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a demand in that country for English silks, cottons, &c., but the subject would soon cease to be one of exultation, unless some means were devised of getting rid of the raw produce of India. The revenue, to be properly increased, ought to be increased from the different branches of commerce. What was the revenue derived from stamps? In 1825, the revenue derived from that duty was 22 lacs 96,000 rupees, while the charges upon it was more than 6 lacks 294 rupees, being a charge of more than 7 per cent. upon the revenue. Perhaps he might be told that this only harmonized with the other parts of the system; but that the revenue was badly managed in one department, was a poor excuse for its being badly managed in another department. Injurious as the Stamp Regulations were in Calcutta, they were still more severely felt in the provinces. Introduced, as they were, for the purpose of preventing litigation, they had also the effect of debarring the Natives from their right of appeal. He once caught a Native writer of his writing a petition for a poor Native. The writer told him that the Native could not buy paper on which to write his wrongs, for the purpose of getting them redressed! He (Capt. Maxfield) at first felt indignant towards the writer for libelling, as he considered, the Government, but when he knew the truth, his indignation was changed into sympathy. The hon. Proprietor, after stating the aversion felt by the Natives to be under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Courts, was about to read the petition to which he had alluded in the course of his speech, when

The CHAIRMAN stated, that the Court of Directors had not received the petition which the hon. Proprietors was about to read. He thought the hon. Proprietor had better wait till the Court received that petition, and it would then be competent for him to call for its production.

Capt. MAXFIELD said, he should read the petition as part of his speech. The CHAIRMAN stated, that the Court of Directors could not promise to take into consideration a paper, of the existence of which they were ignorant.

Mr. HUME said, he had intended to have called the attention of the Court to this subject, but at present it would, perhaps be enough to put two questions to the Chairman. The first was, whether these new stamp regulations had received the mature consideration of the Court of Directors. The second, whether a petition, signed by nine-tenths of the European and native commercial inhabitants, had been referred home by the Bengal Government; and if so, whether it was under the consideration of the Court of Directors.

The CHAIRMAN said, in answer to the first question, that the regulations had been appointed by the Court of Directors. They had been made in India, and referred home, where they had been approved. In reply to the second question, he could state that no petition of the inhabitants of Calcutta had reached the Court of Directors; and that he did not know, therefore, to what decision the Bengal Government had come with regard to it.

Mr. HUME: The regulations state, that after May 1st, 1827, they were to be in force. Do you know whether the stamp duties had commenced?

The CHAIRMAN: We have no advices as to that fact. Our communication with the Government of India is not sufficiently late.

Mr. HUME censured this, as an act of extraordinary negligence on the part of the local authorities. There never was a greater instance of want of attention to the interests of the Company and the country. It was a

proof of their utter incapacity to rule over the population submitted to them. He would at the next Court move the strongest vote of censure that could be framed, against this attempt to suppress the public complaints.

The CHAIRMAN remarked, that the hon. Gentleman was premature in his censures. The Governor-General was absent when this petition was presented, and no official account of any of these proceedings had been received.

Capt. MAXFIELD, asked whether he was to understand that the Court of Directors were ignorant of the existence of this petition.

The CHAIRMAN replied in the affirmative.

Capt. MAXFIELD then gave notice, that he would at the next quarterly court or earlier if possible, bring forward a motion on the subject of the stamp regulations recently passed at Calcutta.

Mr. WIGRAM deprecated the line of conduct pursued by hon. Proprietors in condemning a Government by wholesale. The petition mentioned by the gallant Proprietor had not reached the Court of Directors, it is true, but hon. Proprietors must allow time for the Government of India to consider upon the subject.

Mr. HUME wished to know, whether during the time that the Government abroad were considering on the subject, the Stamp Regulations were suspended, if not, he thought the conduct of the Government unjust towards the petitioners.

After a few words from Mr. Trant, the motion was withdrawn.


Colonel L. STANHOPE gave notice that he would, at the next Quarterly General Court, bring forward the following motion :

1. That a petition from the debtors in the great jail at Calcutta, presented by Mr. John Palmer, and recommended by the magistrates, merchants, agents, of shopkeepers of that city to the Vice-President in Council, is entitled to the attention of the Court of Directors.

2. That it appears by the petition, that neither the insolvent nor bankruptcy laws of England extend to British India, and that the debtors are there subjected to cruel, unjust, and unnecessary imprisonment, without reference to the nature and extent of their debts, but depending on the caprice of their creditors.

3. That in 1812, one hundred debtors were liberated from Calcutta jail, under the operation of the Insolvent Act, one of whom had been in that hot jail for EIGHTEEN years, and that, when in 1813 this act was made permanent in England, it was not extended to British India.

