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Signed by


signed by

Approved and


1. Senator SCOTT: An act appropriating the sum of ninety thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the expenses of
the fourteenth legislature.....

2. Senator SCOTT: An act appropriating the sum of fifteen thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the printing of
the fourteenth legislature..

Senators GHENT and WRAY: An act relating to regulating and pro-
viding for the nomination of candidates for public office, amending
sections 4813, 4815, 4823, 4825, 4827 and 4828 and repealing sec-
tion 4822 of Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes
of Washington

4. Senator TAYLOR: An act repealing chapter 179 of the Laws of
1913, entitled "An act relating to the support of certain destitute
women who are mothers, and prescribing penalties for those who
fraudulently obtain the benefit thereof," approved March 24, 1913..
5. Senator GHENT: An act providing for the investment of state
funds in the warrants of the several counties of the State of Wash-
ington, such warrants being secured by certificates of delinquency
issued against real property....

6. Senator GHENT: An act amending section 9253, Remington & Bal-
linger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of the State of Washington...

7. Senators BROWN and IVERSON: An act establishing a powder fac-
tory, providing for the erection, equipment and management there-
of, the sale of powder therefrom, and making appropriations therefor.

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Senator BROWN: An act to reserve certain state lands from sale
and lease and declaring that this act shall take effect immediately.
9. Senator W. S. DAVIS : An act relating to the nomination of superior
court and supreme court judges, the superintendent of public in-
struction, and county superintendents of schools, and amending sec-
tion 4842 of Remington and Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Stat-
utes of Washington..

10. Senator LANDON: An act to prevent the wanton destruction of
food fishes in the State of Washington.

11. Senator WRAY: An act relating to the public health, providing for
the regulation and control of plumbing and the licensing of plumb-
ers, defining the powers and duties of and providing for the enforce-
ment of the rules, regulations and orders of the state board and the
state commissioner of health in relation thereto, and providing

12. Senator WRAY: An act to amend sections 9219, 9253, 9259, and
9262 of Remington and Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes
of Washington, relating to taxation.


Senator PALMER: An act for the relief of F. M. Fortune, of King
county, State of Washington, and making an appropriation therefor.
14. Senator PALMER: An act for the relief of John A. Rebhahn, of
King county, State of Washington, and making an appropriation




Senator PALMER: An act to amend an act entitled "An act relat-
ing to state roads providing for a tax levy therefor, and amending
section 5898 of Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Stat-
utes of Washington, as amended in chapter 64 of the Session Laws
of 1913"

Senator PALMER: An act to amend section 14 of an act entitled
"An act relating to the improvement and maintenance of public
highways, providing for the payment of the cost thereof, and amend-
ing section 14 of chapter 154 of the Session Laws of 1913".

Senator LANDON: An act to protect the health of persons employed
in manufacture, packing and handling of Portland cement.
18. Senator HUTCHINSON: An act providing for the legalization of all
publications of summonses, processes and notices heretofore made,
the publication of which occurred in whole or in part on any legal
holiday other than Sunday, and hereafter permitting publication in
any newspaper of all summonses, processes and notices in any legal
proceedings on any legal holiday other than Sunday.

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19. Senator WRAY:

An act amending sections 3860 and 4033, Reming-
ton & Ballinger's Code, and relating to the term and salary of
sheriffs in counties having a population of 300,000 or more in-
habitants, and providing for their election and fixing their salary..

20. Senator KLEEB: An act relating to the taking of food fishes, and
amending section 5187 of Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes
and Statutes of Washington, as amended by chapter 104 of the
Session Laws of 1911.

21. Senator WRAY: An act relating to the protection of game fish and
amending section 41 of chapter 120 of the Laws of 1913.....


Senator SHARPSTEIN: An act relating to the regulation of public
places used by or to which children resort for purposes of entertain-
ment, amusement or recreation, and the appointment of assistant
or deputy probation officers.

23. Senator WRAY: An act to establish a board of dental examiners
and to regulate the practice of dentistry in the State of Washing-
ton, providing for a violation thereof and declaring an emergency.

24. Senator MCGUIRE: An act amending section 6675 of Remington &
Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington, and add-
ing sections 6661a, 6661b, 6661c, 6661d and 6675a thereto, provid-

ing for the sale of certain university lands and university transfer
and indemnity lands; charitable, educational, penal and reforma-
tory institution lands; normal school lands, and agricultural col-
lege lands in the State of Washington, and fixing the manner and
condition of sale.

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25. Senator NICHOLS : An act relating to the construction of wharves
by counties and amending section 8114 of Remington & Ballinger's
Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington..

26. Senator FRENCH: An act creating a state editing board, defining its
powers and duties and regulating the printing and publication of

27. Senator FRENCH: An act to amend section four (4) of article
eleven (11) of the constitution of the State of Washington, relat-
ing to county government and township organization.

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28. Senator IVERSON: An act relating to revenue and taxation and
amending section 9098 of Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes
and Statutes of Washington, as amended by chapter 117 of the
Session Laws of 1913, approved March 19, 1913.



Senator BROWN: An act relating to drainage improvement dis-
tricts and amending sections 2, 17, 23 and 25 of chapter 176 of the
Laws of 1913.


30. Senator IVERSON: An act relating to taxation and amending sec-
tion 9112 of Remington and Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Stat-
utes of the State of Washington, as amended by section 1 of chapter
140 of the Session Laws of 1913 of the State of Washington, ap-
proved March 21, 1913.

31. Senator CAMPBELL: An act appropriating the sum of two hundred
fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
for relief of needy or distressed persons for establishing dormi-
tories, works of public relief, and creating a commission for the
general administration of this act; and providing that this act shall
take effect immediately.

32. Senator SHARPSTEIN: An act to amend section 5 of article XI of
the constitution of the State of Washington relating to county gov-
ernment and officers, and providing for the submission of this
amendment at the next ensuing general election......

33. Senator GHENT: An act relating to the manufacture, sale, disposi-
tion and consumption of intoxicating liquors, providing penalties
for violation thereof, submitting this act to the people for ap-
proval or rejection, and ordering a special election.

34. Senator WENDE: An act relating to the dissolution of drainage
districts and amending section 4180 of Remington & Ballinger's
Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington.

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