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separate sections, and, as far as the intricate nature of the fubject will admit, he confiders them, as diftinct and unconnected with each other. The appearances which are induced by their various combinations, can be known only from practice; but an accurate knowledge of them, as they occur in a separate and unconnected ftate, will contribute much in directing the proper treatment of them, under whatsoever form or combination they may appear.

The compreffion of the brain can only be caused by a depreffion of the fkull, or an extravafation of fluids between it and the brain. In the former cafe, the elevating the depreffed bone, and in the latter, the evacuation of the extravafated fluid, are indications for perforating the skull. The operation is accurately defcribed, and several judicious remarks are added, which tend to render it much more fimple, fafe, and fuccessful, than we remember to have met with in any former work. The Trepan is, for evident reasons, preferred to the Trephine; and the Levator of Monf. Petit is recommended before any other. Several useful obfervations concerning the propriety of performing the operation, or not, are here laid down, which merit peculiar attention.

The concuffion and commotion are next confidered. We admire the Author's diagnostics; and though the event of his method of cure is not always attended with fuccefs, yet it is rational, and ought not to be neglected, efpecially fince no other feems calculated to afford more relief.

An inflammation of the brain may arife from depreffed portions of the cranium irritating the dura-mater, from contufion of the head, from fimple fiffures or fractures of the fkull without depreffion. The first and laft of these are removed by the trepan; in the treatment of contufions, the indications are, To employ those means which are known to prove moft effectual in preventing inflammation; when this is found to be ineffectual, To attempt the refolution of the inflammation by general remedies and topical applications; when the inflammation cannot be carried off by refolution, or when fuppuration has taken place, a free vent ought to be procured for the matter.

The fubject of the next chapter is the treatment of the eye, and the parts immediately connected with it; hence it comprehends the confideration of those affections to which the lachrymal paffages are liable. Mr. Bell begins with an anatomical defcription of the eye and the parts adjacent; and, in order to render it more intelligible, he has added a very accurate delineation of the parts defcribed. We have, on former occafions, had reafon to mention the Edinburgh engravings in an unfavourable manner; but we muft in juftice acknowledge, that these are executed by a masterly hand.


Inflammation of the eyes fo frequently occurs, and is productive of so many diforders to which thefe organs are liable, that it cannot be too much infifted on. Our Author has therefore fully treated of it; pointing out its various caufes, the indications of cure, and the moft rational method of performing the various operations required. He afterward proceeds to the confideration of the following difeafes and operations; namely, Wounds of the eye-lids and eye-ball;-Tumours of the eyelids, fuch as abfceffes, melicerous and fteatomatous collections, warts, &c. ;-Inverfion of the eye-lids;-Everfion of the eyelids;-Concretion of the eye-lids;-Flefhy excrefcences on the cornea;-Abfceffes in the globe of the eye;-Dropfical fwellings of the eye-ball;-Blood effufed in one or both of the chambers of the eye;-Ulcers on the cornea ;-Specks or films on the tranfparent part of the eye;-Protrufion of the globe from the focket;-Cancerous affections of the eye, and the extirpation of the eye-ball;-Artificial eyes ;-Cataracts, and the treatment of them by the different methods of depreffion and extraction;-Obliteration of the pupils by the concretion of its fides, and the adhesion of the iris to the capful of the cryftalline and vitreous humours;-and lastly, the Fiftula lachrymalis. Thefe are all fully explained, and the manner of operation requifite for curing them is accurately and minutely defcribed. It would much exceed our limits, to follow the ingenious Author through the whole defcription; we muft, therefore, refer our Readers to the book; in which they will not fail to receive full fatisfaction with refpect to every particular relative to operations on the eyes. This volume abounds with inventions and judicious remarks, nor are the old methods of treatment rejected without fbewing fufficient caufe why other more rational ones are preferred.

