfil.

Sneck-up, go bang yourseif.
Ruddock, red-breast.
Setebos, a demon.

Snipe, a poltroon. Ruff, the folding of the tops of Set of wit, a term at tennis.

Snuff, anger
Sessa, be quiet.

Snuffs, dislikes.
Ruffle, to be noisy.
Several, separated.

Soil, spot, turpitude, reproach. Ruffling, rustling

Several, or severell, a field set Solicit, courtship. Rump-fed, fed with offals.

apart for corn and grass. Solicit, to excite. Ruth, pity.

Sewer, the placer of the dishes. Soliciting, information.
Shame, modesty.

Solidares, a coin.

Shard-borne, borne on scaly wings. Sometimes, formerly
Sacarson, the name of a bear. Shards, beetle's wings.

Sooth, truth.
Sacred, accursed.

Shards, broken pots or tiles. Sooth, sweetness.
Sacrificial, worshipping.
Shark up, to pick up.

Sorel, a deer during his third year. Sacring-bell, the bell announcing Shaven Hercules, Samson. Sorry, sorrowful. the approach of the host. Sheen, shining, gay.

Sort, to happen, to agree. Sad ostent, grave appearance, Sheer, transparent.

Sort, the lot. Sagg, or Swagg, to sink down. Shent, to scold, rebuke.

Sort and suit, figure and rank.
Sallet, a helmet.
Sherris, sherry.

Sot, a fool.
Salt, tears.
Shive, a slice.

Soud, sweet.
Saltiers, satyrs.
Shog, to go off.

Soul-fearing, soul appalling.
Samingo, St. Domingo.
Shotten, projected.

Sound, to publish. Sandied, sandy colour.

Shotten-herring, a kerring that Soused gurnet, a gudgeon. Sans, without.

has spawned.

Sowl, to pull by the ears. Saucy, lascivious.

Shoulder-clapper, a bailiff. Sowle, to drag down. Savage, sylvan.

Shoughs, shocks, a species of dog. Sowter, the name of a bound. Savageness, wildness. Shove-groat, a game.

Spanielled, dogged. Saw, tenor of a discourse.

Shovel-boards, shillings used at Specialty, particular rights. Say, silk.

the game of shovel-board. Speculation, sight. Say, a sample. Shrewd, shrewish.

Speculative, seeing Scaffoldage, the gallery of a Shrift, auricular confession. Sped, the fate decided. theatre.

Shrive, to call to confession. Speed, event.
Scald, beggarly.
Side, purpose.

Sperr, to shut up, defend by bars. Scale, to disperse.

Side-sleeves, long sleeves. Spill, to destroy
Scaled, overreached.
Siege, a stool.

Spotted, wicked.
Scaling, weighing.
Sieve, a common voider.

Sprag, apt to learn, alert.
Scall, scab.
Sightless, unsightly.

Sprighted, haunted.
Scamble, to scramble.

Sights, the perforated parts of a Sprights, spirits. Scan, to examine nicely.


Springhalt, a disease of horses. Scantling, proportion. Silly, simple truth.

Sprightly, ghostly. Scarfed, decorated with flags. Sinew, strength.

Spurs, the greater roots of trees Scath, destruction. Single, weak.

Square, to quarrel. Scathful, mischievous.

Sink-a-pace, cinque pace, a dance. Squarer, a quarreller. Sconce, the head.

Sir, the title of a parson. Squash, an immature peascod. Sconce, a fortification.

Sister, to imitate or re-echo. Squiney, to look asquint.
Scotch, to bruise.
Sith, since.

Squire, a rule or square.
Scrimers, fencers.
Sithence, thence.

Stage, to place conspicuously. Scrip, a writing, a list.

Sizes, allowances of victuals. Stale, a decoy for birds. Scroyles, scurvy fellows.

Skain's-mates, kin's-mates. Stannyel, a hawk, or stallion. Scrubbed, stunted. Skill, reason.

Star, a scar.
Sculls, shoals of fish.

Skills not, is of no importance. Stark, stiff.
Scutched, whipped.
Skinker, a tapster.

