Littell's Living Age, Том 337Littell, Son and Company, 1930 |
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Стр. 76
... naval construction . ' If these words be read in conjunction with the American ambassa- dor's speech to " The Pilgrims , ' their import is plain . General Dawes said : The question of an early agreement on naval reduction by the nations ...
... naval construction . ' If these words be read in conjunction with the American ambassa- dor's speech to " The Pilgrims , ' their import is plain . General Dawes said : The question of an early agreement on naval reduction by the nations ...
Стр. 197
... naval understanding between the two countries performed thanklessly enough by his predecessor . Undaunted by the bitter disappointment of 1927 , the Conservative Government sowed the seed , which the Labor Government has very creditably ...
... naval understanding between the two countries performed thanklessly enough by his predecessor . Undaunted by the bitter disappointment of 1927 , the Conservative Government sowed the seed , which the Labor Government has very creditably ...
Стр. 590
... naval compromise . The gist of that note was that Italy , while sympathizing in principle with the disarmament movement , felt herself unable to dissociate naval arma- ments from those of the land and the air . Further , she considered ...
... naval compromise . The gist of that note was that Italy , while sympathizing in principle with the disarmament movement , felt herself unable to dissociate naval arma- ments from those of the land and the air . Further , she considered ...
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advertising volume affairs American Argentine armaments Armistice Day army Atlantic automobile Autumn become believe Berlin Briand Britain British bull called Chang Hsueh-liang Charlie Charlie Chaplin Conference Congress coöperation course December delegates economic Edouard Herriot England English enjoy Europe European Exhibition eyes fact feel Festival foreign France French friends Geneva German girl Government hand HOTEL industry interest International Italy J. B. Priestley Jews Labor lady LANDRU language League of Nations LITTELL'S LIVING AGE London look Manchuria ment modern NAPOLEON NATIONAL CELEBRATIONS naval never November November 11 October Paris Party patronage is especially peace PHILIP SNOWDEN Plan play political present President Quality advertising Races Ramsay MacDonald Russia Say LIVING AGE seems September Snowden spirit standing Stefano Conti streets thing tion to-day Translated Treaty United write York young Young Plan