The fourth volume begins thus:

In the last volume of this work I treated fo fully of the diseases of the eyes, that it was not my intention to fay any thing farther upon them but, fince the publication of that volume, a foreign oculift, M. Jean François Pellier, having appeared in this country, where he has already acquired much reputation, I confider it as a neceffary addition to the chapter on thefe difeafes, to communicate fuch parts of M. Pellier's practice as appear to be of importance. Poffeffing the advantages of a liberal education, a found judgment, and much experience, M. Pellier has been enabled to fuggeft improvements in the treatment of almoft every difeafe to which the eyes are liable; and an uncommon degree of steadiness, conjoined to a quick eye-fight, gives him a command of himself and a facility of operating, which is not often attained. I think it proper likewife to remark, that M. Pellier communicated his knowledge of the dif eafes of the eyes in the moft candid manner; which puts it in my power to lay his obfervations before the Public, he also having given

me permiffion to do fo. While, by giving an early account of his material improvements, I thus acquit myfelf of an obligation to the Public, I at the fame time embrace, with much fatisfaction, the opportunity which it affords of announcing the merits of an operator, who, although a stranger, and as yet not much known in this country, is perhaps one of the best oculifts in Europe.'

Such recommendations from a man of Mr. Bell's experience and judgment have great weight; and from the account he gives of M. Pellier's methods of extracting the cataract, and curing the fiftula lachrymalis, we fee fufficient caufe for bestowing praise on a man, who, if he has not brought these operations, efpecially that for the fiftula, to their utmoft perfection, has at leaft greatly improved them. We ought, in juftice to our Readers, to lay before them M. Pellier's method of operating for the fiftula; but as it, in a great measure, depends upon the new in vented apparatus he makes ufe of, we fear it would be unintelligible without the plates.

Mr. Bell next confiders the difeafes of the nofe and fauces, after having, as is ufual with him, given an anatomical defcription of the parts. The fubjects treated of in this chapter are, Hæmorrhages of the noftrils ;-the Ozana;-Imperforated noftrils;-Polypus's;-Extirpation of the Amygdala and Uvula ;— fcarifying and fomenting the throat.

Difeafes of the lips are few: the Hare-lip, and cancerous affections, being the only ones defcribed by our Author. In the operation of the former, he justly rejects the new method of ufing the uniting bandage, and recommends the old and fure method of futures; the fuccessful event of the operation being certain by this means, while by the other it is frequently doubtful; and, in many instances, the furgeon, after having failed by the bandage, has been obliged to perform afresh, making use of futures at laft.

Our Author next proceeds to the confideration of the difeafes of the mouth; and, after fome useful anatomical remarks, explains Dentition, and treats fully of the caufes producing a derangement of the teeth, fhewing at the fame time how they may be either prevented or removed. Gum-boils, Excrefcences on the gums, and Abfceffes in the Antrum Maxillare, are particularly attended to; the proper method of treating ulcers of the mouth or tongue is alfo laid down. But the greatest part of this chapter is employed on the diseases of the teeth, and the different operations that are neceffary to be performed on them. Here the Surgeon will meet with a number of judicious obfervations and ufeful directions concerning the Tooth-ach, and the various methods of extracting, faftening, cleaning, and transplanting the teeth. This laft operation, however, is not admiffible in every cale; yet the advantages of a found fet of teeth are fo confiderable, both with reipect to beauty and utility, that it ought


not to be neglected where it is neceffary;' but various circumftances must concur to render it practicable and infure fuccefs. The rifk, with which this operation is attended, of communicating difeafes, is an important and very material objection to the indifcriminate practice of it, and feems to overbalance any advantage that can be obtained by it. It is practifed, in general, more with a view to obviate deformity, than to be productive of any real advantage; and we think a beautiful fet of teeth dearly bought at the expence of a venereal taint, or even the infection of a lefs dreadful malady.