Starred, destined.
Seal, to strengthen, or complete. Skirr, to scour.

Statists, statesmen. Seam, lard.

Slave, to treat with indignity. Statua, statue. Seamels, a bird.

Sleare, the knotty part of silk. Statue, a portrait. Sear, to stigmatize, to close. Sledded, carried on a sledge. Stay, a hinderer, a supporter. Season, to temper, to infix, to Sleided, untwisted.

Sternage, the hinder part. impress. Slights, tricks.

Sticking-place, the stop in a ma Seat, throne. Slip, counterfeit coin.

chine. Sect, a cutting in gardening. Slips, a contrivance in leather, to Sticklers, arbitrators, judges, parSeel, to close up.

start two dogs at the same tisans, umpires. Seeling, blinding


Stigmatic, marked with deformity Seeming, seemly. Sliver, to slice.

branded. Seen, versed, practised. Slops, loose breeches.

Stigmatical, stigmatised. Seld, seldom.

Slough, the skin which the serpent Stilly, gladly, lowly. Semblaby, resemblingly.

annually throws off.

Stinted, stopped.
Seniory, seniority.
Slower, more serious.

Stint, to stop
Sennet, a flourish on cornets. Slubber, to do carelessly, to ob- Stith, an anvil.
Sense, sensual desires,

Stithicd, forged at the furnace



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Stithy, a smith's shop.

Tawney Coat, the dress of an ap- Trenched, carved. Stoccata, a stab.


Trick, peculiarity of feature.
Stock, a stocking.

Taxation, censure, satire. Trick, to dress out.
Stomach, pride.
Tear a cat, to bluster.

Tricking, dress.
Stone-bow, a cross bo7.
Teen, grief, trouble.

Tricksy, adroit.
Stoup, a flaggon.
Temper, to mould.

Trigon, Aries, Leo, and Sagit
Stover, thatch.
Temperance, temperature.

tarius, in the Zodiac. Strain descent, lineage. Tend, attend.

Trip, to defeat. Strain, difficulty, doubt.

Tender, to regard with affection. Triple, one of three. Strait, narrow, avaricious. Tent, to take up residence, to Triumphs, revels. Strange, shy.


Trojan, cant term for thief. Stratagem, greator dreadful event. Tercel, the male hawk.

Trol-my-dames, the game of nine Strawy, straying.

Terms, the phraseology of courts. holes. Striker, a borrower.

Tested, attested, brought to the Troll, to sing trippingly.
Stuck or Stock, a term in fencing. test.

Trossers, trousers.
Stuff, baggage, substance or es- Testerded, gratified with a tester, Trot, a term of contempt

or sixpence.

Trow, to imagine. Stuffed, sufficiency, ample abilities. Tetchy, touchy, peevish. Truly-good, or turlupın, a gipsy. Subscription, obedience.

Tether, a string by which any ani- Trundle-tail, a dog. Success, succession.

mal is fastened.

Trusted, thrusted. Sudden, violent.

Tharborough, a constable. Try conclusions, try experimente. Sufficiency, abilities. Theorick, theory.

Tub-fast, the sweating process in Suggest, to tempt. Thewes, muscular strength.

the venereal disease. Suggestion, temptation.

Thick, pleached, thickly inter. Tucket, or tucket sonnuance, a Suited, dressed.

flourish on a trumpet. Sumpter, a horse that carries ne. Thill, the shafts of a cari. Tup, a ram.

cessaries on a journey. Thin Helm, thin covering of hair. Tup, to cover an ewe. Superfluous, over-clothed. Thought, melancholy.

Turre, to whisper.
Supposed, counterfeit.
Thrasonical, boasting.

Turlygood, or Turlupin, a gipsy.
Sur-reined, over-ridden.
Thread, to pass.

Twangling jack, a scurvy musi. Suspire, to breathe.

Three-man-beetle, an implement Surcease, an end.

for driving piles.

Twicken-bottle, a wickered bottle. Suspect, suspicion. Three-pile, rich velvet.

