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requirements of the state, the interest on our public debt has been punctually paid, and a large balance annually applied to the extinguishment of that debt. The receipts from the canals and public works during the year, ending November 15th, 1848, were

The receipts from the same source during the year, ending November 15th, 1849, are

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731,173 50

$42,380 87

Balance of the receipts over the expenditures applicable to the redemption of state bonds,

Add appropriations for the redemption of state bonds in the
hands of fund commissioners on the 15th November, 1848,
Total amount applicable to the redemption of the state debt during
the year 1849, exclusive of the balance of $426,451 87, in the
treasury on the 15th November, 1848,

There has been redeemed by the treasurer and cancelled during
the year 1849, domestic bonds to the amount of
The fund commissioners have also redeemed and cancelled and
delivered to the auditor domestic bonds to the amount of

$334,438 33

298,312 08

632,751 41

$131,650 25

67,376 00

The Governor says:-"The decrease is not so great as was at one time apprehended, from the general stagnation of business throughout the whole country, produced by the prevailing epidemic, and by reason of the very extensive failure of the wheat crop in the state. Considering these two causes of decrease, the result shows the growing importance of our public works, and the generally increasing wealth and resources of the state."


The following extracts are from the message of Gov. Dunning.

"It is a source of gratification to be enabled to state that our financial condition still continues to improve. It is the most unerring evidence of the increasing prosperity of the country. The ordinary expenditures of the state government for the fiscal year ending on the 31st day of October, 1849, were $74,469 89. The ordinary expenditures for the current fiscal year, are es timated by the auditor of state at $72,000. The amount of revenue paid into the state treasury during the last year, on all accounts, was $441,650 22, which exceeds the amount paid the previous year $28,901 49.

With reference to the public debt of Indiana, Gov. Dunning says:

"In 1847, when the arrangement of the state's indebtedness was made with her creditors, the debt, inclusive of interest, was $11,045,000. There has been surrendered and converted into new stock, to 1st July last, $9,530,000 Since July 1st,




Leaving yet to come into this arrangement 1,488 bonds, or $1,488,000. These bonds are held in Europe and in this country, and are coming in gradually. I am informed by the agent of state that he entertains but little doubt that all will be surrendered so soon as arrangements can be made by the holders to obtain the assent of parties interested. I am induced to concur in opinion with this officer for the additional reason that the holders must be satisfied that the state will not soon (if ever) make any different arrangement for their liquidation.

"The semi-annual interest due to our creditors under the two acts of the Legislature of 1846 and 1847, providing for the settlement of our state debt,

was punctually paid at the Indiana Agency in the city of New York, on the 1st of July last, amounting to $95,300. A portion of this sum, say $79,000, was borrowed of the commissioners of the Sinking Fund and of the banks."



There are in Northern India, 100 missionaries, and 184 native assistants. There are connected with these missions, 130 schools, 10,576 scholars, and 2,240 church members. The interior of India, for many hundred miles square, had never been visited by any Christian Missionary; but Southern India and Ceylon had been, comparatively, highly favoured, having been much earlier subjected to British sway. Within the last fifty years, eight different religious denominations have planted missions around the coast, and in the Southern inferior.

The Church Missionary Society, is the most efficient missionary organization in the world; the Wesleyan Missionary Society, (London,) scarcely second; the London Missionary Society; the Gospel Propagation Society of the High Church party, which was doing a noble work in India; the English Baptists; the Free Church of Scotland; the American Baptists, and our brethren of the American Board, who had accomplished great things in that region.

These societies have in Southern India and Ceylon, 171 missionaries, 612 native assistants, 956 schools, 29,258 scholars, and 11,695 church members.


Among the facts of our times is the great diminution which has taken place in the number of clerical persons in proportion to the amount of population. This is true in Protestant, Greek, and Roman Catholic countries. The statistical work of Mons. Moreau de Jongés furnishes the following particulars on this subject:

"In France, in 1757, there were 40,000 curates, 60,000 other priests, 100,000 monks, and 100,000 nuns-being a total of 300,000, or 1 to every 67 inhabitants. But, in 1829, the entire clerical order had decreased to 108,000 members; that is, i to every 280 inhabitants. This is a decrease of more than four-fifths. At Rome, in 65 years, the decrease has been three-fifths. In Portugal, in 31 years, the falling off has been five-sixths. In Bavaria, in 28 years, the decrease has been the greatest; out of every 23 only 1 is left. In Sicily, in 51 years, the decrease has been one-half. In six of the states of Europe the Roman Catholic clergy, including priests, monks, and nuns, has decreased 855,000 in the last sixty years! In Russia, where the Greek church is the prevailing denomination, the decrease has been, in 33 years, more than onethird."