4. That fourteen years had since elapsed, and though the Court of Directors have extended the spirit of the Insolvent Act under their immediate Presidencies, still debtors in the metropolis of the three Presidencies (under the laws of Englund,) are yet doomed to perpetual imprisonment. Thus one prisoner has been fourteen years, two have been twelve, and one has been eleven years in the sultry and offensive dungeons of Calcutta.

5. That this Court doth, therefore, humbly recommend the Court of Directors to use all their influence in order to extend the insolvent and bankruptcy laws to British India, and to aid in establishing, here, as in London, a society for the relief of unfortunate debtors, (the operation of benevolent exertion,) being in truth the only paliative applicable to the present system of English procedure.

The Court then ajourned.


[B. signifies Bombay-M. Madras-and C. Calcutta,]

Alexander, R., Licut., 48th N. I., to be Capt., v. Youngson, prom.—M. Feb. 9.
Awdry, J. D., Lieut., 1st N. I., to be Quart.-Mast., Interp., and Pay-Mast., v.
Hodge, placed under orders of Government of Fort-Cornwallis.-M. Feb. 9.,
Aldritt, J., Lieut., Artill., to be Capt., v. Gamage, dec.-M. Feb. 9.
Atkinson, U. H., Lieut., Engineers, to be 2d Lieut.-M. Feb. 9.

Anderson, G. U. Mr., to be Fourth Judge of the Sudder Dewanee and Sudder Fonjdary Awdawlut, and Commissioner for Civ. and Crim. Justice in the Deccan.-B. March 29.

Barton, N. D., Lieut., 6th Lt. Cav., permitted, at his own request, to resign the Adjutantcy.-C. March 14.

Beatson, W. F., 54th N. I., to be Adj., v. Urquhart resigned.-C. March 14. Burt, T. W., Assist.-Surg., appointed to the Med. Duties of the Civ. Station, Megmeinsing, v. Roe, removed.-C. April 6.

Blair, Lieut., 10th Lt. Cav., to act as Interp, and Quart.-Mast., in the absence of Lieut. Skipton.C. April 2.

Burnet, Brig., appointed to the Command of the Eastern frontier.-C. April 2. Bain, J., Assist.-Surg., is placed at the disposal of the Med. Board in the Hou.. Company's Dispensary.-C. April 2.

Buckle, E., Lieut., Engineer, to be Lieut.-M. Feb. 9.

Baker, B., Maj., 4th N. I., on furlough to Europe for health.-M. Feb, 16,

Biscoe, J., Lieut., posted to 40th N. I.-C. March 21.

Beadon, First-Assist., of the Garrison of Fort-William, to be Med. Officer to the Agent for the Gov.-Gen. on the N. E. frontier.-C. March 23.

Bell, H. B., Assist.-Surg., M. D., to be 2d Assist. Gar.-Surg. of Fort.-William, v. Spiers, prom.-C. March 23.

Butler, Ens., 55th N. I., to do duty with the 17th N. I.-C. March 26.

Bax, J. M., to be Secretary to Government, in the territorial and commercial Department.-B. March 29.

Black, W., Mr., to be Judge and Magist. of the Dist. of Rajeshaby.-C. Feb, 22. Barbor, Lieut., 8th Lt. Cav., to act as Adjutant.-C. March 26.

Barret, J., Ens., (lately admitted,) to do duty with 62d N. I.-C. March 26. Beecher, G., Lieut.-Col., 3d Lt. Cav. to officiate as Sec. to the Mil. Board, Commis.-Dep. during the absence of Capt. Young.-C. March 2.

Brooke, H, K. M., Ens., to do duty with 65th N. I. at Neemuch, C. March 2. Bacon, M. G. U., to be Magistrate of Cawnpore.--March 29.

Clarke, Mr., W. C., to be Assist.-Judge at Surat.-B. April 5.

Cracklow, H., Lieut., 22d N. I., to be Acting-Adjutant to a Field Detachment. -B. March 29.

Cunningham, W., Brev. Capt., 44th Madras N. I., to be Dep.-Assist.-Quart.Mast.-Gen. to a Brigade.-B. March 31.

Collins, G. Mr., admitted a Cadet of Infantry, and prom. to Ens.-B. March 16. Campbell, H. B., Lieut., to act as Adj. to the left wing of the Gren. Reg. N. I. -B. March 8.

Campbell, R. N., Lieut., 4th N. I., permitted to place his services at disposal of Government of Cornwallis.-M. Feb. 9.

Church, C., Lieut., 4th N. I., to be Adj., v. Campbell.-M. Feb. 9.

Crawford, W., Mr., to be Register of the Zillah Court at Sharunpore.-C. March 22.

Collins, C. Y. C., Lieut., posted to 25th N. I..-C. March 21.