Twigging, wickered, Swart, dark brown.

Thrift, prosperity, economy. Tything, a district. Swashing, bullying.


the extremity of a weaver's Swath, grass cut at one stroke. warp

U. Sway, weight.

Thrummed, made of coarse wool. Sweeting, an apple.


Umber, a dusky-coloured earth.
Sweltered, weltered.
Tib, a strumpet.

Umbered, discoloured.
Swift, ready.
Tickle, ticklish.

Unaccustomed, unseenly.
Swinge-bucklers, riotous fellows. Tickle-brain, a strong drink. Unaneled, without extreme unction
Swoop, the descent of a bird of Tilly-vally, pooh!

Unavoided, unavoidav.e. prey. Tilth, tillage.

Unbarbed, beardless, unshaven.
Swounded, swooned.
Timeless, untimely.

Unbated, not blunted.
Tinct, tincture.

Unbitted, unbridled.
Tire, head-dress.

Unbolt, to explain.
Tire, to fasten.

Unbolted, coarse.
Table, the palm of the hand. Tire, to be idly employed on. Unbonetted, without dignities.
Table, a picture.
Tired, adorned.

Unbookish, unlearned. Tables, tablets, memorandum. Tire-valiant, a head-dress. Unbreathed, unpractised. books.

Tirra-lirra, the song of the lark. Uncape, to dig out, a term in foxTabourine, a small drum. Toged, habited.

hunting. Tag, the rabble. Tokened, spotted.

Uncharged, unattacked. Take, to strike with disease, to Tolling, taking toll.

Unclew, to unwind. blast. Topless, supreme.

Uncoined, unrefined, unadorned. Take-in, to conquer. Topple, to lumble.

Unconfirmed, unpractised in worldTake-up, to contradict. Touches, features.

ly craft.
Talent, talon.
Toward, in readiness.

Uncurrent, irregular.
Tall, courageous.
Toys, whims, rumours.

Undercraft, to wear beneath the Tallow-keech, tub tallow Toze, to unravel.

crest. Tame, ineffectual.

Trade, established custom. Under-skinker, a tapster. Tame-snake, a poltroon. Tradition, traditional usages.

Understand, stand under. Tarre, to excite, provoke. Trail, scent left by game.

Undertaker, the defender of anTartar, Tartarus.

Traitress, a term of endearment. other's quarrel. Task, to keep busied with scruples. Trammel, to catch.

Underwrite, to subscribe, to obey. Tassel Gentle, or Tercel Gentle, Tranect, a ferry or sluice. Uneath, scarcely. a species of hawk. Translate, to transform.

Unexpressive, inexpressible. Tasked, taxed. Trash, to check.

Unfair, to deprive of beauty. Taurus, sides and heart in medical Traverse, to march.

Ungenitured, without genitals astrology. Traversed, across.

Unhaired, youthful Tawdry, necklaces worn by coun- Tray-trip, a game at draughts. Unhappy, unlucky, mischievous try girls. Treachers, traitors.

Unhoused, free from domestic e sres


Unhouselled, without having the Virtuous, well-bred.

Whooping, measure and reckonsacrament.

Visen, or Fixen, a female fox. ing.
Union, a species of pearl. Vizament, advisement

Wide, remote from.
Unkind, unnatural.
Vox, tone or voice.

Wilderness, wildness.
Unlived, lifeless.
Vulgar, common.

Will, wilfulness.
Unlustrous, without lustre, Vulgarly, commonly.

Wimple, a hood or ceil. Unmanned, a term in falconry.

Winchester Goose, a strumpet. Unmastered, licentious.


Winking-gates, gates hastily cioUnowed, unowned. Waft, to beckon.

sed from fear of danger. Unpregnant, not quickened. Wage, to combat.

Windowed, examined.
Unproper, common..
Wages, is equal to.

Winter-ground, to protect against Unqualitied, unmanned

Waist that part of a ship between winter Unquestionable, averse to conver. the quarter-deck and the fore- W1s, to know. sation.


