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And now,

giving your heart to God. have you this humility? Think a moment. Were the Saviour here, would you take a place at his feet, and feel yourself honored in doing it? Could you without reluctance and without blushing, in the presence of all your companions, and with a world of sinners gazing upon you, wash his feet with tears, and wipe them, and kiss them, from the spontaneous feeling of your heart? If so, I will proceed, and mention another particular of great importance in giving away ourselves to Christ.



"By faith ye stand."-2 Cor. 1: 24.

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16: 31.

Faith is trust

In pointing out to you the way of salvation by Jesus Christ, I remark, once more, that you must give up your heart to God in faith. or confidence in God; and in giving your heart to him, you must so confide in his power, truth, and willingness to save, that you shall commit yourself entirely and unconditionally to his disposal. Perhaps you will see this more clearly by the aid of a simple illustration. A A little boy

awakes at midnight, and discovers that the house in which he is sleeping is on fire. He leaps from his couch, and opens the door, and the flames rush in upon him. He closes that, and opens another, and the flames rush in upon him there also. He closes that, and looks to the window; no fire is there. He opens it, and lo, his kind and affectionate father stands father stands upon the firm ground below. The father discovers his child and exclaims, "My son, you will be consumed in a moment; drop into my arms, and I will save you." The boy knows that his father loves him; he has always treated him kindly, and been true to his word. He is also a strong man, and amply able to save him. These properties in his father are the foundation Believing that his father will do what he promises, he drops

of his faith.

into his arms, and is borne away to a place of safety. Here you see the influence of faith. The little boy, from a knowledge of his father's character, believes that he will do what he has promised, and, on the strength of his faith, drops into his father's arms, and is saved. This is giving up one's self in faith. And now, my dear child, you are a sinner against God, for you have broken his law, and, on that account, are are liable every moment to be consumed by the flames of the second death. That little boy awoke; and, when he discovered his danger, he made an effort to escape. He hastened to the window, the only way of escape; and there he saw his father, with a heart of compassion and arms of love, ready to save him. You also must awake; and when from the Bible you discover your danger, you must

make an effort to escape; you must hasten to Christ. Jesus died that you might live; and God, for Jesus' sake, is ready to pardon and save you. He is able to do it, for he is almighty; he is willing to do it, for he is full of mercy, goodness, and love; he is a God of truth, and will surely perform what he promises. This God, so great, so good, so willing to save, looks upon you with intense interest, in all your guilt and danger, as that father did upon his little son; and with all the compassion of his infinite soul, he says to you, "My son, give me thy heart, fall into my arms of mercy, for you are in danger of perishing; do it now, and do it in faith, for he that believeth shall be saved." You see

clearly, then, what you must do; you must believe in God, and so believe in him as to cast yourself entirely

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