Campbell, Lieut., 5th N. I., transferred to Pension List.-C. March 23.

Candy, G., Lieut., 3d N. I., placed at the disposal of the Commander-in-Chief. -B. Feb. 22.

andy, T., Lieut., 20th N. I., placed at the disposal of the Commander-in-Chief. B. Feb. 22.

hapman, H., Assist.-Surg. app. to the Civil Station of Chittagong, v. Graham. -C. March 23.

Cowley, Lieut., 35th N. I., to act as Adjutant.-C. March 26.
Currie, Mr., F., to be Magistrate of Gorruck pore.-C. March 1.
Coull, A. D., Ens., 4th N. I., permitted to resign.-C. March 2.

Chester, C., Licut. 23d N. 1, on furlough to Europe for health.-C. March 9. Child, T. S., Assist-Surg., appointed to the Med, charge of the Estab. at Hissar, v. Pennington, promoted.-C. April 6.

Croxton, Lient.-Col. Cominand., rem. from the 10th to 46th N. I.-C. April 2. De Butts, A. Lieut., Engin, to be 2d Lieut.-M. Feb. 9.

Deedes, E., Mr., to be Head Assist, to the Export Warehouse.-C. March 22. Dicksoa, C., Eus. 51st N. I. on furl. to Europe for health.-C. March 23. Dawkins, Adjutant, 10th Light Cav. to be Brigade-Major on the Establishment. -C. Mar. 23.

Dawkins, C. D., Lieut., 2d Light Cav. to be Brigade-Major, and posted to Neemuch, vice Honeywood.-C. Mar. 2.

Day, Lieut., to act as Adj. and Quar.-Mas. to Detach. 6th Batt. during absence of Lieut. Hon. H. B. Dalzell.-C. Mar. 2.

Dundas, T. G., Lieut., to act as Interpreter and Quarter-Master 4th N. I., in the absence of Lieut. Boisragon.-C. Mar. 1.

Duncan, Assistant Surgeon, appointed to the Medical charge of the 17th N. I. -C, Mar. 1.

Davidson, T. R., Mr. to be Magis. of Chittagong.-C. Mar. 8.

Dashwood, F., Lient., Artill. to be Quart.-Mast. of the 2d Brigade Horse Artil., vice Johnson, on furlough.-C. Mar. 14.

Dalby, Assist. Apothecary, is attached to the General Staff.-C. April 2.
Dent, Mr. J., to be Collect. and Magis. of Musulpatam.-M. March 21.
Dampier, H., Lieut. 12th N. I. to act as Interpreter to the left wing of the 1st
Light Cavalry at Rajcote.-B. March 29.

Dickson, W., Col., (C. B.) 7th, Light Cav., to command the Brigade force at
Dooab.-B. March 31.

Dunlop, J. A., Mr., to be Judge and Session Judge of Poona and Shoolapore, and Agent for the Adjustment of Claims against Sirdars in the Deccan. -B. March 29.

Dickson, J. M., Ens. 14th N. I., Interp. in Hindoostanee, to be likewise Interp. in the Mahratta language. B. March 26.

Dunsterville, J. H., Captain, to be Paymaster at the Presidency, vice James. -B. March 16,

Elliott, T. C., Mr., admitted Assistant-Surgeon.--C. Mar. 30.

Edwards, J., Lieut., to be Adj. and Quart.-Mast. of 1st Batt. Foot Artil., vice M'Gregor, on furlough.-C. Mar. 14.

Eliot, M. D., to be Secretary to the Board of Revenue.-M. March 21.

Erskine, J., Mr., to be Assistant Judge at Kaira.—B. April 5.

Foley, R., Assist.-Surg., posted to 1st N. I.-C. Mar. 2.

Foquette, H., Lieut., to be Adj., vice Thomson promoted.-C. Mar. 14.

Farquharson, J. H., Mr., to be acting Deputy Collect. of Customs and Town Duties at the Presidency.-B. April 4.

Fullerton, W., Mr., to be 3d Assistant-Collector of the Customs at Poona. -B. April 4.

Farquharson, E. A., Lieut., of the Horse Artil., on furlough to Europe for health.-B. March 20.

Fraser, J. W., Lieut. Artillery, to be Quarter-Master and Interp. in the Hindoo. stance and Mahratta languages to 2d Batt.-B. March 22.

Gordon, A. D., Lieut. 4th N. I., on furl, to Europe for health.-C. April 7.
Goldingham, J., Mr., to be Junior Deputy Secretary to the Board of Revenue.
-M. March 21.

Grant, Mr. E., to be Judge and Criminal Judge at Kaira.-B. April 5.
Gilberne, G., Mr., to be Collector at Candeish.-B. April 4.