Wise woman, a witch, a fortune.
Unready, undrest.
Waist, the middle.

Unrespective, inconsiderate. Walk, a district in a forest. Wish, to recommend
Unrest, disquiet.
Wanned, pale,

Wit, to know
Unrough, beardless.
Wannion, vengeance.

Witch, to bewitch.
Unsisting, unresisting, unfeeling. Ward, posture of defence. Withy, judicious, cunning.
Unsmirched, undefiled.
Ward, guardianship.

Wits, senses.
Unsquared, unadapted.
Warden, a pear.

Wittol, knowing, conscious of.
Unstanched, incontinent.
Warn, summon.

Wittol, a contented cuckold. Untempering, not softening. Wassel candle, candle used at fes- Woe, to be sorry. Untented, not probed, virulent. tivals.

Woman, to affect deeply.
Untraded, not in common use. Wassels, rustic revelry.

Woman-tired, henpecked.
Untrimmed, undrest.
Watch, a watch-light.

Wondered, able to perform won-
Upspring, a dance.
Water-work, water-colours.

Unvalued, invaluable.
Wax, to grow.

Wood, crazy, frantic.
Waxen, increase.

Wooden thing, awkward business.
Waxen, soft, yielding.

World to see, wonderful. Vail, to bow, to sink, to conde. Wanton, a feeble or effeminate Woodman, an attendant on the scend to look.

forester. Vailing, lowering.

Wappened, decayed, diseased. Woolward, wearing wool.
Vain, vanity.
Warder, a sentinel.

Work, fortification.
Vain, lying.

Warp, to change from the natural Workings, thoughts. Valance, fringed with a beard.


Worm, a serpent.
Vanity, illusion.
Wee, very little.

Worth, wealth.
Vantuge, opportunity, advantage. Weeds, clothing.

Worship, dignity. Vantbrace, armour for the arm. Ween, to imagine.

Wreak, to revenge; resentment. Varlet, a servant.

Weigh, to value or esteem. Wrest, an instrument for tuning Vast, waste, dreary. Weird, prophetic.

the harp. Vaunt, the avant, the fore-part. Welkin, the sky.

Wrested, obtained by force.
Vaward, the fore-part.
Welkin-eye, blue eye.

Wretch, a term of fondness.
Velure, velvet.
Well-a-near, lack-a-day!

Writ, writing.
Venetian, admittance.
Well-liking, plump.

Write, to pronounce confidentiy
Vent, rumour.
Wend, to go.

Writbled, wrinkled. Ventiges, holes of a flute. Westward hoe, the name of a play Wry, to deviate. Verbal, verbose.

acted in Shakspeare's time. Wrong, hurt. Verify, to bear witness. Wether, used for a ram.

Wroth, misfortune. Venew, a bout (in fencing). Wear, the fashion.

Wrought, agitated.
Vengeance, mischief.

Whelked, varied with protuberan- Wrung, pressed, strained.
Veneys, hits.
Veronese, a ship from Verona. Whe'r, whether.

Versing, writing verses.
Where, whereas.

Yare, nimble, handy.
Very, immediate.

Whiffler, an officer in processions. Yarely, nimbly, adroitly. Via, a cant phrase of exultation. Whiles, until

Yearn, to grieve or vex. Vice, the fool of the old moralities. Whinidst, mouldy.

Yeild, to inform of. Whip, the crack, the best. Yellowness, jealousy. Vie, to brag.

Whipstock, the carter's whip. Yeoman, a bailiff's follower. Viewless, invisible. Wbirring, hurrying.

Yerk, to kick. Villain, a worthless fellow, a ser- Whist, being silent.

Yesty, foaming, frothy. vant

White, the white mark in the tar-Young, early. Vild, vile

get. Violenteth; rageth. White-death, the green sickness.

z. Virginal, a kind of spinnet. Whiting-time, bleaching time. Zany, a buffoon. Virtue, valour.

Whitsters, linen bleachers. Zealous, pionis
Virtuous, healthy.
Whittle, a poket knife.

Zed, a term of contorc.pt.


Vice, grasp.

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