The same important process has been going on in half Protestant and Pretestant countries, as is shown by the following facts: In Switzerland, in 37 years, the decrease has been one-third. In England, in 133 years, nearly twothirds. In Denmark, in 20 years, more than one-half. In Sweden, in years, one-third.

SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH embraces 220 associations, 4,672 churches, 2,341 ministers, and 383,728 church members, in the states of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Missisippi, Louisiana, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and the District of Columbia.


The Roman Catholic Almanac for 1850, states there are now in the United States 3 archbishops, 24 bishops, 1,082 priests, and 1,078 churches-an increase of 1 bishop and 105 priests within the past year. Of these priests, 52 were ordained in the United States. If California and New Mexico be included, the Catholic priests are 1,411 and the churches 1,133. The Catholic population of the Union is estimated at 1,473,350, or if Upper California and New Mexico be included at 1,523,350.


There are in the connexional union of the Church, nineteen annual conferences, covering the Southern states and the Indian territory. The general superintendence of the whole is in the hands of four bishops; the regular pastoral and missionary work is in the care of 1,476 travelling preachers, being an increase during the past year of 73. The total number of superannuated preachers is 108, and of local preachers, 3,026, a decrease of 116, though some of the conferences give no returns. The total number of members is 491,786, namely, whites, 354,258; coloured, 134, 153; Indians, 3,375, exhibiting upon the returns of last year the large increase of 26,233.


By a volume recently published in London, entitled "The Year Book of Christian Missions," it appears that there are no less than twenty-five large denominational societies in the several protestant countries of Europe and America, devoted entirely to foreign missions. Of these, nine are found on the continent, ten in England and Scotland, and six in the United States. The aggregate amount annually expended by these societies for the objects of their organization, is estimated, in round numbers, at £592,000, of which about £32,000 are contributed on the continent, £460,000 in England and Scotland, and £100,000 in the United States. "The enterprise," says an American writer, "is the offspring of the noblest and most comprehensive form of Christian charity; and though now scarcely half a century old, even in its oldest operations, it has produced the most magnificent results, and is already beginning to change the destinies of the human race." It is a fact of sad significance, however, that the sum total of all the contributions of protestant Christendom to this enterprise, though liberal, and yearly increasing, seems small when compared with the annual contributions of Christian nations to enterprises of an opposite character. For instance, these Christian nations of Europe and America expend every year, in preparations for war, £200,000,000. This amount, when compared with "the most comprehensive form of Christian charity," stands thus:

For preparations for war, per day, 548,000l. For preaching the gospel of peace to the heathen, 1,640l. If we compare the results of Christian missions with the desolating effects of war, the subject is presented in the most striking light Take a single instance of the latter in the wars between France and the allies.

The La Presse states that as the result of the various conscriptions made in France between the years 1791 and 1813, we find that four millions five hundred thousand Frenchmen were blown to pieces by cannon, brought down by musketry, impaled upon bayonets, or cut down by broadswords and sabres. The London Times follows up the above calculation, and computes the loss sustained by the allies at ten millions of men, cut to pieces in the prime of life!




The New Orleans Bulletin, in an article on wines, says:

"France enjoys the richest vegetable gifts of the Creator-corn, oil, and wine,'-in the greatest abundance. She is the vineyard of the earth. From the Moselle and Champagne of the north, to the Lunel and Frontignac of the southern provinces, some four millions of acres are in vineyard. The produce is valued at over twenty-two millions sterling. Bordeaux alone exports 50,000 pipes. The oldest vineyards are those of Champagne. Their excellence was famous in the fourteenth century, when the king of Bohemia, visiting France to negotiate a treaty with Charles VI., first tasted the nectarious draught at Rheims. After spinning out his treaty as long as he could, he gave up all that was required in order to prolong his stay and luxuriate upon Champagne dinners.

"The banks of the Marne are most celebrated for champagne, and some twenty-six millions of gallons are grown in the arondissements of Chalons, Rheims, Vitry and Epernay. The best vineyards cultivate only the black grape-the red champagne of Bouzy, and the white of Sillery-which last comes from the blackest grape, named after the soil, being the best. These choice varieties are chiefly monopolized in Paris and London, though plenty of the brand may be found in all our taverns. The colouring matter is only in the skin, as all pulps are the same. Inferior qualities are chiefly owing to difference of site and soil, the treatment being in all cases alike. The rose-coloured champagne, (which connoisseurs abroad never drink when they can get any other,) though sometimes coloured by the skin, is generally tinged with red wine or elderberry juice. The finest varieties are usually in perfection after three years' cellaring; but they do not lose in delicacy for even ten or twenty years. In calculating profits, the merchants allow a large per centage-from three to four per cent.-for breakage from the effervescence in July and August. It was recently reported that M. Moet, of Epernay, had some sixty thousand bottles stored in his solid limestone cellars-cellars not subject even to the vibration of the pavements.

