The State of Missouri: An AutobiographyPress of E.W. Stephens, 1904 - Всего страниц: 592 |
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acres ACRES PRODUCT actual valuation agricultural Asses and Jennets average bluffs bottom land Broom Corn building Bushels Butter Eggs Total Cape Girardeau Carthage cent church clay Clover Seed coal College colored county seat COUNTY'S 1902 CROP creek district Ducks DUNKLIN COUNTY east elected factory Farm homes feet FINANCE:-County tax flouring mill Forage foreign born fruit Gallons Geese Governor Grass Seed hickory Honey Horses hundred Iron county Jefferson City Joseph Kansas City KIND NUMBER Cattle largest lead limestone live stock located Louis manufacturing mineral mines Mississippi river Missouri river Mules Oats Organized Osage river Ozark Photos in heading plant POPULATION:-White Potatoes Pounds prairie railroad Ray county rented school tax Sheep soil souri Springfield Springs square miles STOCK AND PRODUCTS streams Swarms of Bees Swine timber tion Tobacco Tons total assessed valuation total families town township debt Turkeys Vegetables Webb City Wheat white oak Wool zinc
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 197 - A general diffusion of knowledge and intelligence being essential to the preservation of the rights and liberties of the people, the Legislature shall encourage by all suitable means the promotion of intellectual, scientific, moral, and agricultural improvement.
Стр. 544 - ... a meridian line passing through the middle of the mouth of the Kansas river, where the same empties into the Missouri river; thence from the point aforesaid north along the said meridian line to the intersection of the parallel of latitude which passes through the rapids of the river Des Moines...
Стр. 577 - Every mechanic or other person who shall do or perform any work or labor...
Стр. 584 - In addition to an exhibit along similar lines of the School for the Blind and the School for the Deaf and Dumb, showing the pupils...
Стр. 577 - ... a just and true account of the demand due him or them, after all just credits have been given, which is to be a lien upon such building or other improvements, and a true description of the property, or so near as to identify the same upon which the lien is intended to apply...
Стр. 32 - That no money shall ever be taken from the public treasury, directly or indirectly, in aid of any church, sect or denomination of religion...
Стр. 36 - In case of the death, conviction on impeachment, failure to qualify, resignation, absence from the State, or other disability of the Governor, the powers, duties and emoluments of the office for the residue of the term, or until the disability shall be removed, shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor.
Стр. 577 - ... file with the clerk of the circuit court of the proper county, a just and true account of the demand due him...
Стр. 307 - ... are located in the southwestern part of the state. The topography over a greater portion of the area is rough and broken, especially along White river and its tributaries. The only transportation facilities in these counties consist of the Chadwick branch of the St. Louis and San Francisco railroad and the White river branch of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern railroad. Both counties are underlain with Mississippian and Cambro-Ordovician rocks. The latter occur over the greater portion...
Стр. 577 - ... same, under or by virtue of any contract with the owner or proprietor thereof, or his agent, trustee, contractor or sub-contractor...