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yet appear as an Original, than that he should proceed with a full compass of thought and knowledge, either to design his plan, or to beautify the parts of it, in an allegorical manner. We are much beholden to Antiquity for those excellent compositions by which Writers at present form their minds; but it is not so much required of us to adhere meerly to their fables, as to observe their manner. For, if we preclude our own invention, Poetry will consist only in expreffion, or simile, or the application of old stories; and the utmost character to which a Genius can arrive will depend on imitation, or a borrowing from others, which we must agree together not to call stealing, because we take only from the Ancients. There have been Poets amongst ourselves, such as Spenser and Milton, who have successfully ventured further. These instances may let us see that Invention is not bounded by what has been done before: they may open our imaginations, and be one method of preserving us from Writing without schemes. As for what relates any further particularly to this Poem, the Reader will observe, that its aim is Instruction. Perhaps a representation of several mistakes and difficulties, which happen to many who write Poetry, may deter some from attempting what they have not been made for: and perhaps the description of several beauties belonging to it may afford hints towards forming a Genius for delighting and improving mankind. If either of these happen, the Poem is useful; and upon that account its faults may be more easily excused.

Page 2 Where wings, &c.] These and the like conceits of putting Poems into several shapes by the different lengths of lines, are frequent in old Poets of most languages.

20. And he's Septimius, and his Acme she:]

With such a husband, such a wife,

With Acme and Septimius' life.



Page 21. This, and the Seventh Epistle, to Thomson, were published in Dublin 1733, and reprinted in London in 1734. Commendatory Verses by W. Walsh, of the county of Clare; C. White, B. A. of Trinity College, Dublin; and R. Lloyd, B. A. of Fanstown, near Charleville, accompanied them.

22. You fly to deserts but to blaze the more;] The coming of his Lordship to Ireland.

ibid. Sage Temple,- -] Sir William.

30. And all thofe voices make one harmony ] This excellent allegory of Plato, intimates that all things obey the divine law, and concur to produce those effects which are the consequences of the causes that God has established.

31. -Mantegna- -] Born at Padua 1431, was conspicuous for his historical pictures and skill in perspective. The best of his pieces are the Triumphs of Julius Caesar, at Hampton-Court.

32. And from the stone sweet harmony rebounds.] The statue of Memnon, son of Aurora, was made of stone. See Herodotus.

32. Beside his chisel let Mount Athos stand.] It was proposed to Alexander the Great, to turn Mount Athos into the statue of this monarch, with the ocean in a bason in one hand, and a large city in the other. 33. his carv'd Venus.—— -] The Venus de Medicis.

ibid. And thunder-bolts descend in figur'd stone;] This curious representation is on the pillar of Antonine. It exhibits Jupiter raining on the army of Marcus Aurelius, and fulminating on that of his enemies. Hence the Christian Legion was called the thundering.

ibid. Here let thy graver through rock-diamond run,] These lines are to be understood of antiques, arms, and cyphers, cut in precious stones. Pyrgoteles, a celebrated sculptor, hardly engraved on aught but




-him of Tyre.] Hieram.

The Tufcan lifts th' imperial urn.] Trajan's pillar at Rome was the first of this order, the spire of which was appointed for the Emperor's ashes. See Evelyn on Architecture.


the neat lonic shaft

-] Of this order was

the famous temple of Diana at Ephesus, which took up two hundred years in building. See Palladio.

36. So wild Lycaon fled his own abode,

Chang'd, &c.-] The story of Lycaon might possibly have been taken from that of Nebuchodonosor; for priding himself in those gardens, which he caused to be built for his Queen, who

loved the prospects of Media, he was, in the same place and moment, changed to a wild beast.

36. This was the Nymph that did wise Numa please.] Egeria.

39. There Athens' friend Themistocles appears,] See Valerius Maximus, de Pietate erga Patriam.

ibid. On Cannae's field see Paulus, &c.] Paulus Emilius.

40. Let Helen's beauty kindle fweet desire,

In Zeuxis' colors, and with Homer's fire;] Zeuxis, from the choice of five naked Virgins, drew that wonderful picture of Helen, which Cicero in his book de Oratore sets before us as the most perfect example of beauty.—Julio Romano formed his taste from the study of Homer.

ibid. As long as Kensington with Greenwich vie ;] See the cieling in the great hall of that Hospital, painted by Sir James Thornhill.

42. By architecture last he lays the scheme.] Palladio lays down but five orders of architecture, and Longinus five sources of the sublime.

46. —The best judge and critic of his time.] Longinus. -Consider Plutarch well.] In his tract


"Of reading the Poets."

48. The name of Lawson, &c.

on Oratory in Trinity College, Dublin.

- Lecturer

51. "For none have been with admiration read,

"But who, beside their learning, were well bred."]

"Essay on Translated Verse," by the Earl of Ros



Page 57. This Epistle was first printed in the year


60. Like Egypt's priests, &c.]

Quis nescit- -qualia demens

Aegyptus portenta colat? Crocodilon adorat.

JUVENAL. Sat. 15.

62. Fast to the thread of life, &c.]


BACON, the augmentis Scientiarum.

-Egypt's monarch


-] Ptolemy

63. Shall the same cause which prompts the chatt'ring jay

To aim at words, inspire the poet's lay?] Persius. 66. Behold th' Athenian sage,


-] Platonis



Page 78. The writer of this Epistle, published in 1727, "Poems on several Occasions," and " an Essay on Reason,' before he had attained his nineteenth year; and afterwards," an Essay on Satire, particu larly the Dunciad," besides some occasional sermons. Becoming vice-principal of St. Mary Hall, and distinguishing himself there as a Tutor, he was recom

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