"The varieties of the vine are innumerable; they have a thousand in France alone. But we are unable to trace its history; the wild plant is lost, like the parent stock of the wheat. Both came, doubtless, from the east; and both, like every other good thing, have followed the star of empire westward, and we already have the corn and wine' of the Rhine on the banks of the Ohio. Seventy kinds of native vines have been enumerated, and cultivation is naturalizing the choicest clusters of sunny France."

The official report made at the present meeting of the Grand Lodge of the United States by the Grand Secretary, presents the following facts:

"The Order has prospered and spread greatly in the various States and Territories of the Union. The whole number of Lodges at present is 1,712; initiated during the year, 23,350; suspensions, 6,726; expulsions, 848; Past Grands, 13,514; Past Grand Masters, 188. Total revenue of the subordinate Lodges, $880,389 32. Number of contributing members, 133,401; brothers relieved, 19,035; widows relieved, 1,687; brothers buried, 1,162; amount paid for the relief of brothers, $272, 174 50; for relief of widowed families, $33,392 33; for education of orphans, $6,732 25; for burying the dead, $51,636 65. Total amount for relief, $363,943 95.

"The number of Lodges in Maryland at present is 66; initiated during the year, 1,501; suspensions, 441; expulsions, 14; revenue of Lodges, $65,982 46; contributing members, 8,592; brothers relieved, 1,805; widowed families relieved, 195; number of brothers buried, 90; amount paid for the relief of brothers, $17,434 50; for the relief of widowed families, $7,793 95; amount

paid for the education of orphans, $2,216 12; amount paid for burying dead, $6,540 16.

"In the District of Columbia the whole number of Lodges is 13; initiations, 116; suspensions, 175; expulsions, 1; revenue of the Lodges, $6,971 91; total amount of relief given during the year, $3,841 73.

"The Grand Secretary reports the receipts of the Grand Lodge for the fiscal year to have been $13,989 41. All appropriations and current expenses of the year have been paid, leaving a balance in their treasury, on the 13th instant, of $1,169 92, which will be much increased by the ordinary receipts of the


"The finances of the Grand Lodge of the United States continue in a prosperous condition. The invested funds amount to $12,817."


The great reservoir of the Boston Water Works is completed, and filled with the Cochituate water. Three million gallons are contained in the ample basin of the structure. The depth of this basin is 15 feet 8 inches, its sides respectively measure 177,168, 166, and 157 feet, and the mean area of water when full is 27,726 square feet. The floor on which this immense body of water, supplied by two pipes, each thirty inches in diameter, will rest at an elevation far above the tops of most houses in the city, is not supported by pillars, but by fourteen massive walls, from forty to sixty-one feet high and twelve feet thick, with a coping broad enough to drive a coach upon, which is reached by a spiral staircase of stone. This mighty fabric, the Courier says, has used up 15,600 cubic yards of granite and 9,000 of concrete. In all, it includes about 50,000 cubic yards of masonry, weighing not less than 70,000 tons. For the last six months the materials have been raised at the rate of 250 tons per day.



President-Hon. MILLARD FILLMORE, Vice President of U. S.


MAINE, Hannibal Hamlin, J. W. Bradbury,-NEW HAMPSHIRE, John P. Hale, Moses Norris, jr.-VERMONT, Samuel S. Phelps, William Upham.-MASSACHUSETTS, Daniel Webster, John Davis.-RHODE ISLAND, Albert C. Greene, John H. Clarke.-CONNECTICUT, Roger S. Baldwin, Truman Smith.-NEW YORK, Daniel S. Dickinson, William H. Seward.-NEW JERSEY, William L. Dayton, Jacob W. Miller. PENNSYLVANIA, Daniel Sturgeon, James Cooper.-DELAWARE, John Wales, Presley Spruance.-MARYLAND, James A. Pearce, Thomas G. Pratt.VIRGINIA, James M. Mason, Robert M. T. Hunter.-NORTH CAROLINA, Willie P. Mangum, George E. Badger.-SOUTH CAROLINA, John C. Calhoun, A. P. Butler. -GEORGIA, John M. Berrien, W. C. Dawson.--ALABAMA, William R. King, Jeremiah Clemens.-MISSISSIPPI, Jefferson Davis, Henry Stuart Foote.-LOUISIANA, S. U. Downs, Pierre Soule.-ARKANSAS, William K. Sebastian, Solon Borland. -TENNESSEE, Hopkins L. Turney, John Bell.-KENTUCKY, Joseph R. Underwood, Henry Clay.-OHIO, Thomas Corwin, Salmon P. Chase.-MICHIGAN,

'At pages 120, 121, &c., of the second volume, with the tables of the late and present executive governments, we gave the lists of senators and members of the house of representatives as far as they could be ascertained at the time. We now insert the corrected lists.

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