The difeafes of the ear form the fubject of the next chapter, in which Mr. Bell confiders deafness as arifing from an imperforated meatus auditorius; from extraneous bodies impacted in the ear; from excrefcences in the meatus; or from wax collected in the ear. The various operations for removing these are defcribed, and in fuch cafes as cannot be cured by any manual operation, palliative remedies are recommended.

This volume concludes with the wry-neck, the diseases of the nipples, iffues, and inoculating for the small-pox.

The art of Surgery is much indebted to the ingenious and judicious Author of thefe volumes, for what he hath already done toward the advancement and improvement of it; and we hope he will not long keep us in expectation of that pleasure which we promise ourselves in a review of his future labours. R

ART. VIII, Annals of Agriculture, and other useful Arts. Collected and published by Arthur Young, Efq. F. R. S. &c. &c. &c. Vels, I. II. III. IV. and V. 8vo. Is. 3d. each. Goldney.

HOUGH this work hath made its appearance in detached numbers, and though it is not our cuftom to take notice of periodical productions, yet as this undertaking is of a peculiar nature, approaching to the memoirs of particular focieties, which are often published periodically, we have thought ourselves obliged, in fome measure, to take notice of it.

In a preface to the firft volume, Mr. Young explains the defign of this publication, and points out its utility.

At the end of a war which not only left the nation despoiled of a large territory, but deeply involved in debt, he concludes, that nothing remains for extricating ourfelves from our difficul ties but a redoubled attention to our domeftic concerns; and, in that view, nothing, he thinks, could prove more useful than a performance naturally calculated to turn the attention of mankind to the important concerns of agriculture. These confiderations gave rife to the prefent work: and he profeffes to beftow, freely, his own labour, without any prospect of pecuniary emolument. D 4


The plan of the work differs little from feveral other periodical productions on agriculture that have appeared, except that it is publifhed by an editor well known for his labours in that line, and that no anonymous papers are admitted.

At first it was propofed to vary the fize of the numbers, as matter might prove more or less abundant, and alfo not to be limited to any regular time of publication; but now, we think, the numbers are pretty uniform, and that the time of publication is alfo tolerably regular.

Mr. Young appears here in two characters, that of an author (for he has contributed pretty largely to the work himself), and that of an editor. In his original effays we perceive the fame vivacity of thought, the fame quickness of imagination, the fame avidity for feizing doubtful facts, the fame facility of rearing, upon whatever foundation, ftructures of ftupendous magnificence; the fame bias to calculation, the fame fondness for political fpeculations, which diftinguish all his other performances, and which render them peculiarly entertaining to thofe who ftudy agriculture for amusement and recreation. It appears that to his other acquirements Mr. Young has now added a degree of knowledge in chemistry, which opens as good a field for his imagination to fport in as any other branch of science that he could have thought of. Accordingly, we find that in the hands of the adventurous Tyro, the words PHLOGISTON, AIR, and GAS, are nearly as omnipotent as the SALT, SULPHUR, and MERCURY of the ancient chemifts, or the acute and obtuse spicule of the mechanical chemifts. A Bacon or a Boyle might fee room for caution or fcepticism, in refpect to the application of theo ries that are imperfectly understood: caution and circumfpection, however, are but difagreeable inmates with those impatient geniufes who delight in indulging the agreeable reveries, into which an uncurbed imagination fo readily falls.

As an editor, Mr. Young appears in a lefs advantageous point of view than as an Author, his natural talents being little calculated for discharging the duties of that office, either with pleasure to himself or with fatisfaction to his readers. Inftead of thofe lively fallies which enchant his own mind, and delight for a time the readers of his original productions, he is called upon, as an editor, to advance with a calm, fteady, rigid cautioufnefs; to probe every fyftem with that penetrating carefulness which a long and attentive experience only can fuggeft as ufeful; to fift every fact with the moft fcrupulous nicety; to point out circumftances that may have been overlooked in the ardour of the experimenter, or his incautious precipitancy; and to trace out those nice particulars that require to be adverted to, and fully afcertained, before the facts, often feemingly proved tá

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