Graham, J. W., Major, Interpret. to the Supreme Court of Judicature, is placed
at the disposal of the Command.-in-Chief for regimental duty.-B. March 23.
Gibbon, J., Major, to be attached to Malwa Field Force.-B. March 16.
Grant, J. P., Assist.-Surgeon, to proceed with troops to Prince of Wales Island.
-M. Feb. 28.

Graham, W., Assist.-Surgeon, M.D., permitted at his own request to resign. -C. March 23.

Gifford, C. T. W. P., Ens., posted to 42d N. I.-C. Mar. 3.

Griffin, J. P., Capt. Inv. Bat. posted to 2d Bat.-C. Mar. 5.

Garden, A., Surg., Med. Storekeeper at Saugor, appointed to the Medical charge of Artill. on that station.-C. Mar. 5.

Graham, J., Capt., Barrack-Master, to resume charge of the Engineer Department.-B. March 8.

Graham, D., Lieut. 19th N. I., to act as Adjutant to the Left Wing at Jaitpore. -B. March 8.

Hawkins, J., Mr., to be Regist. of the 24th Pergunnahs, and Joint Magis. at Ba raset.-C. March 8.

Heyland, A., Mr., to be Regist. of the Zillah Court at Nuddeah.-April 5.

Hamerton, A., Lieut., 15th N. I., to be Acting Adj. to a Field Detachment.-
B. March 29.

Hutchinson, G., Capt., 24th M. N. I., to be Brigade Maj.-B. March 31.
Hewett, W. N., Capt., 5th N. I., on furlough to Europe for health.

Hare, A., Capt., 14th N. I., on furlough to Europe.-B. March 15.

Hodge, Lieut., 1st N. I., placed under orders of Government of Fort-Cornwallis. -M. Feb. 9.

Hill, H. H., Lieut., posted to 40th N. I.-C. March 21.

Hogg, Lieut., 8th Lt. Cav., to act as Quart.-Mast. and Interp.-C. March 26. Hall, J. W., Lieut., 14th N. I., to be Capt. v. Currie, resigned.-C. March 2. Honeywood, Brig.-Maj., 2d Lt. Cav., appoint. to the command of the Governor's Guard.-C. March 2.

Hall, C. B., Lieut., to be Adj. to Detachment of 25th N. I., v. Hay resigned. -C. March 1.

Hetherington; A. C., Lieut., 1st Gren. Regt. N. I., to act as Adj. to a Detachment of the Guzerat Provincial Bat., at Kaira.-B. March 8.

Hewitt, M., Sen. Surg., to succeed Superintending Surg. Kemball.-B. Feb. 17. Hart, L. W., Lieut., 22d N. I., to be Quart.-Mast. and Interp. v. M'Intosh on furlough.-B. Feb. 24.

Irwin, J. A., Mr., Regist. of Juanpore, and Joint Magistrate at Azeemghur.— C. March 1.

Johnson, C. H., Lieut., 12th N. I., to act as Adj. to Lt. Companies of the Europ. and Nat. Regts. at Poona.-B. March 26.

James, C. B., Capt., to be first Assist. Com.-Gen., and attached to the Surat Div. of the Army.-B. March 16.

Jellicoe, Lieut., 55th N. I., to act as Adj. during the indisposition of Lieut. Scott. -C. March 28.

Jelf, C., Ens., to do duty with the 7th N. I.-C. March 28.

James, Lieut., 68th N. I., to act as Interp. and Quart.-Mast.-C. March 7.
Jacob, Assist.-Surg., app. to the Medical Charge of the 6th Local Horse Tangor
Division.-C. March 7.

Jarvis, E., Maj. 3d Lt. Cav. service, is placed at the disposal of the Com.-in-
Chief for regt. duty.-B. March 23.

Jacob, G. L., Lieut., Qart.-Mast. and Interp. in Hindoostanee, to be also Interp. of Mahrat. Lang. to 2d N. I.-B. March 26.

Kerr, A., Capt., 7th Lt. Cav., to be Maj. of Brigade at Dooab.-B. March 31. Leighton, Lieut.- Col. Com. (C. B.) to assume the com. of a Div. of the Army at the Presidency.-B. March 16,

Long, S., Capt., to be attached to the Force in Cutch.-B. March 20.'

Moore, J., Sen. Maj., 48th N. I., to be Lieut.-Col. Infantry, v. Jollie deceased.— M. Feb. 9.

Miller, G., Lieut., post. to 25th N. I.-C. March 21.

Marshall, B., Lieut., post. to 25th N. I.-C. March 21.

Miller, Lieut., 40th N. I., to be Adj., Interp., and Quart.-Mast., v. Margrave

and Vaurenen.-C. March 22.

Margrave, Lieut., rem. from 40th to 25th N. I.-C. March 23.

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