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the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, till you are filled with all the fulness of God. There is a constraining power in divine love, which will induce you to forget the things that are behind, and urge you forward to the mark for the prize of your high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Going back will be out of the question. Your affections will be drawn towards God your Saviour, and eternity will be short enough to speak his praise. The little boy, when rescued from the flames, had no desire to enter again that burning house. The rejoicing sailor, when lodged safely in that noble ship, had no desire to return again to that miserable wreck. And you, when born again, when rescued from the power of sin, and animated with a hope full of immortality, and on your way to

that everlasting kingdom, that eternal weight of glory, in the presence of God above, will have no desire to return back again to the bondage of corruption, and the gloomy prospects of an unpardoned sinner, beyond the grave. The way of holiness is pleasant, and its path, though upward, is a path of peace. Ask the young convert if he wishes to go back, and he will tell you, No. No. Ask the aged Christian, almost ripe for heaven, if he wishes to return back again to a state of impenitency; and with a tone of unutterable surprise, he will answer, No. through the ranks of the redeemed above, and ask the countless multitudes around the throne, if they are weary of the service of God, and, with a voice loud as many waters, they will answer, No. They gave their hearts


to God for a whole eternity, and eternity will be short enough to enjoy his love, and sing his praise.

I have now, my child, explained to you, as clearly as I can, how you must give your heart to God so as to be accepted of him, and pardoned and saved. You must give yourself to him deliberately, affectionately, penitently, with humility, in faith, joyfully, with the full consent of the heart, and for eternity. Do this, and you will be saved.

I have chosen to present the subject under these eight particulars, that you may see clearly the different states of feeling included in the act of consecrating yourself to God. As you pass along, step by step, you can examine yourself in each particular, and ascertain, with greater precision, whether you possess the feelings herein de



scribed. This work belongs to you; no other being can do it for you, and this work you must do, relying upon the assistance of the Holy Spirit, or you must perish forever. Submission or death, is the only alternative. do you ask, "When must I give my heart to God?" I reply, you must do it now, this moment, while you are receiving instruction from this little book. "Behold," says an apostle, "now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." I can give you no other instruction; the Bible gives no other. The past is gone. You never can go back to do this work. The future has not arrived, and to you it may never come in a land of mercy. The present moment, the passing now, is yours, and given you for the express purpose of making your peace with God. Im

prove it, then, for you know not what an hour may bring forth. A lovely youth once entered my room, and asked me what he should do to be saved? I told him that he must repent and believe in Jesus immediately; and, in a word, give his heart to God. We knelt and prayed, and he left the room, as I hope, a believing penitent. Shortly after, he fell into the river, and was drowned, and I saw him no more. O my child, you know not what a moment may bring forth. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, which appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. Had that precious youth put

off the work of salvation to a future period, he might have sunk down through a watery grave to a world of endless burning.

But do you ask, "Can this great work

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